Cumberland Evening Times from Cumberland, Maryland (2024)

TEN EVENING TIMES, CUMBERLAND, SATURDAY, AUG. 2, 1941 U.S. ARMY SURGEON PRAISES DEAD SOLDIER Major Daniel Berry Sends Letter to Parents Telling of Youth's Drowning Hagerstown, Aug. 2 (A)- Major Daniel J. Berry, surgeon at the United Statees base in foundland, praised Private Clarence Bennett, drowned at 80.

Johns in an attempe to rescue. a fellow soldier, as one of the respected leaders of the medical detachment. Tn Jetter to Bennett's parents, Mr. And Mrs. J.

Luther Bonnett, advising them of their son's death and informing them his body was bring sent home for burial, Major Berry said: Private Bennett and two other! enlisted men were rowitly a boat on a lake in front of the hospital July 19, The boat sprang a leak and sank swiftly. Two occupants headed for shore and the third, unable to swim, clung to the boat. Bennett. tired from sport earlier in the day, turned back toward the boat, then sunk. Ho was "respected not only by his soldier associates but.

by his superior officers A.S well." Major Berry wrote, STATE MAYORS MAKE 4 FIRE-FIGHTING STUDY Baltimore, Aug. 2 of 10 Maryland cities are making surveys of cquipment and its condition to determine the extent of their preparedncas to mect Any emergency, Including air Pare of a nation-wide checkup by the office of civilian defense, questionnaires were malled to the following esccutive mayors director by of Isaac the S. Maryland Cicorge. I council of defense. Howard Jackson, Baltimore; William U.

McCready, Annapolis; Irv. ing B. Jackson, Cambridge; Harry Irvine, Cumberland; Lloyd C. Culler, Frederick; Olen Gunnett, Frostburg: Richard H. Sweeney, Hagerstown: E.

Murray Cover, Hyattsville: 1. Virgil Hutchins. Salisbury, and 0. W. Youngblood, Takoma Park.

Today's Radio Programs SATURDAY, AUGUST 2 Mastern Standard P. Ona Hour for 2 Hrs. for MT. Daylight Saving Time One Hour Later (Changes in programs as liatori due (o minute 1:00 Cordon Jenkins Dancing Music fall Hour-nbc-blue Fo Be Announced (30 cbs Dance Musto Bright from Idea New Club- York--mbs Musto Dance Men Music and Books" Orchestra Discussion-obs -Nature Skatch Series Per nbu-red Indiana Indigo Half four--nba-blue Doian String Quartet Program--eba From the Kentucky Chapin And Golden Melodles Musto from the Vera Brodsky and Piano: cha Dancing Music from News; Radio Week's Whimsy--nac-red News: Club -nbc-blue Calling Fan-America Concert cha News: A Prelude to -Nor. Girl and a To Da Announced (30 mins.) cba To 80 Announced; Nowa mba The World In Yours' -nbc-red fiance Mus.

Saratoga -nbc-blue The Saturday Dancing cos 4:30 Corument: America In -mba Concert by String Eng. nbc-blus Vagabonds--nbc-red 4:45 Dance Musie Orchonira mby 4:56 Sports Broadcasting Time-cbs The Three Suns, a Piano Dua; Trio of Models--nbe-blue Sports; To Do Announced cby Ears Description from Chicago Broadcasting bu Art Caval's of Living-nbe-red News: Jean Vimer Dance Davin Music News Comments--cha from Los ward Tomlinson Com't-nbc-blue Paul Douglaa on 6:00 World of Today via Short Wave-cbe --Defense for America Radio's Message of israel-nbe-blue Temple's Matform In Discussion 1.05 Angeles Dramas of and Song nbe-red Prom Little Old Holly URS Concert Wayne King Arthur Kaltenborn Bale's and Comment- -mhs New Sam Baiter, Sports Latitude 2a7o' Ted Stocle And Rig Band nhe-blan 1:4 East Spotlight for Green Earnet," Dramatio-niba No Announced ft-hop 7.30-Truth Gargoyle Consequences--nbe-red City Desk' Dramatic Programs--cha Hawaii Calls, Native -National Barn Davis and Comment--cha Jimmy Flynn His Saturday Hit P'arado Gabriel Fentter Speaking 16-Balayla Broadeast: 8:30 Aforton The Gond Summer tUx Orchestra-mbs 9:00 Whompin' Night's Serenade--cha The The Grant Clucaroland Old Opry--abe-red-south 9:15 Affairs Guest Monte cha Swent and Rhythmic. Ore. --nbc-blue To Be Announced (30 mina.) cha 10:00 -Dance Nows of and About the War -ebs The Cleveland Summer Ore from Dancing Music for 2 Hours-inba Radio Day by Day By HERMAN ALLEN is Eastern Standard) New York, AuR. 2-iThe Times Special News Service Al long off the air, will return as singing Uncle 'Tom in a new radio! version of the cabin of the same name on Sunday, August 10.

The Jolson voice will be heard in "My Old Kentucky Home" andi negro spiritual during Star Spangled Theater 7 p. A novelty in dance- proprains: Is offered by Guy Lombardo in his! new show opening tonight (CDS 7).) The band will play every second of the half -hour, even providing cal background for commercials. which will be lyricized. War news and comment-Satur-1 day night: 7:55 CBS. 9:45 CBS, 11:00 NEC-Red-Bluc CBS, 11:301 MBS, 11:55 NBC-Red-Blue CBS.

Dialing tonight (Saturday): NBC-Red-8 Defense for America: 7:30 Truth or Consequences. CBS--8 11it Parade, 10 Jimmy Dorsey. Little Or wood. A Spin and Win. Green Hornet, 9 Chicagoland concert THIMBLE THEATRE--STARRING POPEYE "Challenged YA I MUSTN'T USE A FORK ON: A SHRIMP? CRASH 1941, King Wocht rights reserved "LOVE 1S HIT ATTRACTION ON EMBASSY SCREEN THEATRES With William Powell and Myrna Loy teamed in their maddest.

INC.r rest series el comedy adventures. "Love Crazy," comes tomorrow to the Embassy theater. The sereen's famous husband and wife find discord hi the 16w picture when Myrna becomes jealous of Gali Patrick and wants to divorce Powell. He learns that an insane man cannot be divorced, 50 stages all manner of queer antics to reign Insanity. But the trouble is that he fools the alientsts who take hit off to an asylumn.

Then frantic efforts to prove he isn't crazy make appear the crazier amid divers bughouse complications he finally extricates himsell from his a'eb of deceti. after getting caught in an elevator. chewing up phonograph record. and even Impersonating A woman. Powell and Miss Loy were directed by Jack Conway, who guided them through: the comical adventures of "Libeled Lady," and also directed the successful "Boom Town." BENNY IS LEADING LADY IN COMEDY AT STRAND Aunt" set at 20th -Fox was 'I'he visitor 10 the "Charley's looking for Jack Benny.

He plowed through a bevy of fluttering dressmakers who were surrounding. demur but handsome ciderly lady with blonde curls. "Where's Jack Benny?" he asked. Tho eiderly lady gently turned, her head. "Here I am," abe sold.

For "abc" WAS Jack Benny who was in the throes of tests and wardrobe Bluings for the utle role "Charley's Aunt, the attractiou now at the Strand Theater. For the first tire In his life he was going through tho Arst hand tortures of lady of fashion. "Gee whlzz!" groaned Benny. "If I have to wear all of this on top of my regular clothes and the picture goes on into July, "It might get a little warm," suggested one of the wardrobe girls who had the gift of understatement. "Oh, I don'e know," said Benny.

"But if no one laughs at the picture, it will have been very hot anaking The girls fluttered inside as Fravly Banton, head fashion designer 20th Century- walked in. looked critically at his handiwork! draped on Benny, "Can you do something about; these staves In the andriff?" Denny coyly asked. 'They're tough on Kay Francis and James Ellison heed the featured cast of "Charley's Aunt." NEW TIM HOLT STARRER HAS THRILLING THEME What happens a resourceful young rancher finds hirnsell pitted aguinst an unscrupulous band or crooks who seek both his land! his life, makes the exciting theme of "Robbers of the Tun Holt's latest outdoor star-: ring film now at Garden. 'The crooks are busily engaged in acquiring rights nt way for A Dew railroad. and it: -Illng Ensese tO the road at exaggerated prices.

refusing to sell our to them. 15 framed on A charge of murdering fellow-rancher, in: order 10 got him out of the way. Romonce comes 10 Andy Devine! Little Dan Cupid hints finally caught up with the portly comedian. dealing him dit extra portion of romantics In the 110 Universal film. -Lucky Devils," now the Garden theater.

the feature also has Richard Arlen sharing stellar honors. Andy's amorous activities in the SPECIALISTS IN (tuto loans REFINANCING This the ens and for 700 to rel $55, $50, er mAre title. Delve bam. the orientel Millenson Co. Irving Millenson, In Charge 100 9.

At. roans White Shoes Reduced! While shoes for men, women and children, Incinding Vitally. Selby, Tarsat Tread. Nisley for women And Bostonian, Nunn Bash and Fortune for men. TENDER FELT SHOE, SPICE 12.3-125 Rallimore 91.

to a Duel!" DO AT THA'S A WELL, MY MANNERS ARE BAD Nip 8-2 woman-hating prizefight man- sessments ordered by the Pennsyl- ager, Ann Sothern, whose portrayals of the Brooklyn chorus girl have won lser nation-wide applause, surpasses even herself in this adventure which finds Maisie involved in the lives of a young boxer, his invalid mother and his hardbolled manager. How, through her well-Intentioned curi-! osity. she straightens out the tangled web of their lives and gives herself a taste of romance, makes for one of the most entertaining films of the group. An excellent cast has been gath-1 ered in support of the star. As the fight manager with a chip on his shoulder Is George Murphy, who forsakes the realm of musicals for a straight dramatic role.

The scenes; between Miss Sothern and Murphy are highlighted with top comedy lines. young boxer role is taken by Robert Sterling, a comparative newcomer to the screen who will. doubtedly add to his fan following in this production. Natalie Thompson, a recent and" interesting screen personality, plays! her first screen role as Sterling's girl friend, and Margaret Moffat, from the New. York stage, does ah excellent bit as the invalid mother.

Others adding to the effective13C5S nf the film include Virginia O'Brien, Maxie Rosenbloom, Jack LaRue and "Rags" Ragland. The; picture was directed by Edwin. L. Marin, and WAS produced by J. in Walter Ruben.

-side POLICYHOLDERS TOLD TO GET LEGAL ADVICE Baltimore, 2 (7)-Insurance Commissioner John B. Gontnun has advised Maryland policyholders of the defunct Keystone Indemnity Exchange to obtain legal advice beCore making any settlement of as- NOW 11 LIBERTY NOW ANOTHER 'DODGE CITY'! "BAD MEN OF A WARNER DENNIS MORGAN BROS. JANE HIT with WAYNE MORRIS ARTHUR WYMAN KENNEDYADDED Il WINGS OF COOPERATION STEEL IN TECHNICOLOR PRODUCED IN WITH U. S. ARMY AIR CORPS JACK CHARLEYS JAMES AUNT FRANCIS.

ELLISON HE'S FUNNY ENOUCH IN PANTS-iN SKIRTS HE'S HE'S AN AUNT IN PANTS! First of the New You Can Hear Them Season's "Hit Shows!" Laughing for Blocks NOW PLAYING Cartoon -Cooled STRAND Novolty MD. Comfort Late News CLEANING: Plato Dresses Cash Carry. Cou Harry Footer Co. N. Liberty: Phone Las, Phone A.

Better. Feeling Better Through Cleaning: DANCE SATURDAY Music by JAY VAN'S ORCHESTRA See The New CIRCULAR BAR In The co*cktail Lounge It's Smart -It's Different Fealuring: EDDIE MANN'S RHYTHMAIRS "Cass" Taylor's Clary Club 9 Miles West of Cumberland On Route 40 AIR-COOLED Double Feature TODAY and Serial OPEN M. GARDEN ROBBERS TIM HOLT wth RICHARD ARLEN. CANDY Tomorrow- -Double Feature Robert Randolph Virginia Dick Fred Patsy Scott Gilmore POWELL ALLEN KELLY "WESTERN UNION" "THANKS A MILLION" AIR-COOLED vania Insurance department. Gontrum asserted- legal questions involved probably would have to be decided by the court of appeals: He said the insurance had done cverything possible to protect Maryland citizens and that final decision rested with them.

Gontrum told A. G. Costello; speclal deputy Pennsylvanin Insurance commissioner and liquidator of. the Keystone Exchange, that he belleves Maryland law prohibits collection of the assessments. Dine and McVITTY'S MIDWAY INN (KNOWN AS, MARY'S INN) The Coolea? Place Beticeen: Cumderland and Keuser Delicious Plate Luncheons And.

Sandwiches With- That Cold Beer and 'Soft Drinky-. Roote 220 Phone 4014-F-4. i A GRACE. M. FISHER THEATRE MARYLAND NOW SHOWING ROAR AS MAISIE WINS AGAIN! A championship tun-tight with a knockout finish when your lavonte Blonde Bombshell meets Treat-'Em-Rough George Murphy! MAISIE Mayer PICTUM STARRING Ann SOTHERN NATALIE VIRGINIA.

THOMP.SON O'BRIEN. with Original Screen Play GEORGE MURPHY by Mary Directed C. by McCall, Jr. EDWIN L. MARIN ROBERT STERLING J.

WALTER Produced op RUBEN: Starts TUESDAY: Romance! Melody! "TIME OUT" for RHYTHM" With Rudy. Vallee Allen Jenkins Ann Miller Joan: Merrill and Many More Friday, Aug. 8th THE KING HIMSELF PAUL WHITEMAN IN PERSON and his Versatils New ORCHESTRA and Brilliant All-Star Revue of FAMED RADIO and STAGE Entortainers VOL. production ere directed toward Janet Shaw. curvaceous blonde actress, wha appears ELS a bathing beauty contestant.

Sequences involving the two players are said to be among the funniest of Andy's lengthy screen career. WEST LIVES AGAIN IN "BAD MEN OF One of the biggest collections of props ever gathered on an indoor! set in Warner history fused in "Bad Men of Missourt," was! istarring Dennis Morgan, Wayne Morris, Arthur Kennedy and Jane and currently showing at! the Liberty. On the gigantic Stage 22 have been accumulated nine covered wag-! ons. of the full-sized, prairie; schooner type, fifteen horses, more: tian a thousand pieces of saddlery and harness equipment and fire thousand pieces of equipment, 'Ilse covered wagons are authentic and can be and are used on shots. saddle and! harness equipment conform to the! period depicted, 1865 to 1867, the barrels, kegs, spades, farm 1m- plementa, tents, coll lanterns, storm candlesticies, tallow lamps, wooden ipoils, frains aurt tubs likewise con-; form.

There are more than fifty canvas: covered canteens of the Actually used in the Civil swords and small oxes, picks. campfire utensils. lignt! tripods and bootjacks. There are authentic old crazy quilts and civil War bedding. The kegs and barrels used are all -hooped and so are 1.he many buckets.

Washtubs of the era are similarly hooped and the type of soap used in the shots has been made up to resemble that pecullarly grayish yellow material ruined the hands ol good farmwives of the day. Even the staff, technielans and all, got Into the spirit of the thing. an enthusiasm climaxed when script girl Virginia Moore appeared on thal net wearing high heeled fatigue boots of the time, a pair of dungareca, A genuine Missouri hickory shirt and Confederate hat. Children in the shots, of whom there have been nine, wore the colforful calico of the period. Bright reds.

blues and purples were popular for the kids' dresses shirts. while the women kept In the mood of the thing with similarly gay callcos, volles and even muslins. The set and its cquipment ArC A tribute to the ingenuity of the movie prop business and form olio that might well be preserved by oil and canvAs as 8 true repre-; ENDS TODAY! EMBASSY 2-BIG HITS-2 Tex's blazing guns blast open the danger trail for the pioneers of the untamed West! RITTER "WHITE FLASH" THE PIONEERS Br WAS COOPER'S NOVEL VONOGRAM Also Ceellia Roger PARKER PRYOR "GAMBLING DAUGHTERS" Chapter No, "RIDERS OF DEATH VALLEY" STARTING Toinorrow WILLIAM MYANA POWELL LOY IN 'LOVE CRAZY' PICTURE Predeced by PANDRO S. DERMAN, FOOD FOR DEFENSE 9) A senes about your daily food needs based on the National Research Council's new dietary yardstick.PROTEINS: The word "proteins" is derived. from a Greek verh mearsing "to take the -first place," indication of their importance as the funda.

mental building material of every cell in the body, They help form muscles: NAVY. BEANS and produce energy. cooked Protein. content cup -9 grams MEN: 70 grants WOMEN: 60 One pt. SMALL.

CHILDREN: FISH 1-3 years-40 Halibut- Common 7.9 Serving-: 20 10.12 years-60 years-70 COTTAGE CHEESE GIRLS: cup. --30 13-15 years-20 16-20 years-75 BOYS: EGCS 13-15 16-20. years-85 years-100 BEEF. STEAK. Two -13.

-ammon: Serving -21 (Nearly all foods contain a mixture of proteins. Especially protein-rich, in addition to the typical items shown above, are other meats and fish, fowl, soybeans, nuts, and other kinds of op cheese.) sentation of the customs, attire and equipment of the foim people off the dny. Some of the stilts taken by still man Johnny Ellis prompted one visitor to compare the general panorama to a Benton painting of the -rebellion era. ANN SOTHERN'S "RINGSIDE MAISIE" DELIGHTFUL FUN TREAT FOR WHOLE FAMILY Followers of the adventures of will be delighted with the U.S TO BY new escapades of this character in Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's -side Maisle," now showing at the land Theatre. If the Brooklyn chorus girl found herself in difficulties before, this time she doubles herself in spades.

Her antics Include a jitterbug number which rivals the best efforts of International champions In this line, a little matter of getting tossed off a moving train, and a romance with, State Frei Fur REL WO Repo Sha Ma BY Was Germ pressu of ur States the advise konce It to th Japar ment tweer ready grow A vAS Well short Halif other the In Re hai (roo) Fren (Sia with gove facil part beca dire clud stro FI repo had cisi Ger side OCC1 ling pac Dal Fre pre occ for ma uni the to mc cO1.

Cumberland Evening Times from Cumberland, Maryland (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.