Farmers and consumers market bulletin, vol. 72, no. 13 (1986 March 26) (2024)


Tommy /rv/n, Commissioner Georgia Department of Agriculture

Market Bulletin

Vol. 72, No. 13

Wednesday, March 26, 1986

Ga. Homemakers
Share Interests
The Georgia Homemakers Council, once known as the Home Demonstration Club, was founded to help members join together to strengthen their families, communities and ultimately their state. The organization has a lot to offer and we encourage all homemakers to join, especially young homemakers.
A person joining our organization automatically becomes a member of the National Extension Homemakers Council and the Country Women of the World. When membership is combined, the organizations make up the largest womens' group in the world. The Georgia Council is
Our guest columnist this week is Mrs. Mary S. Banks, president, Georgia Homemakers Council, 2780 Idlewood Drive NE, Marietta 30062._____________
involved in many projects which focus on the important areas of citizenship, safety, health, family life and public information.
Our group feels strongly about recognizing the efforts and achievements of its members and we focus on these at our annual meeting. This year the meeting is scheduled April 2 through 4 at the Continuing Education Center in Athens. The meeting is both a learning and business session.
Scholarships will be presented to two deserving 4-H girls who will be attending the college of their choice next year. And the highlight of the session will be the crowning of our "Homemaker of the Year." A variety of educational classes also will be offered at the meeting.
To attend the annual meeting, members must have joined by February 1. The cost of the meeting is $50 per member. Reservations can be made by contacting Mrs. Trudy Cain at the Continuing Education Center.
Come on and join us and share your interests with us. Let's make the Georgia Council one of the nation's best. ____
[ Handicraft Edition"
The next handicraft edition of the Market Bulletin will be published April 23. Deadline for notices is April 9.

Research Focuses On Water Buffalo
Although the water buffalo often has been regarded as a beast of burden found only in underdeveloped Third World countries, research is underway to determine if the animals have a place in Georgia's beef economy.
Studies, conducted at Berry College, hope to determine if water buffalo can forage on marginal grazing areas in the southeastern United States where conventional cattle cannot survive. The buffalo can utilize the roughage from such marginal areas as marshes, swamps and lake borders. Research also is focusing on the development of new techniques of artificial insemination and non-surgical embryo transfer.
Water buffalo are quiet and docile. Their ability to survive under marginal conditions has enabled them to develop strong genetic traits such as longevity. Many water buffalo still are functional at 20 years of age. Because they have a different set of chromosomes than cattle or bison, they cannot be crossbred.
These animals were introduced commercially into the United States in 1981 when 96 were imported from the Caribbean Islands to Louisiana. Since then the herd has increased to 300 animals. See page 12 for more on Berry's water buffalo.

Ag Legislation Passed During 1986 Session

Before adjourning earlier this month, the Georgia General Assembly passed a

number of bills and amendments that will help the Georgia Department of

Agriculture better serve both farmers and consumers.

House Bill 1217 is known as the secution of operators when infrac-

Vidalia Onion Act of 1986. It limits tions occur.

the Vidalia onion production area,

House Bill 1172 amends current

defines what constitutes a Vidalia Georgia law by adding swine,

onion, requires registration of pro- equines, poultry, sheep, goats and

ducers, packers and sellers, and in- ruminants to programs for preven-

cludes a felony violation for packag- tion and control of brucellosis.

ing, labeling or selling onions as Necessary enforcement powers are

Vidalias that are not indeed true also given to the Commissioner of

Vidalia onions.

Agriculture under this amendment,

House Bill 1171 amends Georgia allowing Department employees to

labeling laws to give the department be deputized and given arrest

authority to issue a stop-sale on powers in order to enforce livestock

foods for mislabeling or adultera- disease control rules.

tion, even though it may not be

House Bill 1686 re-establishes the

dangerous for consumption by con- Georgia Development Authority as it


was prior to 1983 when the en-

House Bill 1682 amends the vironmental division was created to

Georgia Boll Weevil Eradication of make loans for water treatment

1985 to authorize the Georgia Boll facilities. The Environmental

Weevil Eradication Foundation to Facilities Authority is a separate en-

borrow money in order to initiate the tity now, and this bill ensures the

start of an eradication program continuation of the Development

when authorized by referendum.

Authority and its ability to make

House Bill 1346 is a new law that agricultural and agribusiness loans

gives the Department of Agriculture in Georgia. It also clarifies that the

the authority to inspect and license Development Authority is ad-

animal shelters, kennels, stables and ministratively attached to the

pet dealers. It also provides for pro- Department of Agriculture.

Proper Care Assures Easter Egg Quality

Eggs used for human consumption always should be stored and handled in a manner which assures safety. Especially during the Easter season, consumers should be conscious of egg quality and refrigeration.
Although the interior of an unbroken egg is sterile, both cracks in the egg and the cooking process itself allow bacteria to enter through the shell. If eggs are not properly refrigerated, this bacteria can multiply and may cause illness.
The Georgia Egg Commission recommends the following tips to assure the quality and safety of Easter eggs:

*Eggs to be used for dyeing should be clean and uncracked.
*Purchase eggs only from a refrigerated dairy case. Return the eggs to refrigeration as soon as possible.
*Before cooking, wash eggs in warm water using mild detergent. After cooking and dyeing, return the eggs to the refrigerator until shortly before the hunt.
*After an egg hunt, examine the eggs carefully, discarding any which are cracked. Return the uncracked eggs immediately to the refrigerator. Hard-cooked eggs in the shell should be used within one week. If the shell has been removed, use the egg within three days.

For additional information and free egg recipes, contact the Georgia Egg Commission, State Farmers' Market, Forest Park 30050.

Page 2


Wednesday, March 26, 1986

Farm employment
No commercial, industrial or domestic employment permitted. Only that employment that pertains to the individual farm may be advertised.
Want exp. help on dairy farm, house & salary provided. Shelby Callaway, Rt. 1, Box 312-B, Washington 30673. Ph. 404-678-2028._________________
Want someone to do farm chores, 2 hrs. per wk. in exchange for free trailer space w/garden and pasture, handicapped or older couple considered. Mrs. M. A. Doan, Sr., Midville. Ph. 404-554-3033.
Want someone to work w/one or more horses, exp. w/Western, Huntseat, trail pleasure show horses. Pam Spencer, Gumming. Ph. 404-889-1536._______
Want part-time stable in exchange for riding time, exp. perferred. D. Butler, McDonough. Ph. 957-7053._______
Want couple or individual to do light farm work in exchange for free rent in Cochran. E. F. Mullis, 102 Pheasant Cover, Warner Robins 31087.______
Middle aged couple w/1 child wants to caretake farm w/2 bdroom, w/in 30 mi. of Gainesville. J. Harkins, 10120 Griffin Ln., Covington 30209._____________
Want someone to care for pecan grove in exchange for percentage of nuts, var. Julian Collins, DeSoto. Ph. 912-874-5985.
Want reliable milk hand to work in flat barn, have mobile home to live in, must have ref. H.N. Ralston, Eatonton. Ph. 404-485-7636._________________
Lady in early 40's wants light- farm work, room, board & salary. Mrs. Stephens, 122 Old Macon Cir., Eatonton
31024.___________________ Riding stable needs sgl.,-mature male,
feed, stall cleaning, barn care, private qtrs., all utilities, salary, Northside Atlanta. R. Corr, Atlanta. Ph. 355-4316 / 5512.
Want energetic, responsible help on sheep farm, salary and house provided, ref. req. H. Bik, Athens. Ph. 404-549-3591.
Farm family wants to operate on percent or manage farm for absentee owner. G. Workman, P.O. Box 46, Buckhead
30625.___________________ Sgl. male of 51 yrs., exc. health,
desires farm caretaker and/or labor position w/furnished residence and sml. salary, some exp. Charles Flowers, College Park. Ph. 404-964-1726._______
- Trained, reliable person avail, for good full time position, horse farm only, exc. ref. on request, no dependents. Kimberly Benedict, LaFayette. Ph. 404-638-2601
eve._____________________ Want reliable help, stable, livestock,
caretaking w/exp., ref., trailer, salary provided. E.W. Franklin, Gumming. Ph. 887-7582.___________________
Want teenager exp. in hunt seat or eventing interested in working w/horses in exchange for riding & some showing. S. Middleton, LaGrange. Ph. 404-884-2536._________________
Want reliable person part-time on sml. horse farm in exchange for riding, advancement possible, Cumming/No. Alpharetta area. Leigh Gowdy, Gumming. Ph. 887-7853.
Farm Services
Advertisers should include a statement with each notice indicating that the service offered are indeed "farm services" provided by that individual.
Will do garden plowing, bush hogging, pasture reseeding, farm tractor work done w/exp., Cobb/Marietta area. Gene Mitchell, Marietta. Ph. 422-9023._____
Horses transported, 80/loaded mile, courteous service, exc. care, exp. S.D. Cottongim, Madison. Ph. 342-3775.
Rotary tilling gardens, etc., Lilburn and surrounding area. Cecil L. Hess, Lilburn. Ph. 923-1707 eves.____________
Horses/cattle hauled, tractor work, bush hogging. J.R. Wimpey, Jonesboro. Ph. 471-4221._______________
Farm fencing repairs and new installation. Ed Cole, Jackson. Ph. 404-775-6596.
Horses hauled, local and long distance. Gene London, Sr., Albany. Ph. 912-88-0413.________________
Timbersteel, bldgs., custom built to suit your needs, horse & hay barns, etc., also, bulldozer work, bush hogging, garden plowing. Mark Pryor, Griffin. Ph. 404-495-5877 or 404-228-8884._______
Will furnish sprigs and custom pit. Alicia, Tift 44, Coastal Bermuda grass. James H. Williams, Rt. 1, Fitzgerald. Ph. 912-423-4884/8028._____________
Will do bush hogging, all types of tractor work. Kelly Thomas, Conyers. Ph. 404-922-4418.

Will furnish sprigs and custom pit. certi. and Tifton 78, Tifton 44, Brazos, Alicia, Coastal Bermuda. Gene Hart, Guyton. Ph. 912-728-3380._____________
Win plow gardens, bush hogging, all types of tractor work on your farm, reas. & reliable, 30 yrs. exp. B. Lightsey, Decatur. Ph. 288-2324.___________
Will do front end loader/backhoe, dump truck work, cut, roll & bale hay, haul cattle long or local dist. David Thomas, Canon. Ph. 404-245-9569.
Will do clearing & grading, backfilling, bush hogging, also, fill dirt & top soil, truck & loader work avail., Gwinnette & surorunding cos. Kenneth Gooch, Buford. Ph. 945-3706.___________________
Will do tractor work, plowing, bush hogging, post holes, w/in 25 mi. Winder, 2 hrs. min., cash, no rocks, gullies. D. Granstaff, Winder. Ph. 667-5525._____
Will build farm fence in Crisp and surrounding cos. Dick Goetzman, P.O. Box 144, Arab! 31712. Ph. 912-273-8892.
Will do tractor work on your farm, tilling, bush hogging, light grading, scraping gravel, 1 hr. min. Steve Kennerly, Tucker. Ph. 972-8357.__________
Will till gardens, clear sml. areas, fences, ditches of vines and weeds, no bush hogging, So. Atlanta area. Austin Moore, Atlanta. Ph. 767-2658.______
Will furnish sprigs and custom pit. pastures w/Coastal Bermuda in Tattnall and surrounding cos. George Fowler, Reidsville. Ph. 912-557-6943 aft. 7 pm.
Will clear land, 14 yrs. exp. in custom excavation and grading, will travel w/Cat 951 loader. B. Butler, Suwanee. Ph. 404-476-0184.___________________
Loader, tractor and dump truck work, done on your farm, fill dirt & top soil avail. Joe Gargiulo, Decatur. Ph. 404-296-9189.
Stumps ground 6-8 in. below ground level from gardens and farm lands, reas. Gary Reynolds, Roswell. Ph. 992-8005.
Horseshoeing & trimming by AFA certi. farrier, reg. & corrective work, 24 hr. answering service. Benny Biddy, Alpharetta. Ph. 475-4896.__________
Farrier work, 10 yrs. exp., corrective shoeing. G. J. Seleb, Barnesville. Ph. 404-358-3956._______________
Will water grind corn & wheat into meal, flour on grits aft. 3 pm. Mike Buckner, Junction City. Ph. 404-269-3630.
Will do tractor work, bush hogging, light blade work, 2 hrs. min. Douglas Givens, 1242 Suwanee Rd., Lawrenceville. Ph. 963-3890._______
Will do loader/dozer work, grading, clearing (Irg. or sml. tracts), ponds, lakes, etc. M. Fox, Canton. Ph. 887-7308.
Horseshoeing & trimming, grad. NC School of Horseshoeing, hot, cold, corrective, avail. 7 days. Robert Ogle, Powder Springs. Ph. 404-943-3930.
Will do any type of farm fencing by foot or job. Ronnie Hill, Maysville. Ph. 335-6590 / 3077._____________
Will do bush hogging, garden plowing, light grading, other, 25 mi. radius of Loganville. E. Ray, Loganville. Ph. 466-1376._________________
Noxious animal control, incl. coyote & beaver, crop damage & predation. A. King, Americus. Ph. 912-928-2160.
Will custom pit. Tifton 44 or Coastal Bermuda in Morgan and surrounding cos. Alan Verner. Rutledge. Ph. 557-2540 / 2161 aft. 7 pm.________________
Will do loader work, clearing, grading, etc. Brooks Bresnan, Woodstock. Ph. 926-3240.___________________
Well cleaning , Forsyth, Hall & surrounding cos. Adam Collett, Gumming. Ph. 887-1699._____________________
Will do bush hogging, garden plowing, all types of light tractor work, Fayette, So. Clayton cos. Lee Grinage, Fayetteville. Ph. 461-0680.______________
Will repair all types of farm mach. James Heath, Woodland. Ph. 404-674-2616.__________________
Will trap turtles from your pond or lake. Thomas F. Ivey, Rt. 2, Box 795-D, Forsyth 31029. Ph. 912-994-2174.__________
Will do tractor work, plowing, bush hogging, scraping, etc., Fannin Co. William H. Long, Rt. 1, Box 23, Epworth 30541.________________
Will do tractor work, real reas. Scott Preston, Morrow. Ph. 961-6639.______
All types of light blasting done, beaver ponds drained, drainage ditch shot, foundations & boulders shot, rocks removed, etc. Doug Robinson, Fayetteville. Ph. 404-461-1951.________________
Will dig water lines, cut trenches for underground cable w/Ditch Witch, Fayette & surrounding cos. Doug Logan, Brooks. Ph. 599-8536.___________
Will do tractor work, all types, bush hogging, scrape blade, plowing, garden to Irg. acreage, some spraying. Kenneth Cochran, Commerce. Ph. 335-6250 / 2763.
Will do grading work, clearing, ponds, etc., also, tractor work. Chris Riner, McDonough. Ph. 957-6244 / 4561.
Will build any type barn or farm bldg. to your specifications, also, will repair any type of farm bldg. Lee Brown, Fairburn. Ph. 964-3786.

Will do bush hogging & garden plowing. R. Frazler, Fayetteville. Ph. 404-969-0509 or 964-3186._________
Will install farm fences of wood, wire, rails, also, tractor work & crosstie work, qual. work, ref. avail. Mark Whelchel, Gainesville. Ph. 943-3165 or 534-2046.
Will custom pit. Tift 44, 78, Alicia anywhere in Ga., 3 in. apart, my sprigs or yours. Sam Summers, Temple. Ph. 404-562-3679._________________
Will haul horses local or long dist., reas. rates and exc. care. C.L. Williams, Jackson. Ph. 404-775-5367.__________
Will do horseshoeing & trimming, 15 yrs. exp., spec. AQHA. Jim Warren, Temple. Ph. 404-562-3332.__________
Will build or repair barns, pole, horse, other types. R. Dyer, Braselton. Ph. 404-654-3406._________________
Will clean out both hand dug and bored wells, by hand, 25 yrs. exp., travel anywhere, pumps installed. Raymond Chasteen, Lavonia. Ph. 404-356-8704.
Will furnish sprigs & custom pit. Tift 44 Bermuda grass in No. Ga. Buddy Hart, Colbert. Ph. 404-788-2725.___________
Will do land clearing, grading, loading, backfilling, build sml. lakes w/Cat 951. James Parks, Dawsonville. Ph. 404-265-6763.___________________
Will custom build all steel farm bldgs., sheds, barns, etc. anywhere. Richard Pirkyl, Alpharetta. Ph. 404-475-7383.
Will do all types of farm fencing & farm land clearing. Bill Hardin, 2360 Jones Phillips Rd., Dacula 30211. Ph. 962-5094.
Will do horseshoeing, hot, corrective, spec, hoof rebuilding. Mike Sheehan, Gay. Ph. 538-6525. ____________
Will repair elec. motors used in chicken houses. Jack Kelley, Duluth. Ph. 404-476-2142.______________
Horseshoeing & trimming, reg. & corrective by AFA certi. farrier. Eddie Rainey, Milner. Ph. 404-358-2409._____
Will do grading, clearing, site preparation w/955 loader, sgl. axle dump truck, gravel, dirt, sand insured. Joe Brassfield, Smyrna. Ph. 432-4555.____________
Will care for your animals at your farm while you are away, vet. approved. L. Gowdy, Cummings. Ph. 887-7853.______
Will dig water line on farms in Barrow & surrounding cos. w/Ditch Witch. Rickey Rowland, Bethlehem. Ph. 404-867-6857.
Will backhoe, loader, dump truck work. Roger Keebaugh, Clermont. Ph. 404-983-3113._______________
Will build or repair any type farm bldg. or fence, in surrounding area. Mr. Overstreets, 305 W. 20th St., Tifton 31794. Ph. 912-382-1703._______________
Will do grading, plowing, tilling, bush hogging, pasture fertilizing, Marietta / Cobb area. L.H. Barron, Marietta. Ph. 428-4110.___________________
Chicken houses cleaned, all types of farm work done. W. Hackney, Roopville. Ph. 404-854-4996.______________
Will do bush hogging, garden plowing, Cobb Co. & surrounding areas, reas. & reliable. Hugh Wright, Marietta. Ph. 404-926-3041._______________
Tractor work, bush hogging, roll-over scrape blade, does scrape work, breaks ground or backfills. S. Whitaker, Marietta. Ph. 973-5344. ______________
Will do bush hogging, plowing, light blade work done in Oconee and surrounding areas, cash only, no min. Alan Johnson, Watkinsville. Ph. 404-769-8192.
Gardens tilled w/7 ft. rototiller, bush hogging, in Ringgold, Rossville or Ft. Oglethorpe area. Burtis Gibson, Ringgold. Ph. 866-8393._______________
Will do clearing, grading, backhoe work, also, will furnish Tift 44 sprigs and plant pastures. Wayne Mullenix, Elberton. Ph. 404-283-4962.__________
Will do loader & dozer, grading, build lakes, clear farm land by acre, hr. or contract. David Johnson, Conyers. Ph. 483-3727.___________________
Will sprig Tift 44 or Coastal on 3 in. rows anywhere in Ga. David Branch, Box 117, Bishop 30621. Ph. 404-769-5189 /
7942.___________________ Will do bush hogging, garden plowing,
cattle hauling, light blade work, equip, moved, Carroll, Douglas & Paulding Co. area. C.M. Garner, Villa Rica. Ph. 404-459-3278.______________
Custom Troy-Bilt tilling and custom above ground garden sprinkler systems, built in Gwinnett Co. area. Otis Guillebeau, Lawrenceville. Ph. 963-5996.
Will do dragline work, dig & clean out ponds, drain swamp land on mats. Larry Potts, Watkinsville. Ph. 404-725-7851.
Stumps ground from gardens & farm lands, max. depth 6-8 in., surrounding Atlanta area. James Phillips, Douglasville. Ph. 942-3300.________
Will split your firewood, will come to your place w/hyd. wood splitter. David Corbitt, Atlanta. Ph. 758-6188.______
Farm fencing, all types, highest qual., 18 yrs. exp. Bates Kelley, Hartwell. Ph. 404-376-6322/7312.___________
Will do garden plowing, farm front end loader work, clearing & grading. J. Rich, Austell. Ph. 941-6855.

Will do tractor work at reas. prices,
crawler, loader, clearing, grading, also, bush hogging and plowing. James Mc-
Cullough, 4010 Stonewall Rd. Fairburn 30349. Ph. 404-964-2796 / 0850.______

Will do dragline work, clean and dig ponds, drain swamp land. Bill Loggins, Gainesville. Ph. 534-1391.__________

Will do garden plowing, bush hogging, pasture reseeding, scrape blade and farm tractor work, dump truck hauling. Don
Hedden, Cartersville. Ph. 404-382-0669.

Saddle & harness repair, prof, cleaning, qual. work, custom orders, reas.
prices. Roy Deason, Rt. 1, Box 1098, Carnesville 30521. Ph. 404-384-4303.

Stumps removed from gardens & other

farm lands w/Vermeer stump grinder,

reas. rates, will travel, 7 days/wk. Ronnie

Cook, Smyrna. Ph. 404-432-5215 or



Will do farm fencing, new & repair wire or wood, work quar., ref., can furnish
mats. Charles Matthews, Rt. 1, Shady Dale 31085. Ph. 404-468-8433._______

Will do well cleaning, hand dug & bored wells cleaned, low muddy or smelling water problems. W. C. Moore, Covington. Ph. 787-9893/4102.________

Will do garden plowing & land, bush
hogging, reas. rates, Fairburn & surrounding area. Joe Brock, Fairburn. Ph. 964-7844._________________

Will do garden tilling, Marietta / Alpharetta / Roswell areas, reas. rates. Joe Fleming, Marietta. Ph. 565-5852.

Will do bush hogging, plowing, scrape blade work done in Heard Co. area. Jim Biship, Franklin. Ph. 675-3943._____

Will till gardens w/Troy-Bilt tiller, exc. results, reas. prices. F. Kile, Marietta. Ph. 428-1098.________________

Will do tractor work, plowing, tilling, bush hogging, light grading, Clarke, Oconee & surrounding cos. W.B. Thorn-
ton, Bogart. Ph. 404-769-8362._______

Will do various kinds of light tractor work, incl. bush hogging, very reas. rates.
Roger Ellerbee, 5661 Lanny Dr., Powder
Springs 30073. Ph. 943-0344._______

Will clean farm equip., livestock stalls, bldg. exteriors, livestock w/pressure washer unit. Kyle Haney, Jonesboro. Ph. 365-2181.___________________

Will build farm pasture fencing. Garland Reagan, Lawrenceville. Ph. 404-46-1222._______________

Want someone w/exp. in stringing 5 or 6 rolls hog wire, no clearing to be done. C. Massey, Rockmart. Ph. 684-7156.

Farm machinery and
equipment for sale
Advertisers are required to submit a statement with farm machinery notices. The statement should state that the equipment is owned by the advertiser and has been or can be used on his or her individually owned or leased farm. Ads received without this statement will be returned to the advertiser. If the advertiser has made the equipment he wishes to sell, a statement to this effect must be included.
Only farm machinery used in an individual farming operation and sold by that same individual may be advertised in this column. Those wanting equipment should be seeking equipment for their own individual farm. No trucks are advertised with the exception of fertilizer spreader trucks and fruit tree sprayers, truck mounted.
Shaver post driver $750. Russell Erwin, Adalravllle. Ph. 404-629-9952 aft. 8 pm.
1 HD 7x20 ft. flatbed equip, trailer, dual axles, ramps and lights. Hugh Humphrey, Thomson 30824. Ph. 595-8412.______
3 pt. hitch 5 shank all purpose plow $285; 5 ft. bush hog $250. C. Bell, Buford. Ph. 945-9683.________________
4 row AC planter w/fert. attach., Intl. 500 harrow, 16 ft. Ford bottom plow, 600 Ford tractor. Mac Benson, Milledgevllle. Ph. 912-452-4962.______________
Intl. tractor w/power steering and 3 pt. hitch, 7100 JD planters, 4 row exc. cond. Jimmy Moncrief, Roberta. Ph 912-836-4749._________________
1977 Ford tractor 87 hp. 7600 mod., new clutch and pressure plate, $7,500; 95 Gehl Mix-All feed mill $2,200, other. Billy Shell, Plneview. Ph. 912-892-3252.
Mech. transplant machine, 1 row, 1 rider, special 3 pt. hitch for Cat. "0" or 1' hitch, used hitch $400. L. Durham, WlntervHIe. Ph. 742-7803.___________
One 8 ft. Rhino off-set harrow, exc. cond., one 11 ft. JD smoothing harrow. Bill Adams, Greensboro. Ph. 404-453-2344. aft. 7:30.

3 tillers, 15H. Cub Cadet garden tractor, plows, old AC tractor w/disc harrow, Gordon Reeves, Austell. Ph. 941-2112.
Post driver, fits 3 pt. hitch on tractor, exc. cond. $500. Mrs. John Wilson, Stapleton. Ph. 404-547-6827._______
Roto-hoe rear tine tiller $400. B. E. Miller, Woodland. Ph. 674-2541._____
One Ford 305 2 row planter, good cond., new runners etc.; also, AC 4 row cotton planter. Mahlon Turner, Rt. 1, Dahlonega. Ph. 404-865-2311 nights.
MF 275 D tractor, 1300 hrs., $7,500; MF 300 combine for parts $450; Plttsburg 4-16 in. bottom plow $400; other. Doug Exley, Springfield. Ph. 912-754-6144.
Hesston hay stack or round bale mover, 4 disc Athens tiller, 55 gal. tractor sprayer, plow for WD AC tractor, 1 spike tooth harrow, other. Don Durrence, Glennvllle. Ph. 654-2201.___________
NH 845 round baler $3,000; JD 8200 series grain drill $2500. Bobby Johnson, Thomasvllle. Ph. 912-377-9698, before 8 am, aft. 7 pm.___________________
MF 24 baler good cond. $3500; two 16 ft. hay wagons $800 ea. Aaron McWhorter, Rt. 2, Franklin. Ph. 404-832-8608._________________
Fert. and lime spreader truck 10 ft. stainless steel Panacea body. Alien Holtzhower, Rising Fawn. Ph. 404-657-6516.________________
Anderson rock picker in exc. cond. $3500 firm; Anderson rock windrower, exc. cond. used 1 season $4,000 firm. Doug Jones, Carrollton. Ph. 404-836-0907
nights._____________________ JD 350 crawler w/winch, good cond. G.
P. Grimes, Blakely. Ph. 912-723-4130.
Ford 801 tractor, gas, 5 speed, live PTO, good cond. $2,850. H. J. Pace, Smyrna. Ph. 404-436-7347._____________
Ford 8N 5 ft. bush hog, scrape blade, disc, turning plow, post" hole digger, trailer, good outfit $4350, will sep. Mrs. Jack Boots, Cartersvllle. Ph. 404-382-6851.________________
4 ea. Intl. no. 295 unit planters, FBG hoppers, exc. cond. $800; 4 ea. KMC ripper shanks $300. Bart Waller, Clyo. Ph. 912-754-6194._______________
725 Suburban Sears tractor 6 pcs. equip., tilt trailer, Sears elec. St., 10XL mower w/disc harrow. Tom Norton, Rt. 1, Box 270, Warm Springs. Ph. 404-655-2184.
Hesston 550 round baler used very little $5,500. Steve Thorne, Hwy. 198, Homer. Ph. 404-677-3579.________
135 MF 3 cyl. Perkins gas runs good new tires on front, rear in good cond. $3850. Wm. Morris, Dalton 30720. Ph. 404-259-3231._______________
IH 5100 grain drill, 10 ft. working width, 24 bu. cap., cyl. includ. $1500. Bobby Fountain, Rt. 4, Cochran. Ph. 912-934-6837.________________
8N Ford tractor, mtr. in fair cond. good tires, w/20 disc harrow, both $2100. Robert Jackson, Rt. 2, Box 219, Ft. Valley. Ph. 912-625-5866._______________
Lrg. hay bale handling equip., utility trailer w/ramp, 4 disc trip rope tiller, other. James Heath, Woodland. Ph. 404-674-2616.________________
7 pcs. of equip., feed mill, balers, etc. Peggy Tison, Fitzgerald. Ph. 912-423-7159._________________
3600 Ford tractor, 81 model, low hrs., have other equip. J. O. Bryan, Barnesville. Ph. 404-358-1217 aft. 6 pm._________
JD 2040 diesel tractor, exc. cond. $6950; 2 row Covington planters $595; Hesston 1070 mower conditioner $2595. R. A. Miller, Luthersville. Ph. 672-4556 aft.
6 pm._____________________________ 14 in. Gehl hammer mill on skids, 3
screens $400. Herman Bailey, Hartwell. Ph. 404-376-4537.
Georgia Department of Agriculture
Agriculture Building Capitol Square
Atlanta, Georgia 30334 404-656-3722
Tommy Irvin, Commissioner
Lisa Ray, Editor
Carlton Moore, Asst. Editor Ella Beach, Asst. Editor, Notices
Address all requests to be added to or removed from the mailing list, change of address and Form 3579 to the MARKET BULETIN office at the above address.
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Wednesday, March 26, 1986



5 hp. "Lazy Boy" tiller, used only 2 seasons, good cond. $150. R. Clayton, Rt. 2, Danielsville. Ph. 795-3614.______
Sidewinder FMC 6x6 bush hog. B. Dobson, Alpharetta. Ph. 475-1784._____
Snapper rear tine tiller model RT-8, elec. starter, 8 hp., used once $895. A. Thrasher, Rt. 1, Culloden 31016. Ph. 912-885-2268.___________
TD-9B Intl. bulldozer, 1974 yr., power shift, straight blade, canopy, 1400 hrs., extra clean $10,750. Charles Reichert, Boston. Ph. 912-226-7769.__________
No. 309 Ford 2 row planters $300; CA AC tractor w/2 row cult. $1500; 9 ft. drag harrow $$50; rotary hoe $50; 18 disc offset harrow $175, other. Lawson Hughie, Sharpsburg. Ph. 404-253-1133 aft. 5.
Gooseneck 18 ft. flatbed and 24 ft. stock trailer JD 1250 grain drill, Powder River 50 bu. creep feeder. Joel Parker, Pine Mtn. Ph. 404-628-5953 N, 668-4835 D.
Cub Farmall, hyd. lift, planters and cult. Tommy McGahee, Stapleton. Ph. 404-547-3638.____________________
1982 N-6 series 3 Gleaner combine, 20 ft. flex grain head, 6 row 30 in. corn head. Leo Perfect, Unadilla 3109.1. Ph. 912-627-3820._______________
JD 120 garden tractor, HD lift, wheel wts., belly mower, turning plow, rear tine tiller, cutting smoothing harrows, cult. Wayne Ledbetter, Bowdon. Ph. 404-258-7577.________________
Farmall Cub, cult., disc harrow, plow, scraper, belly mower, good cond. $2500. Bob McKeehan, Stockbridge. Ph. 404-474-6310._______________
JD 4400 combine, air, low hrs. w/13 ft. attach platform. Randall Richardson, Blumon. Ph. 912-835-2038.________
Sprayers, 2 Irg. eng. powered truck and trailer mounted, bids accepted, best offer. Fred Val, Jonesboro. Ph. 478-2699.
NH hay baler 311, NH haybine 472, NH hay rake; also, 460 Long tractor, low hrs. Robert Rhinehart, LaFayette. Ph. 404-638-3815.______________
600 Ford tractor, good cond., gas burner, 12 volt, new batt. good brakes, tires fair, $2700. R. L. Peaco*ck, ST., Broxton 31519. Ph. 912-359-2536.______
Farmall Cub tractor w/alI planters, dist. and cult., A-1 cond. Mr. Slaughter, P.O. Box 115, Redan 30074. Ph. 482-8496 aft. 6
pm._________________________ 500 gal. poly nurse tank 2-60 gal. sad-
dle tanks that fit Ford tractors, 3.5 Briggs pump, all like new. J. L. Hayes, Jesup. Ph. 579-2204._________________
Farmall Cub, good paint, and cond. cult, and draw bar $2,000. Clel land Tyson, Lavonla. Ph. 356-8800 or 4328.______
7045 AC, 145 hp., cab, air, 100 hrs., consider tri-axle gooseneck equip, trailer on trade. Doyle Jones, Milan. Ph. 912-362-4155 nights.____________
Continental 20 KW gen., 120/240V, 1 ph. AC $1500. Jack Gipson, Newnan. Ph. 253-4350/nights, 969-9474 days._____
Farmall B model w/48 in. belly mower, runs good, good tires $1500. Mr. Tuten, Covlngton. Ph. 404-786-0765 aft. 6 pm.
Wheel Horse model B1150, 11 hp. hydro, dr., w/mower, like new. Charles tit*haw, Galnesvllle. Ph. 534-6135._____
3960 Intl. excavator (backhoe) digs 20 ft. deep, 2 buckets, good cond., 90% DC, $16,000. Kennon Curbow, Blue Ridge. Ph. 404-632-2866.______________
Sgl. pt. 16 in. Sampson bottom plow, 3 pt. hitch, new cond., used for home gardening, sheltered, $125 cash only. Ron Henderson, Dublin. Ph. 912-275-0189.
1980-225 timberjack skidder low hrs., exc. cond., tires 50%, $23,000. Ray Wells, Ellljay. Ph. 404-635-2492.__________
JD 4400 combine, cab, air, gas eng., 213 flex head, 11 ft. Blanton 3 bar chisel plow $1000. Geston Womack, Cedariown. Ph. 404-748-4302._____________
MF front end loader and tractor, bush hog, scrape blade, equip, trailer, other. S. C. Cruce, 2859 Parkwood Rd., Snellvllle 30278. Ph. 404-979-4153._________
King harrow, 4 section, 12 in. discs. R. Holland, Senola. Ph. 404-599-5583 or 404-688-3047._______________
D7 Cat. 3 T., cable straight blade, man. start, real good DC, canopy and sweeps, cable control, $6,000, firm. Robert Brockman, Rt. 2, Cochran. Ph. 912-934-7044 nights.____________
6 shank Pittsburgh row crop cult, w/layoff foot and coulter $400. Wade Martin, 1439 Boleman Rd., Galnesvllle 30501. Ph. 532-1817.______________________
John Blue nitrogen applicator, 200 gal. stainless steel tank, top cond. $850. H. Farmall, propane powered, runs good $250. James O. King, Cochran. Ph. 912-934-6151._______________
Rainbow irrig. outfit, JD pumping unit, 660 ft. hose, reel and traveler, 82-6 in. pipe. Howard Swinson, Rt. 2, Glenwood 30428. Ph. 912-463-3301 aft. 6 pm.
2 Goodyear 6 ply tractor tires, tubes and wheels, fits 6 in. hub w/8 bolt holes 1/2 tread $200 for all. J. M. Wheat, Crandall. Ph. 404-695-3872.__________
52 in. rear scrape blade, sgl. pt. hitch, use on draw bar $125. Bob Boggs, Decatur. Ph. 939-3147.

Feed mixer, 6 ton Butler 330J Ensilmixer w/scales; Bulkliner feed trailer w/aux. power unit, other. Gene Callaway, Rayle. Ph. 404-274-3392.____________
1981 JD 317 garden tractor w/attach. Waymon Cannon, Box 410, Rhine. Ph. 912-385-5351._________________
Economy tractor, 14 hp., turning plow, disk, belly mower and more, good running cond. H. Ingram, Lindale. Ph. 232-1762.________________
Model 333 AC no-till or conventional planter, furadan boxes, row markers, exc. cond. Forest Shugshire, Box 531, Cassvllle 30120. Ph. 404-382-3448/1902.
1 tire and tube 12.4x28 $45; 1 tractor pulley for 1 1/8 in. shaft $95. E. Halski, Rt. 1, Box 198, Pendergrass 30567. Ph. 404-693-2615 or 865-4379._________
22 in. 8 disc cutaway harrow $300. Oliver Worley, Eatonton. Ph. 404-485-6749._________________
4800 ft. 6 in. alumn. irrig. pipe and 2 trailers, sell part or all. Charles Kilgore, Hawklnsvllle 31036. Ph. 912-892-9849.
A JD w/cult., 6 ft. bush hog, all good cond. $1,475. Hawkins, Madison. Ph. 342-2183.___________
Ford tractor 601 workmaster 5 spd., live PTO, good cond. new paint. D. C. Boyd, Hoschton. Ph. 404-654-3117.
Drag harrow, spike tooth, 2 section, 3 pt. hitch, new cond. $350. James Elliott, Lavonla. Ph. 404-356-4839.________
1 row cult, planter type $150; AC 90 combine, bin and unloading auger $800, all exc. cond. B. Webb, Rt. 5, Elberton 30635. Ph. 404-283-9835.___________
1972 Ford diesel 2000 tractor w/front end loader and 8 pcs. equip., 16 ft. trailer, good cond. $10,000. Troy Clark, CummIng. Ph. 404-887-8130.__________
220 AC tractor, recent overhaul, dual remotes, good cond. William Upchurch, Baxley. Ph. 912-367-2307._______
Model 1600 bush hog rotary mower, good cond. Joe Benkoski, Madison. Ph. 404-342-1870/1375.______________
1975 AC loader HD 7 GB, and 1964 Ford 801 backhoe. Dan Nicholson, Rt. 1, Bamesvllle. Ph. 358-0561._________
10 hp. wheel horse, mower & trailer, $550. Sydney Gott, Griffin. Ph. 227-6934.
G model JD tractor w/set harrow, good cond. $1350. John Killingsworth, Griffin. Ph. 404-227-8955.______________
Gravely tractor 7.6 hp., 4 speed, 30 in. mower and riding sulky, rotary plow; also, utility trailer. James Whittington, 1909 La Mesa Ln., Decatur 30032.__________
Bush Hog 5 ft. Covington cutter model L $175. Bill Crawford, Roswell. Ph. 404-993-2940 btw. 9 and 5._______
Cable backhoe for 195 American crane; also, tracks, rollers, drums, lots of other parts for American machine. W. Barwick, Winder. Ph. 867-6056.__________
4500 backhoe, blown hose, sell as is, equip, trailer $4,000/both. George Bechtold, Buford. Ph. 404-945-6534.
1980 4640 JD Quad Range trans., 1300 hrs., 31 disc Taylor-Way harrow. Wesley Greeson, Statham 30666. Ph. 404-725-5850.______________
2600 Ford tractor, exc. cond., low hrs., oversized tires $7500. Danny Scroggs, 1820 Blue Ridge Dr., Gainesvllle. Ph. 404-536-8028.________________
NH 276 sq. hay baler, good cond. $2650. Fred Weaver, Rt. 2, Canon. Ph. 404-356-8007 aft. 6 pm._________
451 New Holland sickle mower 7 ft. cut. J. R. Wimpey, Jonesboro. Ph. 404-471-4221._________________
JD 450C loader and backhoe $16,500; MF 300 crawler w/backhoe $14,500, good cond. Jerry Abercrombie, Rt. 1, Waco 30182. Ph. 404-574-2225._________
Snapper garden tiller, good cond. $75. J. T. Lee, 3192 Calumet dr., Kennesaw 30144. Ph. 974-1949__________
Cat. 955 loader 90% Needs paint $11,500. Bill Hood, Ranger. Ph. 334-2230 aft. 6 pm.______________________
1 orig. David Bradley trailer for 2 wheel tractor; also, some other equip, for 2 wheel tractor. Rosie Lee Barrett, CummIng. Ph. 887-6537 aft. 6 pm.________
Commercial front mount mower 5 ft. cut, 4 cyl. water cooled continental eng., cost $10,000, sell, $5500. Eugene Wallis, Cummlng. Ph. 887-2062 days, 889-1697
nights.______________________ Farm wagon w/iron wheels and spokes
$100; JD 2 flip 18 in. bottom plow $200. Carey Taylor, Winder. Ph. 725-5968.
5000 Ford diesel $6200; 4 bottom plow $450; 11 ft. harrow $750; NH hayrake $850; IH 303 combine, corn head/grain platform $2500, other. Donald Brown, Ranger. Ph. 404-334-2595.________
18 hp. Power-King 1 row tractor, 3 pt. hitch, hyd. lift, belly mower, front blade, planter, cult., harrow, plow, good cond. $3,800. Geo. Hartley, Macon. Ph. 912-745-4703.________________
Woods finishing mower 48 in. like new, only 6 hr. on unit. E. H. Wages, Loganvllle. Ph. 404-466-4178.__________
Name and city are required on every
ad. Please include this information so
your ad will not be withheld.

430 Case tractor, wide front end, pos. trac., spin out wheels 808 actual hrs. $3300. Joe Williams, Box 251, Cohutta 30710. Ph. 404-694-8127.__________
J D 450B front end loader, 4 in 1 bucket, backhoe, rebuilt steering clutches and brakes exc. cond. D. D. Jones, Woodstock. Ph. 425-5731._________
21 hp. diesel tractor, 26 hrs., almost new, w/60 in. finishing mower. L. R. Newberry, Lakeside Dr., Ft. Valley 31030. Ph. 912-825-8098.____________
Killbros 375 grain wagon, extensions, 12 ton running gear and hyd. unloading auger $2,000. Roy Baerne, Nicholson. Ph. 404-757-3317.________________
Troy-Bilt tiller 6 hp. Horse w/elec. start, and plow, used 15 hrs. $800 firm. C. C. Hamlyn, Kennesaw. Ph. 926-5126.
1984 Agri-Power 5000 tractor, like new 46 hp. diesel 10 spd. 3 pt. hitch, low hrs., w/lnd. PTO, $5900. J. M. Cunningham, Cumming. Ph. 457-3371 days, 475-8309
nights.________________________ AC 190 XT tractor, series 3, 8 ft. front
mounted tilt and angle blade, 12 ft. harrow, 11 tooth chisel plow, 4 bottom plow $5,000. Bobby Moore, Alley. Ph. 912-537-7574._________________
12 hp. garden tractor good cond., 3 pt. lift and belly mower, $795. Vernon Outen, Cordele. Ph. 912-273-4721.__________
Radiator core for Ford 6 cyl. Ind. unit, almost new. J. Martin, Rt. 1, Box 647, Armuchee 30105.____________________
Intl. Cub Cadet garden tractor, 12 hp. elec. start, elec. lift, 48 in. cutting deck, frnt blade, $1,000. Olin Hackney, Cedartown. Ph. 404-7478-0101 aft. 6 pm.
3 in. irrig. pump, PTO, about one A coverage per setting, $1,000. Bill Callaway, Rt. 1, Cumlng. Ph. 887-4443.
MF 165 diesel tractor, multi-power, lock diff. P/S, spin out wheels, $5,000. J.A. Little, Felton. Ph. 404-646-3334.
8N Ford tractor and 4 ft. side winder rotary cutter, both in good cond. $2750. B. U. Bowman, Buford. Ph. 945-7751.
Tractor, Ford 9N w/Ford front end loader, new tires, overall exc. cond., will del. free w/in 150 mi. $2995. Johnny Burk, Blue Ridge. Ph. 404-632-5860.______
5000 Ford 71 model good cond. w/wo equip. Roy Talley, Rt. 1, Lyons. Ph., 912-526-8426.__________________
8x20 ft. flatbed trailer, 4 ft. sides, dual axles $625, farm equip., cult,, plows, mowers, etc. good shape. D. Granstaff, Winder. Ph. 867-5525.___________
Ford 2600, P/S, live PTO, 3 pt. hitch, low hrs., diesel, like new $8,000. Waller, Fayettevllle. Ph. 461-5933._________
H-30 Intl. loader, 4 wheel dr., good cond., JD 350 dozer, sell or trade for 350 w/6 way blade. John Epps, Dry Branch. Ph. 912-743-5998.__________
JD 620 gas burner, P.S., live PTO, good cond., good tires, Earl Taff, Taylorsvllle. Ph. 404-382-7914.______________
MF 135 diesel tractor, power steering, 1187 hrs., new rear tires, 4 ft. Bush Hog mower, all purpose plow and scrape blade $5500. Jim Summerour, Cummlng. Ph. 404-887-6776 aft. 6 pm.________
2 two row Covington planters, good cond. $350. Wlndle Sneed, McDonough. Ph.404-483-7007.____________
1960 Ford F600 w/7 ton feed body, 3 compartments, auger discharge $700. E. Stancil, Bostwlck. Ph. 404-342-3548.
NH hay rake model 57, exc. cond. $1,500. Gene Nickelson, Palmetto. Ph. 404-463-4379._______________
NH 472 haybine exc. cond. Ben Cox, Stone Mtn. Ph. 491-7075.________
18 ft. Krause off-set harrow very good cond. Eddie Smith, Fitzgerald. Ph. 423-3290/7146._____________
Tiller, 5 hp. B/S eng., used approx. 2 hrs. $215. Celeste Williams, Fayetteville. Ph. 404-487-4398._______________
Sears 4 hp. tiller, needs tune-up $50. Charles Sapp, 5354 Northland Dr., Allanta 30342. Ph. 255-2452.___________
AC B cult., 2 disc turning plow, disc harrow, good cond. $1500. Ernie Darley, Covington. Ph. 404-786-0435.________
241 Intl. big roll baler rolled less than 1000 bales and Farm-Hand rake $4,000. Carlton Seawright, Hartwell. Ph. 404-375-4242 aft. 6 pm.___________
977 Cat. loader good cond. $8,500; TD7 Intl. dozer, 6 way blade $7,400; 48 in. sawmill w/4 cyl. diesel power $2,600, other. Freddie Dorminy, Fitzgerald. Ph. 912-423-9572.________________
Farmall Cub tractor w/cult., turning plow, planters, draw bar $2350. Bill Garrison, Rt. 5, Box 25, Canton 30114. Ph. 479-4846.__________________
Sears 18 hp. garden tractor, Onan eng., elec. lift, turning plow, disc harrow, cult., planter, 4 ft. scrape blade $1500. Johnny Graham, Warner Robins. Ph. 953-4986 aft.
4:30 pm._____________________ Gravely 7.6 L-8, 7.6 L, both in ok cond.
w/mowers, price nego., rotary plow w/extra bit $350; 40 in. mower deck $400, aerator $50. Mike Ziegenbein, Doraville. Ph. 404-396-2246._______________
24 ft. all metal truckbed, fits F-700 Ford truck. Charles Barrett, Rt. 1, Carnesville 30521.

5 shank Taylor-Way chisel plow, model

60019, used on 20 A., always kept under cover, exc. cond. $700. Jim Brewer,

Tucker. Ph. 934-2989.


Homemade utility trailers 4x8 $350; 5x9 $475. John Higgins, Lawrenceville. Ph. 404-963-2445/5746._____________
1985 Kubota B7200B-17 hp. 6 speed 540 & 825 PTO w/diff. lock, 14 hrs., 48 in. Woods finishing mower $6500 like new. E. H. Wages, Loganville. Ph. 404-466-4178.______________
1979 NH hayliner 278 baler, NH hay bine 9 1/2 ft. 479 cutter cond., NH 850 round baler; Ford rake, new teeth, 3 pt. hitch. Will Oubre, LaGrange. Ph. 404-884-5513._________________

Farmall A rebuilt eng. and starter, cult., harrow, planters, $1850. Jim Chesser, Marietta. Ph. 404-943-1705 aft. 4 pm.
Snapper tiller, rear tires, elec. start, hiller/furrower, used less than 25 hrs. $750; Taylor-Way 8 disc bush/bog harrow $300. Gerald Moon, Loganville. Ph. 466-1495.___________________
Kubota L-245 garden tractor, 20 hrs., exc. cond. 3 pcs. equip. $6995. Ray Nix, Atlanta. Ph. 344-9723 aft. 6 pm._____

MF 120 hay baler, like new cond. $2,000 firm. Jack Gill, Wildwood. Ph. 404-820-9553.________________

MF hay rake, 3 pt. hook-up w/4 wheels. Leon Welch, Eatonton. Ph. 404-485-8612 aft. 7 pm.________________________

Lac tractor computer feeding system for dairy cattle, tags, No 1-110, 6 feeding stations; NH 460 haybine good mech. cond. David Yoder, Dublin. Ph. 912-275-0714.__________________
Covington 2 row planters mounted on tool bars for 3 pt. hitch, Incl. fert. hoppers $400. G. A. Bivins, Haddock. Ph. 912-932-5340.______________
1974 D4D Cat. dozer w/wide pads, hyd. tilt blade and canopy $14,000; also, wood splitter, hyd. sys. off tractor $250. James Odom, Ashburn. Ph. 912-567-2572.
Cat. 212 motor-grader direct start, power steering, good cond. Huber maintainer, power steering, good cond. Tim Brown, Royston. Ph. 404-245-7778.

3910 Ford 1984 low hrs., hyd. hook-up big tires like new $11,500. Lamar Clark, Oakwood. Ph. 432-3880._________
Farmall Cub tractor w/cult., guano dist., good cond., good rubber. J. T. Etheridge, Rt. 2, Gordon. Ph. 912-628-2056.______________
Intl. farm tractor 444, diesel, 40 hp., 3 pt. hitch, live PTO, 4 speed exc. cond. $4250. R. M. Grusmark, Madison. Ph. 557-2991.__________________
Ford 8N tractor, $1800; Ford 6 ft. rock rake, Ind. model Cat. 1, 3 pt. hitch, trade for disk turning plow or all purpose plow. Phil Kempton, Griffin. Ph. 404-227-8788.

JD 450 crawler loader good UC diesel eng., runs and works exc. Randy Bower, Senola. Ph. 404-599-6244 aft. 7 pm.

Homemade utility trailer 4x12 ft. spare, sgl. axle, side beds w/cover good shape, $265. T. E. Cox, Moreland. Ph. 251-6306.
Portable sawmill comp. rebuilt, 50 in. 3/9 saw 6 cyl. Intl. mtr, runs real good. Richard Young, Chatsworth. Ph. 404-695-4517.__________________
Farmall Cub tractor, good tires, disc plow, draw bar, exc. running cond. $2,000. E. Foy, Atlanta. Ph. 233-1202._______

4430 JD tractor w/cab, air, new rear tires, factory duals $14,000. James Barrs, Chester. Ph. 912-358-4529 aft. 6 pm.
MF 255 diesel 540 hrs., one owner hi/lo multi-power, diff. lock, 2 spd. 6/0, pis, 2 spool hyd. spin out, $9,900. J. Brinkman, Kingston. Ph. 404-382-6110._________

One Intl. Cub tractor w/belly mower and disc harrow, good cond. $2,000. J. W. Wheeler, Acwortn. Ph. 974-7162 aft. 6 pm.
8 hp. Sears tiller $75; 4x6 utility trailer, new tires and sides $600 firm. J. D. Denham, 1255 N. McDonough Rd., Griffin

30223.___________________ Two 13.6x28 tractor tires, exc. cond.
$135 ea. or both for $250. Gene Brown,
Byron. Ph. 912-953-3330.___________

1977 JD 6600 grain platform, exc. cond. $16,500. R. Lancaster, Hawklnsville. Ph. 912-783-2411.__________________
WD AC tractor, runs good, 5 ft. pull type bush hog, all $1150; other. Johnny Blasczyk, Douglasvllle. Ph. 942-5018.
1 EZ flow 12 ton silage wagon, 3800 JD silage chopper. Wendell Pope, Ocllla. Ph. 912-468-7619.__________________
Front end loader forSN tractor $450; 24 disc tandem harrow $550; Irg. fert. spreader $295. Mike Campbell, Newnan. Ph. 404-253-8183._____________
2 horse wagon frame in exc. cond. w/out wheels, dry and sheltered, best cash offer. Mrs. Myrtle Moore, Forest Park. Ph. 404-361-8055._________
Super A, 1951 model 48 in. IH belly mower, planter, fert. dist., 2 disc tiller, cult, equip., sgl. gang harrow $3500 firm. J. D. Sisson, Warm Springs 31830. Ph. 404-674-2489 days, 404-655-2655 nights.

IH Cub Cadet garden tractor, blade, plows, hitch, mower deck $1450 obo. J. C. Binion, Newnan. Ph. 404-251-1573 eve.

210 JD garden tractor w/mower $1500. C. D. Gravitt, Buford. Ph. 945-4371.

Super A, 1952 model w/Woods 59 in. belly mower, sev. pcs. cult, equip. $3,000 firm. B. N. Sisson, Cobbtown. Ph. 912-237-2900 days, 912-684-3281 nights.
MF 7 ft. 3 pt. hitch, belt driven cycle mower $550. Eugene Jordan, Rt. 1, Box 167B, Bowman 30624._______________
Trailer w/cattle frame, lights, spare tire, sgl. axle, 5 1/2x12 treated floor $475. Mark Johnson, Conyers. Ph. 404-463-4243.__________________
JD wts., 5 bars, w/attach. $200; 2 draw bars for Cub Farmall, 2 lay-off plows $75 ea., NH pull type hay rake $950. Bud Rowden, Bogart. Ph. 404-725-5157.
CA AC w/8 disc harrow, good cond. $1250. Larry Love, Rt. 1, Danielsville. Ph. 404-795-3193.________________
240 Timberjack 1979, Ezy grapple good cond. Clyde JOrdan, Rt. 1, Box 240, Reldsvllle 30453. Ph. 912-557-6245 nights.
Ford 2000 tractor, gas, P.S., spin out wheels, live PTO, good tires, good cond. $4,300. Max Brock, Villa Rica. Ph. 459-5444.__________________
8N Ford tractor, latest model, exc. cond. $2600. E. O. Jordan, Monticello. Ph. 404-468-6339 or 404-468-8832.________
Case 555 9 ft. mower conditioner, good cond. used last yr. $2,000. H. E. Kemp, 823 Kelley Town Rd., McDonough 30253. Ph. 957-4997.__________________
NH 851 baler manual tie, kept under shelter when not in use. Milton Stewart, Greensboro 30642. Ph. 404-467-2510.
Ford 1700 diesel 200 hr. rotary mower, bottom plow, cult., 14 ft. dual axles trailer, exc. cond. $6200. P. B. Hayes, Warner Robins. Ph. 923-9846._________
1973 Ford diesel tractor, power steering, new tires, brakes, gen., switch, good paint, uses no oil, 1850 hrs. $6000. C. F. Dillard, Calhoun. Ph. 404-629-7436.
Hvy. dty. 2 wheel trailer 6x9 w/lights, exc. cond. $325. Milt Cunningham, Allanta. Ph. 457-3371 days, 475-8309 nights.
Combing, AC no. 60, ready to run $350; wagon, HD two 24 ft. extendable to 36 ft., no body $400. W. E. Evans, Clarkston. Ph. 294-1096 aft. 6 pm.______________
1 Merry tiller, garden plow w/5 hp. Wise. mtr. in exc. cond. Walter Kitchens, Stapleton. Ph. 404-547-6878 aft. 7 pm.
New Idea 271 Cutditioner, 6 ft. cut, good cond., similar to rotary scythe. D. Leguin, Summerville. Ph. 404-857-3997
eve._____________________ Athens 4 disc tiller, mounted on tires.
R. Ray, Rt. 1, Canon. Ph. 404-245-5196.
Miller gas welder and gen., 16 hp., 4-110 out, 1-220 outlet, Victor cutt. outfit Irg. tanks, hose leads, other $2200. H. J. Daniel, Whltesburg. Ph. 404-834-7677 aft.
6 pm._____________________________ Oak cattle bodies, fits longbed Chev.
pickup $50. David Brown, Union City. Ph. 404-964-1123.________________
Sprayer, Swanson stainless steel, 100 gal. 3 pt. hitch, used very little $3,000. Jack Wright, Rt. 4, Box 7, Ellljay 30540. Ph. 635-2265.________________
1980 1300 Ford tractor, 4WD like new, only 97 hrs. $5,000. Jackie Kuhn, Locust Grove. Ph. 957-9918/1735._______
Hough payloader model HAH (not 4WD) good cond. 1960's, Irg. bucket $1800. K. V. Hayes, Oxford. Ph. 787-2457.
Ag-Tac pecan sprayer tractor mtd., 150 gal. $3,000; Bowie cleaner $2500; DurandWayland harvester $1500. R. L. Wetherington, Macon. Ph. 912-994-0532.
Farmall Super w/2 harrows, turn plow, cult and belly mower, all in good cond. $3,800. Joe Shepler, Waycross. Ph. 912-285-5293._________________
6 ft. MF bush hog $300; Oliver tractor, needs tune-up $450; 1 row cult. $125. F. Sprewell, Carrollton 30117. Ph. 404-834-3030._________________
Tree planter $250; Burch planters, 2 row $250; pull type mower $200; cult. $150. Sam McLeod, Rt. 2, Box 345, Tennllle. Ph. 912-552-2406.______________
Dual axle 16x6 1/2 ft. trailer w/brakes, I-beam, not floored, newly constr. $575. Ron Hulett, Milan. Ph. 912-362-4352 aft. 6
MF 135 diesel, power steering, spin-out wheels, very good cond. $4,995. W. Sims, Carrollton. Ph. 404-836-0281.__________
MF 35 deluxe, frnt end loader, 3 pt. hitch, live PTO, new tires, exc. shape $3700. Edward Mosley, Forest Park. Ph. 404-366-9482.________________
4 wheel David Bradley rubber tire wagon good cond. $175. James Yarbrough, Austell. Ph. 948-2469 aft. 5 pm.
4020 JD, 2440 JD, 4 JD planters on ripper spider, 12 ft. harrow, 1000 gal. tank w/pump, sprayers. D. McCorvey, Rt. 2, Nashville. Ph. 912-686-3890._________
1977 52 hp. AC tractor, 880 hrs., Ind. PTO, hyd., $4,500. H. R. Williams, Ellaville. Ph. 912-862-5503.___________
B JD tractor, good cond. Andy Day, P.O. Box 227, Thomaston 30286. Ph. 404-648-2828.________________
Cat. 12 ft. angle blade w/"A" frame for D-6B, D-6, 9U or D-5, good cond. $1750. A. Lamb, Cordele. Ph. 912-268-8550.
Ariens roto-tiller, horse model w/nerly new 5 hp. exc. cond. $600. Rita Williams, Atlanta. Ph. 404-799-7808 btw. 9-1 pm.

Page 4


Wednesday, March 26, 1986

Nine ton 3 bin, H-steele feed grain body in good shape; 100 ft. Patz 101 conveyor feeder cheap. Dale Brubaker, Comer. Ph. 404-783-5089/5741.________
Foly 40 in. sawmill, exc. cond., sawdust remover, auto, off-bearing & spare parts $3,800; Ford 601 Workmaster w/front end loader $3,200. Charlie Johnston, Greenville. Ph. 672-4568.
Ferguson 7 ft. 3 pt. hitch, cycle mower $325; 14 in. sgl. bottom plow $150. Curtis Miller, 1511 Memory Ln., Smyrna. Ph. 404-435-4760._________________
Farmall Super A tractor w/comp. set of cult, (plus extra) lift type planter, fert. dist. outfit, 1 set of disc, $3500. Mrs. M. Moore, Forest Park. Ph. 404-361-8055.
4 row crop sprayer, 150 gal. tank, 3 pt. hitch, good cond. $375. James Smith, Warner Robins 31093. Ph. 912-922-5323.
951 C Cat. front end loader, good cond. $24,900 and JD 450 B front end loader $13,000. Ralph Rutherford, Marietta. Ph. 943-4271._________________
Cole planters, 2 row, fert. w/cult. frame, 3 pt. hitch; 1 row corn snapper pull type; 4 wheel HD trailer. Jack Smith, Toccoa. Ph. 886-5708.__________________
JD6600 combine, hydro, dr., 404 cu. in. eng. and air cond. good cond. $16,000. Thomas Wilson, Locust Grove. Ph. 404-228-1621._______________
Ford 9N w/front end loader, good cond. $3250; front end loader only $1250. M. Beres, Molena. Ph. 404-553-5349 night.
450 dozer, 6 way blade, cab, ripper bar $10,500; 2 axle equip, trailer, lights, brakes $500. Glenn Ferguson, Rome. Ph. 404-235-9791._______________
NH no. 56 hay rake $800; Ford no. 501 sickle mower $450; Pittsburgh 2 row cult, and 4 Cole planters $550, all good cond. W. O. Rakestraw, Dallas. Ph. 404-445-3982._________________
Troy-Bilt tiller w/elec. start used 1 season w/all attach. $1200. Abbie Hogsed, Buchanan. Ph. 1-646-3290 9 am to 2
pm.____________________ 1979 Power King 14 hp. tractor, belly
mower, turning plow, disc harrow, scrape blade, cult., exc. cond. $2850. Sid Meyer, Galnesvllle. Ph. 404-532-3224.______
Ferguson T030 tractor comp. rebuilt mtr. and lift, new tires, new paint, new 12 V sys. $2500. Alan Ray, Loganvllle. Ph. 466-1376.______________
Gravely 10 hp. elec. start w/equip. Gene Williams, 911 Center Point Rd., Carrollton 30117. Ph. 404-834-0128 days, 834-3577 aft. 5:30 pm.____________
Utility trailer 5x10 tilt bed, 15 in. tires, good cond. $295. J. Bruce, Covlngton. Ph. 404-786-5014._________________
Farmall Cub 1979 w/cult., last one built, like new, approx. 100 hrs. $4,850. Cecil Bryant, Rt. 2, Jefferson 30549. Ph. 404-367-5401.________________
9N Ford tractor very good cond., new radiator, starter, gen., battery and wiring $2,000. Ed Hitt, Augusta. Ph. 404-863-1620.__________________
16 in. 4 bottom Ford turning plow, 3 pt. hitch $250. Leland Scoggins II, Rt. 4, Summervllle. Ph. 404-857-3992.______
TO-30 Ferguson tractor w/all purpose plow, 30 hp. good cond. $1975 obo. Tony Mooney, Conyers. Ph. 483-2588._____
5660 Gravely elec. start 12 hp. Kohler dual wheel riding seat, 52 in. mower, cult. Geo. Smith, Hampton. Ph. 404-946-4276 days, 8:30 to 4:30._____________
35 Ferguson deluxe, diesel eng., good tires, exc. cond. $3250; subsoiler $40. R. M. Grizzle, Acworth. Ph. 404-974-4098.
Taylor-Way 3 pt. hitch 18 disc tandem harrow, 3 pt. fert. spreader, 3/4 hp. seed cleaner 18 ft. conveyor. Sammie King, Cedartown. Ph. 748-4331.__________
MF tractor exc. cond., new paint $2,600. James Bunn, Senola. Ph. 599-6682 aft. 7:30 pm._________________
Farmall 350 diesel w/2 pt. fast hitch w/lift $2300, nego. D. Robinson, Carrollton. Ph. 834-1901._____________
1966 Ford w/14 ft. litter spreader body like new $5995. Darryl Freeman, G Bar D Ranch, Winder. Ph. 867-9039._______
D4D Cat. w/8 ft. hyd. tilt blade, 1973 in good cond. $14,000. Ronald Boatright, Stlllmore. Ph. 912-562-3508.________
Hay rake, Deutz, exc. cond., rakes 9 ft. width. B. Bearden, Bostwick. Ph. 404-342-3393.________________
Pix-AII bean picker, exc. cond. James Fordham, Cochran 31014. Ph. 912-934-2226.______________
1566 Intl. tractor, AC no-till planters 8 row Intl. grain drill 12 ft. 300 MF combine, other. Worth Thacker, Adalrsvllle. Ph. 629-4335.________________
NH mower conditioner, side del. rake, sq. baler, Vicon tedder, all for $10,300. Vernon, Hagen, Douglasville. Ph. 942-8186.________________
JD mower and conditioner, JD rake, JD baler, Kuhn tedder. Dennis Chandler, Douglasville. Ph. 942-8577.__________
4 row Burch planters, fert. attach., working cond. row marker. E. L. Giddens, Rt. 1, Lenox 31637. Ph. 686-3688._____
Gehl 95 feed mill, good cond., used very little, hammers never turned $2,175. Jay Simpson, Dixie. Ph. 912-263-5277.

135 MF 3 cyl. Perkins eng., gas, runs good, new tires on front, rear in good cond. $3850. W. M. Morris, Dalton 30720. Ph.404-259-3231._____________
Sears 12 hp. tractor, 3 pt. hitch, wts., turning plow, discharger, cult., lay-off plow, exc. cond. $1,350. Glen Dills, Riverdale. Ph. 991-2848.___________
AC no-till planters, 3 pt. hitch, 5 row w/gage wheels $1600. Dennis Burroughs, Rt. 1, Hull 30646. Ph. 548-4826 nights, 4949 days.__________________
2 row cult, w/2 Covington planters, exc. cond. $450; MF 3 bottom plow $360. Mark Sprewell, Rt. 2, Carrollton 30117. Ph. 404-834-3030._______________
Hyd. log grapple, 3 pt. hitch for farm tractor to 85 hp. John Smith, Washington. Ph. 404-678-2689._____________
1 set of four 16 in. bottom plows, make Ford, field ready, priced to sell. Floyd Knowles, Sr., Rt. 2, McRae. Ph. 912-362-4778.___________________
One log splitter, like new, used 45 min., cost $1475, sell, $1050. S. Carey, 946 Orris Rd., Mableton 30059. Ph. 941-9282.
One row cult., good cond. $75; 16 ft. dual axle trailer w/ramps $825; subsoiler $135; 6 ft. scrape blade $150. Larry Waters, Rt. 2, Rockmart. Ph. 404-684-8400._________________
4020, JD w/cab, Syncro-Range trans., dual remotes, exc. cond. Royce Kendrick, Rt. 1, Box 85, Sparks 31647. Ph. 912-549-8416 aft. 6 pm.__________
Intl. Wind row rake, drawbar type, needs teeth, $200. T. K. Putnam, Rt. 2, Bethlehem Rd., Falrbum 30213. Ph. 404-964-6936.__________________
Ford 9N tractor, new mtr., new paint, A-1 cond., trailer and 8 pcs. equip. $3500. J. Taylor, Conyers. Ph. 922-9436.______
AC CA tractor w/cutting harrow, turning plow, bush hog and 3 pt. hitch $2300. Doyle McMichen, Rome. Ph. 386-2728.
LA JD hand lift cult., sub-soiler, turn plow, extra mtr. except crankshaft $1195. Paul Nash, Danlelsvllle. Ph.404-789-3313.
C frame for AC HD 6 bulldozer, used very little. J. Daniel, Pittman, Waycross. Ph. 285-1764._______________
14 A D8 Cat. dozer, needs UC, D4 Cat. dozer needs block, C6 Terex dozer parts only. Paul Tucker, Waynesboro. Ph. 554-4365.___________________
Ford 4000 diesel, live lift, live PTO, good rubber and paint, good cond. $3500; E. Gleaner combine $2500. Mike Cown, Monroe. Ph. 267-8560.________
Farmall M tractor, good cond., 5 ft. pull type bush hog $1,350, other. R. Q. Breedlove, Monroe. Ph. 267-5649.
Like new set of 2 row planters and cult. $1400. James Banks, Lula. Ph. 869-7766/3637._____________
24 in. corn mill and 4 cyl. gas eng. for sale, both in good cond. J. S. Rylee, Box 60, Olllsvllle 30543. Ph. 404-677-3799.
1962 B 275 Intl. tractor, diesel in good cond. $2750. Jerry Jarrard, Dahlonega. Ph. 404-864-3953.___________
4x6 ft. steel bed trailer w/7-14 8 ply tires good cond. $325. Felix Freeman, Galnesvllle. Ph. 983-7774._________
7040 AC tractor, 135 hp. cap., AC good cond. $10,500, will consider trade for 65 to 75 hp. tractor plus diff. in value. Lenwood Lord, Dublin. Ph. 912-272-4111.
Crankshaft & connecting rods for FarmalJ M tractor frm 6722 DJ block. R. B. Kimbrough, Columbus. Ph. 404-322-4887.
MF 245 tractor 159 hrs., A-1 cond., 1 row planter and cult., 2 disc turning plow, 16 disc smoothing harrow; other. Calvin Carter, Powder Springs. Ph. 943-2075.
1968 C50 6 cyl. skldder 2 speed rear end 300 ft. cable, set chain, two-bar, $500. T. W. Morris, Griffin. Ph. 404-228-2114.
1982 AC 60960 diesel, 64 hp., 4 spool, 350 hrs., like new. James Barton, Lllbum 30247. Ph. 921-7754.____________
Gooseneck 8x24 ft. 3 axle flatbed trailer like new $1600; Cherokee sq. bale loader $350. Bill Crenshaw, Madison. Ph. 342-1280.________________
Hammer mill conditioner for sale. Robert Baggett, Lyerly. Ph. 895-4458.
1984 6060 Ac w/10 ft. bush hog mower, $4500, equity and assume payments $3800 dn. Jesse Middlebrooks, Albany. Ph. 435-0997._____________
JD 4-16 in. bottom plow, $275; 2 Cole 1200 series planters, extra plates and sprockets, kept under shelter, exc. cond. $325. Harry Lodges, Claxton. Ph. 912-685-5825 aft. 7 pm._________
6 ft. Rome bedding harrow, good 32 in. disc, hour glass packer good shape $5,000 firm. Earlie Posey, Cordele. Ph. 912-273-2234._______________
Two 10 ton feed bins w/new mtr. and 20 ft. auger, sell or trade for farm equip., can del. w/in 50 mi. Dan Purrett, Palmetto. Ph. 404-964-6743._______________
Farmall FC tractor w/front and rear mtd. cult., 2 bottom plow and planter. Jack Hobbs, Butler. Ph.912-862-5935 or 205-298-5812._________________
75 Ford 5000 60 hp. load monitor hyd. dual remotes, dual power trans., 1790 hrs., exc. cond. David Barnes, Demorest. Ph. 404-778-6962.____________
. Pets are allowed. rt! ,,,,

00 Frick portable sawmill w/edger, diesel power unit, Windham log turner, dust chain 48 in. saw. R. Roberts, Gray. Ph. 912-986-9147._____________
NH 7 ft. mowing machine. Eddie Byrd, Kensington. Ph. 404-539-2131 aft. 7 pm.
MF 35 diesel tractor on good running and sev. pcs. of equip., price nego. Leroy Murray, Sardls. Ph. 912-5694564.
0 Frick portable sawmill, edger, shaving maker, other equip. Dennis Roper, Gumming. Ph. 404-887-4469 or 404-889-9572.____________________
1952 Minn. Moline tractor w/5 ft. Woods belly moer, exc. cond. $1000, dual hyd. sys. Don Maulding, Powder Springs. Ph. 404-426-0436._____________
Ford 3 14 in. plows, 3 pt. hitch, Ford 3 pt. hitch disc harrows 24 discs, Ford all purpose plows, 8 feet, all field ready. Bob Atwood, Cedartown. Ph. 404-748-7637.
Super A Farmall, runs good w/belly mower all equip. $2200. Rayle Sullivan, Rt. 1, Vldalla. Ph. 912-537-4944._____
TD-6 dozer, late model eng., nvy. duty, hyd. sys., exc. trans., needs rollers $3200. Perry Henry, Brooks. Ph. 599-6579.
MF 135, 1973 model 1200 hrs., exc. cond., recently overhauled $4500. Linda Thomas, Lawrencevllle. Ph. 404-962-2206.
Cat. 955L loader, exc. cond. $33,000; JD 310 backhoe good cond. Lindsey Tippins, Marietta. Ph. 404-422-7087/3607.
1086 Intl. cab, air, duals, wts. $10,000; 4 row KMC ripper spidedr w/71 JD planters $2,050. L. V. Itson, Pelnam. Ph. 912-294-4992.________________
AC 45 tractor $2000; AC B model $800; mtr. and some parts, wagon for tractor $175. J. Paschal, Lllbum. Ph. 921-2156.
Minn. Molene BF tractor, live PTO and belt pulley, one or two row cult., comp. overhauled $950. Carl Gardner, East Point 30344. Ph. 767-2278.______
A Farmall tractor w/new tires and manual lift, runs good w/some equip. $1,000 cash firm. Richard Redmon, Rt. 1, Maysvllle. Ph. 404-652-2376.______
1957 elec. start JD B needs head, good cond., rear tires 85% tread, $700 nego.; WD 45 AC fair cond., needs intermediate shaft and mtr. work $800 nego. Mike Meuborn, Palmetto. Ph. 463-9859.
Starter for 12 hp. Sears garden tractor, 2 rear wheels and tires, fits 12 or 16 hp. Sears tractor. C. J. Freeman, Rome. Ph. 235-7113.___________________
8 hp. BIS mtr., J.P.C. chain dr. tiller, low hrs. $400. K. H. Matthews, Atlanta. Ph. 404-753-8698.________________
JD 450 dozer w/winch, good cond. and good price, best offer. Griffin area. W. E. Karr, Concord. Ph. 404-228-6286.
Case 5800 backhoe/loader 1981 model 1389 hrs., exc. cond., 18 in. bucket; Case new col. $22,500. Cecil Bryant, Rt. 2, Jefferson. Ph. 404-367-5401.___________
4 JD 71 planters, dbl. tool bar w/row opener, 3 pt. hitch $1100. J. D. Faulkner, Mllner. Ph. 404-358-0664._________
Twin axle trailer 6x16 ft. bed, steel frame and oak floor, elec. brakes, lights, ramps $800. Bert James, Rt. 7, Kennesaw. Ph. 404-926-4535.______
Case W-26 B model wheel loader $40,000, trade for wheel backhoe or NH hay wagon. Wayne Kilgore, Duluth. Ph. 476-2353/1054.____________
9N Ford tractor 12V good cond., 20 disc pull type smoothing harrow, heavy built 2 axle trailer for hauling $2450. J. Wright, Gumming. Ph. 887-5402.____
1974 B-100 Wheel Horse tractor, 1 owner, has 36 in. tiller, turning plow, harrow, tire chains elec. start $1800. Hazel Smith, Canton. Ph. 479-5396._______
Good 4230 JD tractor, good tires in good shape. Ralph Thigpen, Pavo. Ph. 859-2145.____________________
NH 845 round baler $3000; JD 8200 grain drill $2500. Bobby Johnson, Thomasvllle. Ph. 912-377-9698 before 8 am aft. 7 pm.___________________
4230 JD tractor, good cond., low hrs. L. V. Woodard, Rt. 1, Box 159, Rebecca 31783. Ph. 912-643-7644.___________
1486 Intl. 2500 hrs., duals, 3 remote, control valves, cab, air, am/fm radio, exc. cond. $13,000. Eddie Dorminey, Rt. 1, Enigma. Ph. 912-533-4607.___________
V4 Wise, w/clutch $1,000; injector pump for 4 cyl. Perkins $200. M. P. Rich, Griffin. Ph. 404-229-1311._________
Two 13.00x26 tractor tires and tubes, turf tread both $75. Jim Mabry, Marietta. Ph. 993-4997._______________
Feed and litter mixer used 5 yrs. exc. cond., sell or trade $6000. Ricky McCommons, Union Point. Ph. 486-4948/2494.
5 row Universal sprayer & 1 row Covington planter. Jerrill Garner, Temple. Ph. 562-3813.
Want head for 57-JD. B 2 cult.; also, PTO box w/gears and intermediate shaft for AC, WP45, will pick up. Mike Mewborn, Palmetto. Ph. 463-9859.
Want Backhoe to fit 720 Bobcat. Dale Smith, Albany. Ph. 912-439-0645.

Want to buy scrape. Joe Wilkinson, Milledgeville. Ph. 912-452-7865 aft. 7 pm.
Want tractor 110 to 130 hp., Cab, air, low hrs., good cond. Eddie Byrd, Kensington. Ph. 404-539-2131 aft. 7 pm.
Want to buy 8N Ford tractor w/4 or 6 or V8 cyl. eng., crankshaft To-20 Ferguson. James R. Sullivan, Rt. 1, Box 332, Vidalia. Ph. 912-537-4944.______________
Want rake attac. for 2010 JD dozer blade or clearing rake blade. Mark Pryor, Rt. 1, Box 36, Concord 30206. Ph. 404-495-5877._________________
Want parts for 1948 or 49 JD A model tractor and good used cement mixer. Jim O'Nan, Calhoun. Ph. 404-625-3627 eve.
Want Cat. D7 or Komatsu Irg. dozer, hyd. fairly late model, must be in exc. cond. J.E. Collins, 104 Perry St.,ManChester 31816.______________
Want gravity flow bulk wagon in good cond. Mike Strickland, Pine Mtn. Ph. 404-633-4147 aft. 8 pm.____________
Want Sherman backhoe or the pump to fit 8D1 PTO Spline which measures 1 3/8. C.R. Smith, Marietta. Ph. 422-9423, after 6:30 p.m.___________________
Want a 44 inch mower deck for a 129 Intl. Cub Cadet tractor. Gil Landry, Athens. Ph. 404-543-7449 or 542-5350.
Want small motor-grader AC or Galion. John Epps, Box 503, Dry Branch. Ph. 912-743-5998._______________
Want crankshaft for Super C & A Farmall, can be a Farmall 100 or 200. Alfred E. Thomas, Rt. 2, Box 995, Chickamauga 30707. Ph. 404-375-4399._________
Want Barn to lease for storing tractor, etc., Marietta / Alpharetta / Roswell areas. Joseph T. Fleming, Marietta. Ph. 565-5852._________________
Want JD 4230 less than 1000 hrs., cab, remotes, no duals, reas. Dale Wiley, Rt. 3, Covington. Ph. 404-464-3815, after 8 pm.
Want 7 ft. JD mower or Bush Hog mower with stump jumper, must be in very good cond. Wayne Phillips, Stockbridge. Ph. 404-929-0485.______
Want Midland 6 wheel 3Vi to 4 yd. dirt pan. Charles L. Harper, Rt. 1, Box 464, Warrenton 30828. Ph. 404-465-2054, night or 404-465-3763 day.____________
Want complete trans. for 440 JD Ind. tractor 58 model. Freddie Dorminy, Fitzgerald. Ph. 912-423-9572._________
Want Hay Rake, NH No. 56 baler, Vermeer No. 504 for parts, repairable Gas tractor w/front loader, or loader for Ford 3000. W. E. Evans, Clarkson. Ph. 294-1096, aft. 6 p.m.___________
Want Honey bee loader. Canton F. Smith, Rt. 1, Box 291, Murrayville 30564. Ph. 404-864-2862._______________
Want crankshaft for Intl. D-239 eng. in 3514 backhoe. F. Avery Sylvester. Ph. 912-776-7388._______________
Want 2010 JD tractor for parts, must have good diesel eng., must be running. Harry Brett, Helena. Ph. 912-868-5024, day or 912-568-5638, night._______
Want 3-16 in. turning plow, 2 row cultivator, 6 ft. scrape blade, 6 ft. harrow with seal bearing within 50 miles of Byron. Gene Brown, Byron. Ph. 912-953-3330.__________________
Want 7 ft. Vicon or Kuhn disc mower in exc. cond., reas. price. Ernest Powell, Hampton. Ph. 946-9169.____________
Want strawblower, pull type. Ricky McCommons, Union Point. Ph. 486-4948 or 486-2494.______________________
Want John Deere-336 baler w/thrower or bale thrower for JD-336 baler. Bob Atwood, Cedartown. Ph. 404-748-7637.
Want Fordson tractor w/steel wheels, will haul. Zane Bristol, East Point. Ph. 404-767-9882._________________
Want spring tooth harrow, 8 ft. wide or more. D. D. Farris, Atlanta. Ph. 634-0711.
Want a Ford 8 or 9 tractor in exchange for my excavating your property with Cat 951 loader. B. Butler, Duluth. Ph. 404-476-0184._______________
Want good used Rock Rake. R. L. Ganas, Rt. 1, Box 404, Waycross 31501. Ph. 912-283-5413._____________
Want salvage F-model tractor eng. END673T w/good turbo system, would consider good engine if reas. A. Lamb, Vienna. Ph. 912-268-8550.
Farm Supplies
Please include a statement along with your ad indicating how an item has been or can be used on a farm.
Cattle head catch, walk thru, chute, in good cond. $150. J. C. Carpenter, Kathleen. Ph. 912-987-4585.__________
Better-Bill liquid manure tank, 1100 gal. cap., PTO dr. $4,000; 6000 bu. grain bin w/blower and unloading auger; also, 52 ft. Mayrath 6 in. auger, PTO, $2,000/both. M. Sumner, Waycross. Ph. 912-283-7273._________________
Free old farm bldg., you may tear dn. for lumber or move, must clean up. Betty Robins, Snellville. Ph. 979-2391.

Sears brick lined heater 26-28", wood, like new. Y. Allgood, Riverdale. Ph. 404-996-8805.______________

5200 gal. fuel tank made of 3/8 steel boiler plate, must move, $1000. Clyde Jor-
dan, Reidsville. Ph. 912-557-6245 night.

Incubator, 8 tray, redwood, complete, used 1985, $200. Clayton Garrett, Cumming. Ph. 404-8874889.__________

5 gal. elec. churn w/motor & jug, used few times, $45. Fannie Wilson, 1940
Cochran Rd., Madison 30650. Ph. 404-342-2817.________________

Woodburning stove, round, free standing, Sears model, good cond., $65. Don Hunter, Powder Springs. Ph. 943-1983.

Cyclone pan-type feeder (3 lines for 300 ft. chicken house), 2 bins w/fill systems, all $2500. Harold Yarbrough, Douglasville. Ph. 404-942-4111._____

Uncleaned 8" concrete block 20$ ea.; 55 gal. drums w/lids & binders $5 ea., take all $4 ea., other. Cecil Thompson, Covington. Ph. 787-7719.__________

Surge Herringbone milking stalls, 16
stations plus gates, to be removed from dairy installation $800 or make offer. M. Butler, Ellljay. Ph. 404-276-4799._____

Hog feeder, 8 hole, fair cond. $75. Dennis Chandler, Douglasville. Ph. 942-8577.

Chick master and buckeye incubators and hatching units. Henry Miller, Lula. Ph. 404-869-4235 or 3231.___________

Sears captive air pressure water well tank, 40 gal., $35. K. Gillaspie, Rome. Ph. 404-232-6601._________________

Goldens No. 27 power cane mill, Chattanooga No. 14, horse drawn; 12 ft. galv. pan, skimmers and cont. good cond. Clarence Marona, Trenton. Ph. 404-657-6727._________________

Cypress farm fence posts or cedar
posts 4 in. dia. x 61/2 ft. $150 ea., can del. Rich Bond, Hartwell. Ph. 376-7606.

Centrifugal water pump, 5 hp. 1 ph. 220V, 2 1/2 in. suction, 1760 rpm. Berkeley
w/suction hose, foot valve and couplings. R. B. Kimbrough, Columbus. Ph. 404-322-4887._______________

Four 40 ft. I-beams, heavy duty, 1/2 by 18 in., good cond. G. T. Rowder, Bogart. Ph. 404-725-5157.______________

48 in. exhaust fans w/louvers, 12 ton Brock feed fin, 2 ton cooling unit, for chicken house. Malcolm McMichael, Monticello. Ph. 404-468-8467._________

50 chick brooders, water and feed cont., one batter fence. Tom Kerr, Thomasville. Ph. 226-4628._________

Panels, twelve 10 ft. and eight 16 ft., all 1 1/2 rd. tubing, 14 gauge, new cond. Sam Moon, Homer. Ph. 404-677-3540 aft. 7 p.m.

Hickory chips for smoking meats. Bobby Robinson, Adairsville. Ph. 773-7686
aft. 6 p.m.______________________
50 gal. syrup boiler, round cane grinders $225. James Home, Lyons. Ph. 912-526-8198._______________

Gehl hog scales wt. up to 440 Ibs., cost $825, sell, $700. Vernon Hagen, Douglasville. Ph. 942-8188._________

H.D. boom pole, 3 pt. hitch, like new $45; 12 ft. straight hay panels, solid, bot-
toms, cost $120, sell $55 ea. Clay Keller, Danlelsville. Ph. 404-795-3379._____

Cast iron bath tub to water stock, $50. H. H. Ray, Lumpkin. Ph. 912-638-6229.

330' chicken barn you remove, best offer, 100 chicken nesters $2 ea., trade for
pressure treated fence posts. W. Pittman, Gumming. Ph. 887-1824._______

7-ton round feed bin w/auger & elec. motor $125. Elmer Stancil, Bostwick. Ph. 404-342-3548.___________________

Grain bins 1 & 3 ton $75 ea./best offer; 2 heat lamps $35; Irg. incubator $75/best offer. J. Stovall, Buford. Ph. 404-945-3894.

Atlanta wood cook stove w/warming closet $500. Mrs. J. H. Carney, 15520 Thompson Rd., Alpharetta 30201. Ph. 475-4957._______________________

Fisher mid. size wood stove, exc. cond., $300. Rebecca Rubert, Stone Mtn. Ph. 564-1140.____________________

Incubators, cir. air, 2-3-4-5-6 trays, hand/auto turning, 2 thermostats. Ernest
Dickey, Ada Dr., Millen 30442. Ph. 912-982-5515.____________________

80 gal. syrup kettle $125. W. J. Wilson, Rt. 1, Box 32D, Oakfield 31772. Ph. 912-535-6740._____________________

Locust farm fence posts & locust rails, also 8' chestnut rails, can del. Terry York, Dillard. Ph. 746-2029.______________

PVC pipe 8 in., $1.75 ft., 160 PSI, for underground irrig., risers, T's, etc. Bill Parker, Baxley. Ph. 912-367-6722 day / 7427 night.__________________

90 ft. PVC 4" drain pipe plus 22 coupling joints, T's elbows, etc., $150. M. D. Smith, Smyrna. Ph. 435-7083.________

8 ft. quail brooder, temp, control, 8 ft. quail laying pen, 200 cap., good cond., $100. Lamar Atkins, Soperton. Ph. 912-537-7714.__________________

Pig pen, solid oak, 8 1/z' x 4 1/2', $75; also
2 hutch rabbit pens, solid oak, 6V4' x 3W, auto, feeders, water bottles, $60. Johnnie
Sparks, Blue Ridge. Ph. 404-492-2897.

600 burlap bags 25$ ea.' 200 bean

hampers w/lids 50 ea. Jim Herrington,

Box 745, Cusseta 31805. Ph.


.I ess ,!> :,.: ; oc

Wednesday, March 26, 1986


Page 5

1" x 12" pine lumber from torn down bldg. 85 bd. ft. Shelley McMarry, Jackson. Ph. 404-775-2437.________
One 2 hp. turning plow $25. J. C. Dilbeck, Atlanta. Ph. 255-5650.______
18 hp. portable Lincoln welder; also, comp. gas welding and tanks, portable air compressor. Johnny Blasczyk, Douglasville. Ph. 942-5018.__________
Used conveyor roller bed 10 ft. sections good for sawmill etc. Mahlon Turner, Rt. 1, Dahlonega 30533. Ph. 404-865-2311 nights.____________
Bearings for tractor etc., 20 Hanger bearing units, 2 Dodge-Timken taper roller brgs. per unit sizes, 2 7/16"; 2 15/16"; 2 15/16"; 3 3/16", make offer. J. Brown, Milner. Ph. 404-358-2916._____
280 gal. fuel tank $125. Larry Loughridge, Chatsworth. Ph. 404-695-4987.___________________
Split chestnut farm fence rails, rails del. and installed. G. Mitchell, P.O. Box 1768, Blairsville 30512. Ph. 404-745-4585.
Drainage pipe, 11 in. to 14 in. dia., mostly in 12 ft. lenghts w/couplers $2.75 to $3.25 per ft. Hamid Ashtiani, Stone Mtn. Ph. 294-9233._____________
300 gal. diesel skid tank $100; 110 gal. poly spray tank w/fittings $100. J. Brinkman, Rt. 2, Kingston. Ph. 404-382-6110._______________
100 chicken nests $8 ea., exc. cond., 5 Big Dutchman track feeders for chickens $3 ea.; bells off Mark 5 waterers for chickens $5 ea. R. McCommons, Union Pt. Ph. 486-4948 / 2494.____________
Food dehydrator extra Irg. 23 x 24 x 41 in., 9 trays, cost $110, make offer. D. A. Matthews, Macon. Ph. 474-3621.______
Bathtub for water livestock. Mrs. Eva Harrison, 461 McWilliams Ave., Atlanta 30316. Ph. 404-376-5913.__________
Irrig. pump, 5 hp. Briggs mtr., 2 in. suction & discharge w/trailer/stand. L. Durham, Winterville. Ph. 742-7803.
Conveyor, Reliance elec. mtr., 3 hp. 5 hp. 230/460 V. w/gear box, used grain conveyor. Gray Richert, Gumming. Ph. 889-1365._________________
Elec. Jacuzz turbine pump, 7 1/2 hp. for watering from sml. Ik. very forceful, $1,000. Young Richardson, Buford. Ph.
Barn and other farm bldg., you tear down and move. M. H. White, Church St., Mableton 30059. Ph. 941-4726.______
12 doz. No. 2 dbl. coil Victor traps, suitable for farm predator control, $25/doz. W. Oliver, Buena Vista. Ph. 912-649-9969.__________________
One shop blower $50; 2 Cole planters, mule drawn, $40 ea. like new. D. L. Fountain, Bowdon. Ph. 258-7408._______
Delmhorst hay moisture tester w/digital readout. Randall Richardson, Rt. 1, Box 45A, Bluffton 31724. Ph. 912-835-2038._______________
4 ft. watering trough used for sheep $35; lambing panels $5. G. Campbell, Fox Run Farm, Lula. Ph. 404-869-3390.
310-16" bar McCulloch chain saw $95; other items. J. R. Folsom, Bremen. Ph. 404-537-5892.________________
Used SS hay & grain horse feeders, covered top maintains dry feed outdoors or remove top for feeding $65. B. Autrey, Covinglon. Ph. 787-1919.___________
Heart pine lumber & old bricks from torn dn. farm bids. Freddie Dorminy, Fitzgerald. Ph. 912-423-9572.___________
Cider press, needs minor repair, heavy iron grinder & pressing screw, other. Al Randall, Lithia Spgs. Ph. 404-941-9091.
Approx. 100 bu. hampers 75<p ea. J. Martin, Rt. 1, Box 647, Armuchee 30105.
Greenhouse fert. injector, M-P mixer proportioner, cap. 5 gal., cost $228, sell $120. Ronnie McHenry, 824 Poplar Spgs. Rd., Dallas 30132. Ph. 428-3616.______
Hickory chips for smoking meats 15<t/lb. Bouchard Malain, Augusta. Ph. 404-796-8016 eve._____________
Greenhouse, 24 x 100, wood, glass, metal, smoker, steamer, fan, heater, etc., $800. Bill Hunley, 236 Lk. Joy Rd., Perry 31069. Ph. 912-987-3776.____________
5 livestock water troughs, 3 cast iron bath tubs $50 ea., for watering livestock, 2 Blue Deamont tanks, 600 gal. ea., $75 ea. Janelle Mathews, Byron. Ph. 912-956-5614.______________
Old whole brick from down tobacco warehouse, $180 per 1000, free del. w/in 50 mi. L. D. Hitson, Climax. Ph. 912-465-3542.______________
4 bulb 48" flourescent light fixtures, $15 ea., good for barn/poultry house etc., Milt Cunningham, Atlanta. Ph. 457-3371 day I 475-8309 night.__________
1854 log farm bldg., 20' x 20', 2 story, sq. logs, dove-tailed, $5500. Edwin Gregory, Milledgeville. Ph. 912-452-8017.
Approx. 100 four ft. chicken (broiler) feeders 50$ ea., gas brooders $10 ea., feed bin $50. C. C. Tritt, Suches. Ph. 404-747-3696.___________________
Steel trussed layer house 34x300 ft. heavy trusses on 12 ft. centers, sell all or part. E. J. Jones, Danielsville. Ph. 404-795-3426.________________
No trucks, jeeps, or cars for sale may
be advertised.

Northco augers, troughs and cages, disassembled, alumn, sheets 4x8, under shelter, good cond.; one 10 ton feed tank. W. P. Stone, Cobbtown. Ph. 912-684-4208 /
4201.____________________ Two 4x10 cattle guard crossings $235
ea. Tommy Wood, Hoschton 30548. Ph. 404-654-3561._______________
Ex. Irg. & straight yellow locust farm fence post 6Vi\ yellow locust farm rails 8'. Walt Stancil, Rabun Gap. Ph. 746-2488.
Stove, Fisher Baby Bear (wood), like new, exhausts to right $235. Mark Johnston, Conyers. Ph. 404-483-4243.
Irrig. pump, 2" x 2Vi", self priming, 3 hp. B/S engine, 40-60 gpm, $340. R. Skinner, Athens. Ph. 543-7798.

Cattle, swine, other livestock for sale

Cattle farmers must have had the livestock advertised in their possesison 60 days or more before offering it for sale through this
publication. Cattle moving from farm to farm
must have a negative brucellosis test within the past 30 days before they are moved whenever there is a change of ownership. Exceptions being cattle from certified herds or those consigned directly for slaughter. Buyers are urged to request proof of a negative brucellosis test prior to purchase.


39 head mixed cattle, 1 Simmental bull, 8 w/calves, others calve soon. Tommy Howell, Sparta. Ph. 404-444-7576.

BBU Beefmaster heifers, bred to a son of Phantom; also yrlg. heifers for sale. Harry Rucker, Clarkesville. Ph. 404-947-3300._________________

Reg. Chianina heifers. David Hiller, Toccoa. Ph. 938-3311 or 934-3034.

Limousin, Angus cross heifer, 8 mos. shots, wormed, $300. Dale Wiley, Covington. Ph. 464-3815, aft. 8 p.m._______

One 100 percent Red Angus bull. H. R. Payne, 2840 Gees Mill Rd., Conyers. Ph. 483-8227._______________

Red Gray Brahman heifers, bred cows, service age bulls. Mrs. L. M. Tucker, Tifton. Ph. 912-533-4681.____________

3 performance tested reg. Black Angus bulls, Graham bloodlines, 13 mos. old, 1200 Ibs., $800. B. C. Gordon, Greenville. Ph. 404-672-4516.______________

sem*n from polled Santa Gertrudis bulls, WTA Ranch & top selling bull at Clemson's Edisto Forage Test sale. David N. Bean, Damar Farms, Ringgold. Ph. 404-935-3839._________'

Reg. fullblood Limousin bull, ready for light breeding, top qual., reas., Carnival bloodline. David Grimaud, Appling. Ph. 404-541-0485._____________________

Simmental cows, purebred & fullblood, certi. herd. Jerry England, Embry Farm, Duluth. Ph. 945-4604, aft. 6 p.m.______

Reg. Beefmaster bulls, 11 to 13 mos. old, $650 & up. Sam Henderson, Gillsville, 30543. Ph. 652-2738.__________

Beefalo breeding stock, lean meat breed for health & effi. O. E. Deaver, Blairsville. Ph. 404-374-5789.________

Two Holstein heifers, 8 mos. old. Henry Hill, Macon. Ph. 912-788-3585._______

1 reg. Jersey heifer, 2 yrs. old, not bred, $400; also 1 Jersey/Brown Swiss heifer, $300. V. Murphy, Conyers. Ph. 922-5529 or

14 Limousin heifers, 10 purebreds, 4-75%, outstanding bloodlines, 8 Limousin bulls, purebred & percentage, ready for light service. Doug Doster, Covington 30209. Ph. 404-786-9640 or

Reg. Black Angus bulls, 10-14 mos., $400 & up. W. S. Henderson, Gillsville 30543. Ph. 652-2932.___________

Herd of 21 reg. purebred Limousin cows, ranch or breeding, most with calves. Byron Dunn, Jersey. Ph. 786-2117.

Reg. Limousin bulls, 6 yrs. old, fullblood, $1000, 1 yr. old, purebred, $650, 1 yr. old, 90%, $450, 84%-81%, $400, 75%, $350. Marvin Miller, Rentz. Ph. 912-984-4393.__________________

2 Jersey milk cows, 1 w/calf, very gentle, hand milked. Calvin Maddox, 331 Leguin Mill Rd., Locust Grove, 30248.

Reg. Limousin herd reduction, 1 pure
blood, 1 percentage cow, 7 bulls, 12-16 mos., certi./accredi., herd No. 183. Kathryn Zellner, Forsyth. Ph. 912-994-2628 or 404-358-4216._______

Reg. Angus bulls, sires by Hi Voltage,

Hi Guy, New Yorker, Winchester, from big

correct Angus show cows. Jon Ostrom,

Loganville. Ph. 972-7036 or 466-8725,


.. ..

9 Angus grade brood cows, bred to long tall son of Power Play, 1 Red Brangus bull, all nice, $4000. Alton Holeman, Colbert. Ph. 404-548-3571 or 788-2559._________________________
Reg. 7/8 Chianina bull, calved 5/19/85, halter broke, 3rd generation, Al sired by 3840 Ibs. bull. Ivan Monroe, Alpharetta. Ph. 404-475-7115/6812.___________
BBU Beefmaster open/bred heifers, cows to calve soon, 3 yrs. Gladiator son, certi. herd No. 146. H. Rucker, Cumming. Ph. 404-899-9688, aft. 6.________
1 Black Angus heifer, 1 red spotted heifer, 1 red spotted steer, $250 ea. Claude Jackson, Douglasville. Ph. 404-942-2844._______________
Reg. Charolais cows, bred to Colossus; also reg. 9 mos. bull & reg. 9 mos. heifer. A. Knisely, Danielsville 30633. Ph. 404-789-2303.___________________
Santa Gertrudis, 6 cows, 4 calves, 2 cows due soon & 1 bull. Roger Ansley, Cornelia. Ph. 778-4165.____________
Reg. Polled Hereford bull, produces good size calves, exc. wt. gain, exc. herd bull, good disp., $850. Janice Gilmore, Cumming. Ph. 458-7089, Atlanta.______
2 Santa Gertrudis bulls, 1 w/papers, 1 w/o papers. Jerriil E. Garner, Temple. Ph. 562-3813.________________
5 reg. Brahman cows, $750 ea. Vernon Hagen, Douglasville. Ph. 942-8188.
Beau. reg. Black Angus bulls, 1 yrlg. $450,1 nine mos. old, $350, Wye bred sire is very heavy. Bo Edwards, Milledgeville. Ph. 912-452-4969.____________
Reg. Beefmaster bulls, sons . of Georgia's Pride, all red, exc. qual., & very gentle, 7 mos. & up. Sam Moon, Homer. Ph. 404-677-3540, aft. 7 p.m._______
30 females, Red Angus, Brangus, & mixed, all bred, most to calve in next 90 days, most c.v., good cattle, reas. Hal Keller, 1866 Kelleytown Rd., McDonough. Ph. 404-957-9125.______________
Reg. Texas Longhorn bulls, roping steers. C. L. Williams, Cordele. Ph. 912-273-3700, nights.___________
Polled Hereford & Limousin purebred bulls, $600 & up. Ray Dixon, Jr., Camilla. Ph. 912-336-7269 or 912-336-8291.
Reg. fullblood bulls, Simmental, polled or horned, certi., all herd reas. Larry Monroe, Cartersville. Ph. 404-382-1079.
3/4 Braham bulls, Brangus bulls, service age. James Casey, Canon. Ph. 404-245-8189.________________
Gray Brahman bull, 5 yrs. old, 1600-1700 Ibs., 3rd calf crop with no calving problems, very gentle, $950. Mitchell Biggers, Cleveland. Ph. 404-865-3879.
12 reg. Black Angus cows w/calves by side, herd certi./accredi., price neg. Walton Sutton, Hiawassee. Ph. 896-2201.
Purebred Limousin bulls, heifers & 2 bred cows to calve in May. David Thompson, Valdosta. Ph. 244-3169._________
Certi./accredi. herd, reg. Santa Gertrudis heifers, polled/horned, halter broke, heifer ready to start showing. Melvin E. Dodd, Villa Rica. Ph. 404-459-6879.______________
5 reg. Angus bulls, 16 mos., sires: Intent & Shoeshone, dams hvy. milkers, pert, tested herd. Sam B. Hay Jr., Covington. Ph.404-786-3031._________
Purebred Brahman and Limousin cattle, exc. bloodlines. Buddy Barrentine, Fitzgerald. Ph. 912-423-9777._______
Reg. BBU Beefmaster bulls, good bloodlines, $800 to $1200. Rod Ingraham, Dalton. Ph. 226-8111 or 226-2561.
Reg. Polled Hereford bull 4% yrs., one bull 9 mos., 3 heifers 9 mos. H. J. Smart, McDonough. Ph. 957-2369._________
Reg. Angus bull calves, yrlgs, Wye line, exc. breeding, stock from lodge fo Wye, del. avail. $500.00. Mike Tustian, Ball Ground. Ph. 735-3555.____________
Reg. Purebred Simmental herd, pairs, yearling bulls, heifers & herd bull, certi., good bloodlines, Sacrifice. Paul Dorsey, Athens. Ph. 404-543-3829.________
Beefalo, 9 Purebred heifers, also, fullblood heifers, cows & bulls, reg. James Fleming, Molena. Ph. 404-485-5813.________________
Simmental bulls, top bloodlines, bred heifers to CPS & Polled Seigfried. W. Louie Smith, Sr., Reidsville. Ph. 912-557-6264._______________
Santa Gertrudis bull, approx. 1,000 Ibs., $500.00. Donald Brown, Ranger. Ph. 404-334-2595._______________
One 3 yr. Jersey milk cow, w/2nd heifer calf 8 wk. old, gentle easy hand milk cow, $400.00, heifer calf, $100.00. Julia Stockton, Hampton. Ph. 946-3253.
120 bred Polled Hereford heifers, 150 open heifers, popular bloodlines. Jonny Harris, Screven. Ph. 912-586-6585.
10 crossbred cows, will have 2nd calf March/April, Angus-Hereford cross. June Strawder, Hahira. Ph. 912-794-2578.
29 big frame crossbred cows, AngusHereford cross, calving now, 12 with calves. David Dillard, Hahira. Ph. 912-794-2297.______________
Reg. Angus bulls, tall & long. Eddie Porter, PBS Farm, Rock Springs. Ph. 935-5185.

Georgia Cooking

March National Peanut Month There is no accurate measurement of the extent of the economic benefits George Washington Carver contributed to the South and the world. From the humble peanut he created a new industry for the South, thus putting money into the pockets of its farmers after the devastation of the boll weevil. Carver developed over 100 recipes using peanuts and discovered more than 300 uses for the crop. Since March is celebrated as National Peanut Month, it is
fitting to honor Carver by sharing one of his recipes excerpted from the 1940 bulletin "How to Grow the Peanut and 105 Ways of Preparing it for Human Consumption."

1 egg white g 1 cupful chopped peanuts g 1/4 teaspoon vanilla 1 cupful sifted brown sugar
Beat the egg-white very stiff; stir in the sugar, nuts and vanilla, and drop on a buttered pan; make the kisses two inches apart; bake in a moderate oven.



LIGHT APPLE OAT MUFFINS 1 cup all-purpose flour 1 cup quick-cooking oats, uncooked 2 tablespoons sugar 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon 1/8 teaspoon nutmeg 3/4 teaspoon grated lemon rind 1 egg, beaten g 1/2 cup unsweetened apple juice g 1/4 cup skim milkg 3 tablespoons vegetable oil Vegetable cooking spray
Combine first 8 ingredients; make a well in center of mix-
ture. Combine egg, apple juice, milk, and oil; add to dry ingredients, stirring just until moistened. Spoon into muffin pans coated with cooking spray, filling three-fourths full.
Bake at 425 for 15 minutes. Makes 10 muffins.
Maripat Buppert Dunwoody, Georgia

Unless otherwise indicated, all recipes have been tested for accuracy in the Department of Agriculture test kitchen, by Home Economists Marcia McNeely and Ruth Rogers. If you would like to share your favorite recipe with our readers, send to Georgia Cooking, Market Bulletin, Capitol Square Atlanta 30334.
The "g" signifies that this Is a Georgia product

Polled Simmental cert./accredi. Vi cows & yrlg. heifers, some w/calves, 7/8 & 3/4 bulls, exc. bloodline. L. Schalon, Fayetteville. Ph. 487-7444.________
Reg. Angus bulls, cows, heifers, exc. bloodlines, Powerplay, Mr. Angus, Winchester, Gen. Patton, Bandolier. John Brown, Taylorsville. Ph. 386-2410.
Black Angus cross calves, heifers & bull. Bobby Vann, Statenville. Ph. 912-559-4185/7061.____________
Reg. Angus bull, Al sired by Gen. JJ Patton, 14 mos., 1125 Ibs., $750. Joe McCannon, Hull. Ph. 404-789-3380._____
Reg. class. S. Santa Gertrudis, very gentle, 2000 Ib. herd bull, 3 yrs. $1500. Bob McLemore, Waverly Hall. Ph. 404-582-2595._______________
Reg. Simmental cows w/exc. calves, polled herd bull, bred heifers. W. Carr, Gray. Ph. 986-5461.__________
Top qual. Holstein heifers to calve April 1st., c.v., tested. V. London, Cleveland. Ph. 404-865-2860.______
BBU reg. Beefmasters, 20 bred cows, 8 open heifers, 2 polled bulls, 2 yrs., 16 mos. Scot Rucker, Rutledge. Ph. 342-9714.__________________
Reg. Black Angus bulls 8 mos.-5 yrs., $325-$825, champ, bloodline. Don Helm, Covington. Ph. 404-786-6503._______
40 F-1 heifers, Limousin Angus cross, 10-14 mos., on winter grazing. J. E. Collins, Manchester. Ph. 404-846-9816.
15 Angus-Hereford cross cows, 3 cows, 12 heifers, bred to purebred Limousin bull. William Broadfoot. Valdosta. Ph. 912-244-3700 / 242-0965.____________
Reg. Santa Gertrudis bred cows, Sapelo bloodlines, 5 yrs., sell/trade for qual. hay, other. S. Kelley. Carrollton. Ph. 404-854-4271 aft, dk.____________
Purebred & percentage breeding age Limousin bulls, cows, heifers, also sem*n from 747 Jumbo Jet. W. L. Murray, Monroe. Ph. 404-267-4425 / 800-342-1283.

Santa Gertrudis bull, 23 mos., purebred, heifers, S. bred cows, cert./accredi. herd. Jean Laney, Carrollton. Ph. 404-834-8634.________________
9 reg. Texas Longhorn heifers & 8 reg. bulls. Lamar Burton. Cartersville. Ph. 404-382-2869._________________
Five 2 yr. reg. Angus bulls tested at Ga. forage test station, must see, other bulls also. J. M. Jones, Screven. Ph. 912-427-2019/579-6709.___________
Polled Hereford & Limousin bulls $600/up. Ray Dixon Jr., Camilla. Ph. 912-336-7269/8291.__________
2 purebred Holstein bulls, 9Vi mos., no papers, $300 ea. Frankie Moss, Oxford. Ph. 786-8541 / 6428 no collect calls.
Reg. & class. Santa Gertrudis polled bull 4 yrs., purebred Red Brahman bull 3 yrs. Ruel Reece, Ellijay. Ph. 404-273-3155 /
3160.__________________ Red Brahman heifers, bulls, Ga. raised,
all halter broke, very gentle, shots, wormed, reg. ABBA. R. Dubose, Winder. 404-867-5865 / 7444.____________
Polled fullblood Simmental herd sife, Polaris out of C-5 Medina cow, easy calver, sale/trade. Milton Martin Jr., Gainesville. Ph. 404-536-8128.______
Polled easy-calving Piedmontese bulls, Al sired from recent Italian imports, see to apprec. A. Dowdy, Alma. Ph. 912-632-4296.__________________
Reg. Gray Brahman bull, LB Prince Manso, very gentle, proven breeder, $1500. Robert Williams, Juliette. Ph. 912-994-2770.________________
Reg. fullblood Limousin bull, top bloodline, Roland Jeffords, Fairmount. Ph. 404-629-6274.________________
Reg. Black Angus cow/calf prs., top herd bull, Al son of Shoshone 270. Dean Reece, Hiram. Ph. 943-2922.________
Holstein bull, heifer, steer approx. 300, 200, 150 Ibs., $150/up, all $450, also beef calves. Mr. Pittman, Hull. Ph. 549-9809.

Page 6


Wednesday, March 26, 1986

4 reg. Polled Hereford bulls, coming 2 yrs., $650 ea., pasture raised. Jim Eady, Mclntyre. Ph. 912-946-2487._____________
Reg. Simmental, Brahman, Simbrah bulls & females for sale. Joe Carrol I, An muchee. Ph. 404-235-4173._______
Young Black Angus cows w/calf or due soon, also 23 reg. Black Angus bulls ready for service. Fred Blitch Jr., Statesboro. Ph. 912-865-5454.______
Reg. Angus bulls 20-26 mos., sired by top perf. Al sires, herd cert./accredi. Thad Rush, Rome. Ph. 404-291-4849._____
Santa Gertrudis bulls, breeding & weaning age, cert, bangs free herd. Larry Loughridge, Chatsworth. Ph. 404-695-4987._________________
Baby calves 5-15 days old. Lucy Dowling Waycross. Ph. 912-283-1669.____
100 c.v. Holstein heifers due w/in 90 days, some close. Philip Sumners, Leesburg. Ph. 912-759-2688._______
Purebred Limousin heifers bred to 747 bull. R. M. Patterson, Douglasville. Ph. 404-942-2637.______________
8 reg. Polled Charolais bulls 12-18 mos. Hubert Lewis, Buchanan. Ph. 748-1556 / 646-3942.______________
Santa Gertrudis reg. S. bulls, sem*n tested, ready for service, priced to sell. Clifton Ward, Bogart. Ph. 404-769-7223.
Top qual. reg. Gray Brahman bulls, good selec. Haynes Masters, Dalton. Ph. 404-278-7105 day / 1464 night.________
15 Limousin cow/calf prs., calves born Oct. thru. Dec., show calf Prospect from 747 son. Ponder Webb, Valdosta. Ph. 242-6423/1917.________________
25 brood cows bred to Gelbvieh bull, priced reas., health guar. Ron Clements, Royston. Ph. 404-543-1891.________
Reg. & class. S. Santa Gertrudis bulls, 4 yrs. & 22 mos., reas., or trade for heifers. John Cherry, Chatsworth. Ph. 404-629-1843 aft. 6 p.m.________
Reg. Red Brahman bulls 12-40 mos. $500/up, mature cows $600/up. Albert Joyner, Mllledgeville. Ph. 912-452-3037.
Reg. purebred Santa Gertrudis cattle, bulls weaned age to 2 yrs. Steve Brannen, Walkinsville. Ph. 404-769-5578._____
Polled Hereford herd bull 2200+ Ibs., see him & offspring to apprec. Lyle Lammers, Sautee. Ph. 404-678-2946._____
Simmental cows, some w/calves, yrlg. heifers, from reg. fullblood Simmental bull, cert./accredi. herd. T. Werne, Fayetteville. Ph. 404-461-1083.___________
Bred fullblood Simmental heifers, reas. priced. Albert Dallas, Thomson. Ph. 404-595-7170 / night 595-1860.________
2 reg. Polled Hereford young bulls, top bloodlines, Victor & Enforcer, 10 mos., $475. Charles Hemphlll, Eastman. Ph. 912-374-3255._________________
Texas Longhorn bulls for sale. W. B. Bradley, Mllledgeville. Ph. 912-452-3587 day/5816 night.______________
Reg. Santa Gertrudis bulls, 1 yr. to 2 yrs. old, exc. qual., good price. Jerry Buffington, Zebulon. Ph. 404-567-8655 or 404-358-1777._______________
Reg. Santa Gertrudis bulls & heifers, $700 and up, crossbred bulls & heifers $300 up. Sid Adams, Elberton. Ph. 283-5823 or 283-8081.____________
Purebred Polled Hereford bulls 10-14 mos., $300-$400, see to apprec. Ray Glasco, Monroe. Ph. 241-1181._____
Limousin bull. Terry Tankersley, Lincolnton, 30817 T & T Ranch, Ph. 359-4495 or 359-3291.______________-
16 Beefmaster cross heifers, $250-$300, entire group $4000, all treatments complete. Ron Clements, Athens. Ph. 404-353-1614._______
BBU, reg. cattle, cow with calves, bred cows, heifers. Ralph Rucker, Alpharetta. Ph. 475-5979 or 475-6250.________
Reg. Angus bull by Warrant, dam by Dynamo, 18 mos., 1250 Ibs., 53" tall, halter-broke, gentle, nice. Ben Cox, Stone Mtn. Ph. 491-7075. _____________
Reg. Santa Gertrudis, 1V4 yr. bred heifer, 2 one yr. heifers, 1 yr. bull, $2350 for all. M. Kahn, Alpharetta. Ph. 475-8407.
Limousin bull, reg. purebred, Caravil bloodline, gentle, sell or trade for another bull to prevent interbreeding. H. Holton, Alpharelta. Ph. 442-3133._________
Santa Gertrudis heifers, approx. 8-12 mos., $350 ea. G. M. Duren, Decatur. Ph. 404-284-5698.________________
Jersey cow with first calf, $500 firm, Jersey/Guernsey cow, running with Black Angus bull, $350. John Noel, Griffin. Ph. 228-0559.______________________
Reg. Holstein bulls, service age, sired by top A-1 sires, $850-$1000 each. Noah W. Yoder, Montezuma. Ph. 912-472-7944.
Purebred & percentage Limousin bulls, reas. priced. Ed Malcom, Barnesville. Ph.404-385-1538._______________
Reg. Santa Gertrudis bulls & heifers, all ages, can deliver anywhere in Ga. Joe Garcia, Donalsonville. Ph. 912-524-2680.
Beef type feeders & grass calves, wormed & on grass. Mrs. E. Summers, Stockbridge. Ph. 404-483-1747.________
2 reg. Chianina bulls, picking choice, one 1 yr. old 900 Ibs., $900; one 5 yr. old 1,300 Ibs., $1300; S. B. Duncan, Royston. Ph. 245-8729.

Beefalo, purebred reg. bulls, 37.5% Bison / 62.5% Charolais, Exc. bloodline. Jack Spivey, Elberton. Ph. 404-283-7611 (7
P.m.).____________________ Herd Sale, 48 x-bred cows and calves,
reg. Brahman bull, all healthy, fat and gentle, $16,000 OBO. G. Carr, Rockmart. Ph. 684-3438._____________
Good selection, reg. Santa Gertrudis, young bulls, Pole/Horn, exc. pedigree's weaning to 12 mos. E. C. Logan, Powder Springs. Ph. 404-943-4910.________
4 Black Angus, one cow w/heifer calf, 2 bred, due anytime, 1 yearling. K. Loudermilk, Atlanta. Ph. 766-8869._______
Reg. Santa Gertrudis bulls, reas. priced, 14 to 23 mos. Calvin Cooper, Winder. Ph. 867-8447.______________
Bulls, reg. Brahmans, Reds & Red speckled, & Blk. and Wh. speckled, gentle, breeding age & younger. C. Parks, Cleveland. Ph. 864-6966._____________
10 2V2 yr. old Polled Hereford bulls, 50 12-18 mos. cows/calves. Winton C. Harris, Screven. Ph. 912-586-6687.______
Reg. Red Brahman bulls, heifers & cows, all w/papers. Chester Hewell, Gillsville. Ph. 404-869-7850._________
Santa Gertrudis reg. bull, service age, see to apprec., will del. J. Caldwell, Thomaston. Ph. 404-647-9568.______
Purebred Limousin bull, approx. 2 yrs. old, Canadian Pacific breeding $1200. H. E. Kemp, McDonough. Ph. 957-4997.
Simmental bull 3/4, 2 yrs. old, certi., accredi herd. Arthur Ledbetter, John Mtn. Simmental Farm, Armuchee. Ph. 404-234-6514._______________
5 Brood cows, bred back with 3rd calf, 7 feeder calves, all are Herefords, will sell as pairs. Mary J. Tunison, Perry. Ph. 987-1638.__________________
Gelbvieh bull polled, 13 mos., 1300 Ibs., just completed Tifton Performance Bull Test, gd. perf./gd. disp. Joe Thomason, Barnesville. Ph. 404-358-2668._________
Buffalo, Pure Bisons, bulls & heifers, 1 or 50 (quantity). George or Becky Black, Fayetteville. Ph. 404-461-0716._______
Santa Gertrudis, performance tested bulls, Al sired, ready for service. Wayne Jernigan, Buena Vista. Ph. 912-649-7724.
Purebred, reg. Limousin bulls, 12-22 mos., easy calving, extra Ibs., $600-$1200. Paul W. Bourff, Juniper. Ph. 912-649-9932.
BBU, reg. Beefmaster bulls, two yrs., 1000 to 1250 Ibs., very gentle, Suwanne & Casey bloodline, ready for ser. H. T. Lewis, White Plains. Ph. 444-6648 or 467-2242.___________________
Reg. Black Angus bull, 17 to 18 mos., Warrant bloodline, 900 to 1000 Ibs. R. L. Robinson, Dallas. Ph. 445-2027.______
3 Brahman bull calves, 1 reg. breeding age bull. Shirley Howington, Gainesville. Ph. 404-535-1066._______________
Reg. Red Brahman bull, 3 yrs. old, very gentle, good breeding, see to apprec. $1000 firm. W. Worthington, Marietta. Ph. 992-6908.___________________
Reg. Polled Hereford, 2 yrs. old, bulls sired by weaning, yearling trait leader, TNJ Enf., High Voltage, herd certi./accredi. Mark Wonders, Clarkesville. Ph. 404-754-6406._________________________
Reg. Polled Hereford bulls, 9 mos. to 5 yrs., priced to sell. Orby W. Lamb, Baxley. Ph. 912-367-3157._____________
Reg. Polled Hereford bulls, ready for service, Enforcer 107 H. bloodline, $700. Charles tit*haw, Gainesville. Ph. 404-534-8135.________________
Santa Gertrudis breeding stock, Cherokee bloodline, certi. bulls, cows, heifers & prs., 130 to choose from. Hugh Askew, Monticello. Ph. 404-468-2520.
Pure Angus cow, pure Angus bull calf, Holstein/Angusbull, 14 mos., pure Jersey cow. Bob Schock, Senoia. Ph. 599-8364.
Reg. Polled Hereford bulls, top bloodlines, 10-17 mos. old, $450-$750 each, herd certi./accredi., del. avail. J. E. Jeanes, Gray. Ph. 912-986-3303.______
2 Reg. Polled Hereford bulls, 2 yrs. old, ready for heavy service. Ralph Sherman, Adairsville. Ph. 404-773-7235.________
1 Simmental bull, 3V4 yrs. old, producing, exc. replacement female, reas. Pat Neligan, MilledgeviHe. Ph. 404-485-8373.
Bull, 3/4 Brahman, 1/4 Santa Gertrudis, gentle, 2 yrs. old, 800 Ibs., grey. Bob Bing, Stockbridge. Ph. 474-7400.________
Reg. Simmental, herd bulls, cows, heifers, 80 head, choice, reas. can del., top bloodlines. Clay Keller, Danielsville. Ph. 404-795-3379.__________________
3 Beef, 6 Holstein heifers, 3, 7 & 11 mos., $150, $200 & $300, firm, seen by appt. on wkends. Sheila Hughes, Molena. Ph. 404-647-9782._____________
Santa Gertrudis cattle, bulls, heifers, & cows various ages. Wayne Mullenix, Elberton. Ph. 404-283-4942._______
Santa Gertrudis bull, "A-1 Gemini", $400. Leo Hoffman, Monroe. Ph. 404-267-9692.______________''
Reg. Polled Hereford, Victor Domino heifers, 12 mos., $450, bulls, 12 mos., $500, certi. herd. Murphy Stanley, Dalton. Ph. 404-277-2410._______________
3 reg. Black Angus cow-calf pairs, calves by Warrant-Dynamo bull, all exc., $750/pr. Gene Ashby, Pine Mtn. Valley. Ph. 404-636-4740.

Purebred Brangus bulls, 18-24 mos., Georgia Boy bloodline, $900. James Cox, Cordele. Ph. 273-5333 night.________
Brangus bulls, reg. & purebred, 18-24 mos. old, top bloodlines, gentle. Leon F. Welch, Eatonton. Ph. 404-485-8612, after
7:00 p.m._____________________ Reg. Black Angus bulls, 5Vi mos. old,
sire son of Landmark L56, dam's sire son of Rito 707. Herby Cook, Lyerly. Ph. 404-895-4448, nights.____________
Simmental Hereford heifer, $200, reg. 3/4 Beefalo bull, gentle, 10 mos., $400, reg. 3/4 Beefalo heifer calf, $500. K. Culverhouse, Forsyth. Ph. 912-994-5790,
eves.____________________ Steers & bull calves, 8 wks. old & up,
good qual. yr. round. W. Hackney, Roopville. Ph. 404-854-4996.____________
3 3/4 Beefalo bulls, 9 mos. old, subject to reg., sons of "Redrhan", $450. John C. Reid, Zebulon 30295. Ph. 404-567-8709 or
8450._____________________ Gray Brahman bull, very gentle,
1600-1700 Ibs., see calves, $900. Rae Cunningham, Temple. Ph. 404-562-4328.
16 Holstein steers, 300-400 Ibs., wormed, ready for pasture. J. Hays, Mansfield. Ph. 404-787-5525.____________
1 Holstein heifer, c.v., dehorned, 5 mos., halter broken. Robert Durham, 1255 N. McDonough Rd., Griffin 30223.
Reg. Santa Gertrudis bulls, 1 & 2 yrs. old. Bob Hill, Winder. Ph. 867-3925 or
6546.____________________ Reg. Gray & Brahman bulls, gentle, 10
mos. to 3 yrs., good bloodlines. Douglas Sailors, Athens. Ph. 353-0813._______
Nice selec., reg. Black Angus heifers & bull calves, A1 bred, exc. show or herd prospects. E. H. Wages, Loganville. Ph. 404-466-4178 or 404-963-7455._______
1 Red Brahman bull, 3V yrs. old, w/reg. papers, nice gentle herd bull, selling to prevent in-breeding. Floyd Knowles, Sr., McRae. Ph. 912-362-4778._________
Reg. Black Angus herd bull, to trade or sell, Mona Reposa breeding, 1700-1800 Ibs., 6 yrs. old, $1200. E. S. Ingram, Macon. Ph. 788-1958.____________
4 Irg. Angus cows & 200 Ibs. calves, all $2600. Joseph Wright, Roberta. Ph. 836-3644, aft. 5 p.m._______________
Brangus bull, 2 yrs. old, purebred, exc. conf., good natured, very gentle, Guernsey, Ayshire heifer bred back. Ron Hulett, Milan. Ph. 912-362-4352, aft. 6 p.m.
2 purebred Brahman bulls, 3 yrs. old, will trade for Limousin heifers. J. L. Fulford, Glenwood. Ph. 912-523-5570.
Rabbits, Mini Lop buck, Siamese Satin buck, both adults & healthy, $5, to good home only. R. Proctor, Douglasville. Ph. 949-1439.____________________
Bunnies $8 ea. or bunny & cage $15, all cols. Bill Hunley, 236 Lk. Joy Rd., Perry 31069. Ph. 912-987-3776.___________
Pedi. Mini Lops, wht. w/brn. & grey markings, $10. Jeff Collier, Kennesaw. Ph. 926-7579.__________________________
Checkered Giants $10 ea. Steve Baughman, Marietta. Ph. 428-6631.
Bunnies for Easter, Dwarfs, 6 wks., pedi. martens & smoke pearl $20. C. Pucko, Jonesboro. Ph. 478-6820._____
Rabbits, all cols. & breeds $4/up. R. Bishop, Gainesville. Ph. 404-532-1831.
Bunnies & breeders, Mini Lop, Rex, Dwarf, sell/trade for all-wire cages. Fayette Hoofner, Athens. Ph. 543-5753 aft.'7 p.m._____________________
Bunnies, English Angoras, Mini Lops, French Lops, Neth. Dwarfs, many cols., broken & solids, pedi. avail. David Collins, Lithonia. Ph. 404-482-6299.______
San Juan, NZW, Flemish Giant, NZW beef type buck, or trade for Irg. gray buck. Doug Wilson, Forest Park. Ph. 363-4007
aft. 5 p.m._______________________ 8 wk. bunnies $4; breeding age does &
bucks. French Lop bunnies. Douglas Morgan, Monroe. Ph. 267-8757.________
Pedi. Mini Lop bunnies, 5 wks., $10, breeder buck $15. Robert Chambers, Flowery Branch. Ph. 404-967-6422.
English Angoras, French & Mini Lops, exc. show qual., wht., blk., blue, choc., fawn, from natl. champ. Mr. Bryan, Donalsonville. Ph. 912-524-6144.________
Easter bunnies, jrs., breeders, sml. Holland & mini Lop rabbits, var. cols., show stock, reas. pedi. G. Nelson, Stone Mtn. Ph. 469-3892._______________
Mini Lop & rex bunnies now thru Easter. Kenneth Garmon, Douglasville. Ph. 942-8454._______________
Breeders, jrs., bunnies, Mini Lop, French Lop, exc. qual., pedi. incl. J. Justice, Roswell. Ph. 993-8379.______
Easter bunnies, Mini Lops, Holland Lops, Harlequins, Dutch, Dwarfs, also allwire cages. A. M. Chambers, Lilburn. Ph. 921-6957.___________________
Grown Rex does & bucks, var. Easter bunnies, also 24", 30", 36" all wire pens. J. L. Thompson, Statham. Ph. 404-725-5381.__________________________
7 breeds Easter bunnies $10 ea. Jean Westbrook, Byron. Ph. 912-956-4899.

Breeding age Angora bucks & does, blue, blk., wh., opal, fawn, wild agouti, orange, tortoise shell. B. Camandona, Dawson. Ph. 912-995-3304.________
6 wk. baby San Juan rabbits $5. David Biles, Morrow. Ph. 961-2682.________
Mini Lops, Neth. Dwarfs, exc. show pedi., also NZW, San Juan & mixed. M. Chapman, Walnut Grove. Ph. 404-786-1901.__________________
Young bunnies, purebred French Lops & French Lop/San Juan cross. James Wallace, Bulord. Ph. 945-5973 nights/wkends.______________________
Bunnies for Easter, breeders, clean, healthy, asst. cols., incl. Smutnose. D. Taylor, Newnan. Ph. 404-251-9753.
Easter bunnies, blk. lop ears, $10 ea. W. K. Mathews, Lawrenceville. Ph. 963-4039.________________
Does, Easter bunnies, rabbits. J. E. Ray, Dallas. Ph. 445-7394._________
Baby Easter rabbits $4 ea., red, wht., brn., blk. Shelby Harris, Jackson. Ph. 404-775-5158.________________
Baby bunnies, clean, healthy, $5. June Ward, McDonough. Ph. 404-957-9884.
Mini Lops, solid, shaded, broken, bunnies, jrs., prs., trios, show, stock, pedi., good disp. D. Hoffman, Lilburn. Ph. 404-972-0854._______________
Mini Lop & French Lop bunnies, incl. P. Sullivan, Marietta. Ph. 436-1976 / 428-7854.
12 Yorkshire/Duroc cross sows, bred for 2nd litter, purebred Yorkshire boar, $200 ea. Floyd Peters, Chickamauga. Ph. 404-375-3446.____________________
Pigs $35. Keith Treadwell, Carrollton. Ph. 834-3089, at night.___________
Landrace boars, purebred, service age, sev. to choose from, $200 ea. Paul Moncrief, Rt. 2, Box 260, Gray, 31032. Ph. 912-986-6587.________________
Purebred Yorkshire, Duroc, Hampshire, Spot boars & gilts, crossbred gilts, bred gilts, val. herd. John Harper, Ocilla. Ph. 912-468-5689.___________________
Lrg. pigs Hampshire & Poland China cross, also larger hogs. Joe Phinazee, Rome. Ph. 291-8864.________________
Reg. Berkshire boars & gilts, val. herd. James Carter, Hazlehurst. Ph. 912-375-4283.____________I
Reg. Hereford Whiteface hogs, exc. bloodlines, papers in buyers name, 6 mos. boar hogs $150 ea. Leonard Fleming, Hartwell. Ph. 404-376-2995._____
Hampshire, Yorkshire, Duroc boars & gilts avail. Dwight Werner, Rt. 1, Box 449, Ocilla 31774. Ph. 912-468-7504._______
Two 3 mos. old, domestic males, black, gilt, exc. health, fed only swine feed, $50 ea. Phil Kempton, Griffin. Ph. 404-227-8788._____________
Reg. Spot & Duroc males, service age, Championship bloodlines. Dale Carter, Basley. Ph. 367-4536 or 9433, after 6 p.m.
Purebred Yorkshire males, val./certi. herd, breeding age. Billy Tinsley, Homerville. Ph.912-487-2643.___________
10 feeder pigs, $35 ea., Yorkshire Hereford. Kenneth Dean, Madison. Ph.
342-3576._______________________________ 40 plus baby pigs, 3 way cross, worm-
ed, cut tails docked, $30 ea., less if all taken. Jim Dillard, Whitesburg. Ph. 834-8732._______________________
Pig, Landrace & Yorkshire cross, 6 wk. old. Edgar Harris, Rt. 4, Box 10, Cumming 30130. Ph. 887-5917.____________
Reg. Duroc boars & gilts, December litters, top quality. Tim Freeman, Statesboro. Ph. 912-852-5521._____
Hog ready for slaughter; also 8 gilts, $135 to $150. H.G. Nix, Rt. 1, Cornelia 30531. Ph. 404-778-3189.
Goats & Sheep
Reg. purebred Nubian milk goat, Vi gal./day, $75, also brood does. Sheila Hughes, Molena. Ph. 404-647-9782.
Purebred Alpine reg. polled buck, Lone Elm bloodline, neg. TB, bangs, CAE, barter for does, sale. Troy Stanfield, Lula. Ph. 404-677-3422._____________
Milk goats, 6 wk. kids, young Nubian buck, all gentle & healthy. S. Roberson, 5439 Warm Spgs. Rd., Columbus 31909.
4 mixed breed goats, 2 males, 2 females, born Jan. 1, $20 ea. or $75 for all. W. Worthinglon, Marietta. Ph. 992-6908.
Selling herd, pregnant nannies $35, 3 mos. goats $15/up. Jim Robinson, Monroe. Ph. 404-267-4051._______
Young healthy Nubian & Sanneo goats, bucks & does, $25/up, consider trades. John Keaney, Brunswick. Ph. 912-264-3806._____________________
Purebred Nubian doe, bred, purebred Nubian buck, 2 1/2 mos., 3 mos. grade doe, Nubian. Chuck Houston, Douglasville. Ph. 404-942-7373._____________
Reg. African Pygmy goats, asst. cols. M.F. Hallford, 2677 Burnt Hickory Rd., Marietta 30064. Ph. 404-422-1969.

Reg. buck goat from star buck, 9 mos. Mrs. C.O. Blankenship, Canton. Ph. 479-8387.________________________
Goats $25/up. L.P. Howell, Rt. 3, Box 367-A, Jackson 30233. Ph. 228-1296.
Reg, Nubian buck, 1/z Nubian-Vi Alpine does. 3/4 Nubian kids. D.C. Boyd, Hoschton. Ph. 654-3117._____________
Reg. 2 yr. Nubian buck, exc. w/kids, $50. J. Corley, Douglasville. Ph. 459-5667.
Blk. Nubian nanny, dehorned, very friendly, $50. Ann Richardson, Fayetteville. Ph. 404-461-7814.____________
2 common nannies, both pregnant $35 ea. Jane Dillard, Whitesburg. Ph. 834-8732.____________________
Goats, 1 male, 1 female, 1 yr. blk. & wht., in good cond. John Ledbetter, 13591 Brown Brdg. Rd., Covington 30209. Ph. 404-786-9220 aft. 6 pm.__________
ADGA Nubians, cert./accredi. herd, reas. prices. Julie West, 3560 Stapp Dr., Tucker 30084.__________________
Common goats, billies & steers for BBQ $35, nannies & kids $25/up. Bob Bing, Stockbridge. Ph. 474-7400.______
Nubian & Nubian-Toggenburg cross goats, bred nanny, nanny w/kids, wethers, $25/up, no horns. Wlllie Young, Stockbridge. Ph. 404-483-8304.______
Purebred Saanen, 2 adult bucks, just freshen does & kids, bottle fed. Dave Utter, Thomaston. Ph. 404-647-5988.____
Young nannies & billies, some milk stock, nannies w/young kids, grown Nubian billy, J.C. Parker, Calhoun. Ph. 629-3061.____________________
Goats for sale; also 1 jack 14 mos. Charles Swafford, Liberty Church Rd., Temple. Ph. 562-4681.____________
Nubian bred does, kids, bucks. Henry Hill, Macon. Ph. 912-788-3585.________
Sev. this years goats $20 ea., Patricia Parson, Maysville. Ph. 404-652-2001 /
2323.______________________ Reg. Saanen milkers, very good
bloodlines, avg. gal./day, recently freshened. H. Champagne, Eatonton. Ph. 404-485-5245 / 9989._____________
Nubian bucks out of reg. stock $30, Nubian nanny 3 yrs. $50. Ken McMichael, Monticello. Ph. 404-468-2442._______
Nubian milk goats, nanny grown & babies. Bernice Savage, Oacula. Ph. 963-7759.___________________
Suffolk ewes, reg. Suffolk ram. B. Camandona, Dawson. Ph. 912-995-3304.
Nubian doe kid 3Vi mos., blk. w/wht. frosted ears $30. J. Driskell, Dallas. Ph.
445-4134._____________________________ Alpine buck kid out of F589 dam &
F587 sire, dam milked over 18 Ibs. DHIR test, sale/trade. Dick Key, Mineral Bluff. Ph. 404-374-5894.________________
2 Barbados ram lambs $55 ea., Finn lamb, white face ram slaughter or breeding $70. J. F. Lawson, Shady Dale. Ph. 404-468-8173._________________
Reg. Nubian buck, 4 nannies, 1 steer goat, $150 all. Bill Hooper, Hull. Ph. 404-789-2151._________________
Alpine doe kids, exc. bloodlines, mother milks gal. plus, disbudded, healthy, born 2/11/86, $75 ea. Mrs. Pittman, Hull. Ph. 549-9809._____________
Reg. crossbred ewes & lambs, Corriesdale, Finns, Border Liecester Polypays, purebred Black Finn ram. S. Kelley, Carrollton. Ph. 404-854-4271 aft.
dj<._______________________ Saanen doe, reg. 6 qt. milker. $200
cash. Eleanor Johnson, Macon. Ph. 746-5070.___________________
Toggenburg & LaMancha kids, purebred, dbl. reg., $75/up. Nancy Johnson, Rt. 1, Box 265A, Rossville 30741. Ph.404-375-4326.________
Reg. Corriedale, Hampshire crossbred ewe & ram lambs, free brochure w/SASE. G. Campbell, Fox Run Farm, Lula 30554-0509._________________
Billies & nanny goats, 3 mos./up. John James, Thomson. Ph. 404-595-5028 aft. 5:30 p.m._______________________
White milk goat w/billy kid. Patty Butler, Clermont. Ph. 983-9384._____
Lrg. part Nubian billy, 2Vi yrs., exc. breeder, $35. Johnny Brooks, Hahira. Ph. 912-794-2473.________________
Sheep, 4 ewe & ram, all for $495, also some bred ewes, some w/lambs. Dr. Brock, Alpharetla. Ph. 475-6892._____
3 ADGA reg. Nubian buck kids, red & blk., exc. qual. Everett Copeland, Smithville. Ph. 912-846-4231.
Stock dogs for sale
Only trained farm dogs are eligible to be advertised. Include dog's breeding and special training or ability that qualifies as a stockdog. Untrained dogs will not be advertised.
Australian Shepherd males & females, farm raised & worked on livestock, reg. w/Natl. Stock Dog Registry. C. Henson, Calhoun. Ph. 625-0261.

Wednesday, March 26, 1986


Page 7

Farm raised Border Collies, trained on cattle, sheep. J.F. Lawson, Shady Dale. Ph.404-468-8173.____________
Reg. Border Collies, farm raised, will demonstrate. James L. Morris, Sparta. Ph. 404-444-5432._______________
Border Collies, mixed breeding, but blk. w/white markings, driving cattle, $75. Truett Putnam, Fairburn. Ph. 404-964-6939._______________
Reg. Catahoula stockdogs, farm raised, exc. working stock. Connie Phillips, Locust Grove. Ph. 404-228-7904.
Horses, mules, ponies for sale
Horse farmers must have had the livestock advertised in their possession 60 days or more before offering it for sale through this publication.
All equine advertised in the Market Bulletin must have had a negative Coggins test within the past 12 months. Each ad must be accompanied by a statement signed by the owner indicating this fact before it will be included in the Bulletin. Ads received without this statement will be returned to the advertiser.
Buyers are urged to request verification of a negative Coggins test before purchasing an animal.
AQHA yrlg. filly, 2 AQHA yrlg. colts, gentle, good bloodlines, 1 AQHA mare, colt by side; 1 AQHA mare to foal in spring '86. Hugh Scott, Waynesboro. Ph. 404-554-3102.______________
Reg. half-Arab, gray mare, 11 yrs., handsome, reg. Appendix gelding, 14 yrs., both beau, movers, both hunted. Jan Sharp, Griffin. Ph. 404-227-2948._____
AQHA 2 yr. bay mare out of Two-Eyed Jack, 1 1/2 yr. blk. stallion and other horses, $200/up. Keith Smith, Villa Rica. Ph. 459-5287.__________________
3 yr. greenbroke Appaloosa gelding, loud col,, gr'son World Champ. Halter horse-Cowboy Cadilac, $1200. Vicky Stewart, Conley. Ph. 363-0136.______
Skoshi Tie Dude, 6 yr. AQHA red dun gelding, shown Hunter, Hack, Reining, $2000. Franklin Smith, Statesboro. Ph. 764-7985 aft. 8 pm._____________
2Vz yr. reg. Appaloosa mare, exc. pleasure horse, two 1 yr., stud colts, reg. NSSHA; 1 blk./wh., 1 sorrel/wh. Edd Stuckey, Thomson. Ph. 404-595-8727 or 595-5258 aft. 8 pm.___________
'85 APHC colt, exc. bloodlines, good disp., halter broke, being schooled for training, $1800. Dee Thompson, Lincolnton. Ph. 404-359-7613.________
Dbl. reg. palomino mare, Gee McBarr, 15 yrs., 15.2.hds., PHBA Champ., childsafe, Eng./Western, jumps, hunts, exc. on trails, $2500. Mike Tustian, Ball Ground. Ph. 404-735-3555.________________
'82 AQHA reining mare, nearing ROM, prof, trained, ready to go, Eye Doc/Jessie James. J. Ward, Gainesville. Ph. 404-535-1686.______________
APHA Champ. & multiple ROM producer, in foal Okie Diamond (Diamond Jim) AQHA gr'gr'dau., Spot Cash/Sugar Bars, $1000. J. Warren, Marietta. Ph. 404-428-2226._____________________
77 AQHA stallion-Hesa Super Nuggett by Handy Nuggett Skipster mare, 16 hds., 1/2 ownership sale. Ken Waters, Alpharetta. Ph. 442-3389.__________
1 yr. old AQHA stud colt, Two-Eyed Jack bloodline. Fred Weaver, Canon. Ph. 404-356-8007 aft. 6 pm._______
Beau, chestnut gelding w/chrome, 4 yrs., 15 hds., gentle but spirited, $650 tack, del. avail. C.L. Williams, Jackson. Ph. 404-775-5367._______________________
Female donkey w/foal by side and bred back, $300; also, young female donkey bred, $200; all tame & drk. brn. w/wh. muzzles. W. Worthington, Marietta. Ph. 992-6908.__________________
Reg. Morgan mare, 6 yrs., shown succ., small/suited for young exp. rider only, wonderful disp., $1200. L. Young, Decatur. Ph. 981-8876.___________
Purebred Arabian gelding, Hunter/Jumper, 5 yrs., charcoal gray, great halter prospect, 15.1 hds., gentle, $5000. Tammy Young, McOonough. Ph. 957-7433.
'71 Leo chestnut mare, beau. & gentle babies, have been used for cutting, $200/nego. B. Bailey, Loganville. Ph. 404-466-1442._______________________
Foundation Moore Ranch-Shoemaker AQHA stallion, gentle to ride, proven producer of show qual. horses, $1500. Mrs. J. W. Bailey, Waynesboro. Ph. 404-554-2037.__________________
AQHA stallion, 5 yrs., copper chestnut, exc. disp., $1800/best offer; also, Quarter mare, needs work, $400/best offer. Becky Bean, Pendergrass. Ph. 693-4152.______
20 word limit including name, address, and telephone number.

3 yr. mare, grey, gelding, 2 yr. grey sire Ibn Mor Morafic, show qual. B. Schaefer, Sniloh. Ph. 628-5914.____________
Hanoverian - 6 yr. gelding, 16.1 hds., willing, green, sound, Hunter prospect, will nego. $5000. K. Schafer, Rome. Ph 232-3739._____________________
Exc. hunter-Jumper prospect, gray purebred reg. Arabian gelding, 4 yrs., 15.3 hds., 60 days prof, training, extremely gentle/well-mannered, $3500 firm. M. Schepis, Lexington. Ph. 404-743-3106.

Reg. Appaloosa gelding, 6 yrs. old, good conf./disp., $800. Ray Abbott, Jr., Albany. Ph. 883-9102.____________
Beau. reg. 14.2 hd., sorrel mare, flashy, willing, jumps, trail rides, ridden by 11 yr. old & lady, has been shown locally, very special, $1200. K. Aman, Atlanta. Ph. 262-7717._____________________
Reg. TWH pleasure horses & broodmares, exc. bloodlines, good disp., colts by Mr. Magoo, from $800. G. Anderson, Athens. Ph. 404-353-3535.__________

Reg. AQHA amre, 4 yrs., gray, 15 hds., 4 mos. prof, train, in reining, show succ. Johnny Smith, Lizella. Ph. 912-935-8873.
Appaloosa mare, in foal, 4 yrs., lease to own, $100 for 1 yr. Pam Spencer, Cumming. Ph. 404-889-1536._____________
Arabians-9 mos. old Nabiel gr'son, tall typey, correct, also, 10 yr. mare in foal, exc. broodmare. B. Steiger, Gumming. Ph. 887-5925.________________
Appaloosa/Welsh, 13 hds., mare, flaxen mane/tail, strawberry roan, 13 yrs., price nego. M. Stricklahd, Conyers. Ph. 404-483-5955.________________
Three purebred Arabian broodmares for lease, 2 maiden mares for sale, open or confirmed in foal, concentrated Crabbet bloodlines. L.B. Taylor, Bainbridge. Ph. 912-246-6010._______________
Reg. Appaloosa colt, 11 mo. liver chestnut w/blanket, Joker B, Silver Strikes Equal breeding, $800. K. Thompson, Covington. Ph. 787-5394._______
AQHA (Appendix) 3V4 yrs. old, 15.3 hds., chestnut stallion, beau., very gentle, sire-Olympic Ruler, $2500. J. Thrasher, Grayson. Ph. 404-466-2028.______
74 dbl. reg. Champ., 4-H top winner palomino mare, Retsun & Cool Cash bloodlines, $3900. P. Wade, Stone Mtn. Ph. 404-469-8045._______________
Sev. types of horses and pennies for sale, ponies, $95 and up; horses, $350/up. B. Watson, Thomson. Ph. 595-8364.
Morgan mare, blk., very nice. W.A. Witherington, RFD 2, Canton 30114. Ph. 475-1884._______________________
'82 AQHA bay mare, great gr'dau. of Hank Bar & Doc dee Bar, exc. pleasure or reining prospect, $1500; also, Quarter geld., $750. L. Alien, Marietta. Ph. 943-6654._______________________

Morgan-reg. gelding, 16 hds., chestnut w/flaxen mane/tail, 9 yrs., shown saddleseat and N.A.T.C. competative trail rides, make very good jumper, $1700. A. Barrentine, Smyrna. Ph. 436-5815.
One 700 Ib. blk. mare, $225; 1000 Ib. red mule, $450; or both for $600. Troy Brown, Washington. Ph. 404-678-3271 day or 285-2333 night.________________
6 yr. Thoroughbred, gelding, 16.1 hds., ribbon winner in Hunter, dressage, eventing, quiet, good mover. S. Catillo, Woodstock. Ph. 641-7027.________
Reg. Appaloosa mare, 14.2 hds., roan, exc. trail or beginner horse, easy keeper, $1000. Dee Caiazza, Alpharetta. Ph. 475-0957.__________________
Dbl. bred gr'son of Go Boy Go," coal blk./wh., beau, head, long legs, foaled 3/9/86, $2250. M.A. Childers, Marietta. Ph. 404-427-0841.__________________
Purebred Arabian stallion, gentle, 14.5 hds., proven sire, rides Western, 7 yrs. old, sound, beau. D. Collier, Manchester. Ph. 846-3620 or 9157.______________
6 yr. sorrel gelding, Barrel Racer, prof, training, very faast, $800; 5 yr. reg. red dun QH gelding show Halter/West. PL, Ebony's Dude/Wimpy bloodline, $1100. D. Council, Mllledgeville. Ph. 912-946-2007.
Reg. AQHA mare, palomino, gentle, good trail horse, reg. 1/2 Arab filly, greenbroke. B. Crowe, Douglasville. Ph. 949-8263._____________________
Elderly mare, companion, for sale, best offer. J. Crowe, Canton. Ph. 475-5990.
Mule for sale, $250, red mare, 900 Ibs., 10 yrs. old. Hershel Curtis, 1872 Hwy 81 N., Oxford. Ph. 786-7521.________
2 yr. AQHA gelding, sorrel, flashy, 3 socks and blaze, $800. Barbara Denham, McDonough. Ph. 957-6575.________

'81 AQHA/PHBA gelding, 20 Halter pts. prof, trained for West. PI., exc. youth or ladies, redy to show and win. W.D. Atwood, Ellenwood. Ph. 404-996-4506 or 474-3165.___________________
Classy 16.2 hds. drk. brn. TB gelding, 6 yrs., athletic, sound, nice mover, Dressage/Evented, wins, Hunter prospect, $500. D. Clark, East Point. Ph. 767-6028.___________________
'81 TB mare, 16.2'/2 hds., Irg. boned, green but calm, currently Pony clubbing, training level Dressage and started o/f, $5500. B. Croce, Roswell. Ph. 993-1951.
Reg. '85 Arabian fillies, 1 FadjurFerzon bred, 1 Bask-Nazeer bred, substance type, Futurity reg., $2500 ea. C. Groom, Buford. Ph. 945-4633._________
20 mo. old genlte Quarter Horse stud, will ride, 14 hds., 175. Jimmy Hollis, Pendergrass. Ph. 693-2579 morns, or wkends only.__________________
Reg. Appaloosa mare, child safe, trail or show, 6 yr. old dau. of Post Haste, in foal to Hesa Super Nuggett. R. Johnson, Alpharetta. Ph. 475-1784.____________
2 reg. TB, 13 yr. broodmare, 4 yr. mare, both 15.3 hds., mother & dau., sacrifice, $2000 ea. or best reas. offer. Mr. Joiner, Alpharetta. Ph. 475-0147.___________
AQHA cutting & performance broodmares, yrlgs., 2 & 3 yr. olds, Hollywood Bill, Captain Joker, War Mico, $450/up. Doug Jones, Carrollton. Ph. 404-836-0907
nights._________________________________ Arabian colt, 3 yrs., gray,
Khemosar gr'son, sire-Champion Khemo Sabre, dan-Gwall, $2500. Ben F. Kushner, Cedar Hill North, Gumming. Ph. 889-0139 or 688-0733.__________________
Arabian gelding, bay, 14.3 hds., trained Eng./West./Huntseat, started overjumps, up on wormings, Farrier, shots/cogs. Mark Love, Elberton. Ph. 283-8814 pm. or 283-6048 am.__________________

Reg. purebred Arabians, yrlg. colts and fillies, exc. pedigrees, $1000/up. N. Efird, Alpharetta. Ph. 475-2227 or 998-9337 aft. 6
pm.____________________________ AQHA/PHBA gelding, GPA High Pt.
Halter gelding, 3rd all round perf. in '85 super disp., exc. Western Pleasure, gentle for anyone. Wanda Fowler, Griffin. Ph. 404-228-6106.___________________
'85 reg. Appaloosa big Halter qual. filly by Skipover out of a gr'dau. of Goldseeker Bars, $650/best offer. S. Gaskins, Villa Rica. Ph. 404-459-6719 before 2 pm & wekends._________
Pr. mules, approx. 1100 Ibs., broke to work, also, 1 jack, all 3 for $1000. John Hash, Gordon. Ph. 912-628-5507 aft. 5 pm.
Reg. TWH, 2 yrs., gentle, born Racking, 15.2 hds., Midnight Sun/Ebony Masterpiece & Merry Go Boy bloodlines, $1000. J. Hembree, Tallapoosa. Ph. 404-574-5700.___________________
Reg. APHA Overo filly, loud col., show prospect, breeding stock stud, 4 wh. stockings, full blaze face, breeding stock filly, sorrel w/blaze. M. Hendricks, CovInglon. Ph. 404-787-5522.____________
TWH & RHBA - 8 yrs. sorrel gelding, 15.3 hds., good trail & pleasure horse, pulls, not gun shy, surefooted, $1750. M. Hopkins, Waycross. Ph. 912-283-5151
nights._________________________ AQHA reg. 10 yr. gelding, beau., sound,
15.1 hds., Western / Eng., $2000. E. Jeager, Alpharetta. Ph. 475-0833.______
3 yr. Appaloosa mare, broke to ride, friendly but spirited, goes Eng. / West., unreg. Donna Kelly, Monticello. Ph. 404-468-8714.
TB bay mare, 10 yrs., 15.2 hds., Hunter/Jumper, $1500. B. Kuske, Augusta. Ph. 404-738-3092.__________________
Reg. 6 yr. AQHA mare, 14 hds., prof, trained, good working, $1700. K. Malone, Snellville. Ph. 979-1763.

Paint mare, bay overo, 17 yrs., 15 hds., no papers, good health, last foaled 2 yrs. ago, very gentle w/halter, bridle, brushes, in Toccoa, $150. S. Maddox, Woodstock. Ph. 926-8839.__________________

24 mo. PDA, started under saddle, needs finishing, only reas. offer accepted, tack & other horses avail. M. McAvoy, Washington. Ph. 404-678-4433 or 3198.

Loving, beginner pony, real packer, chestnut, flashy, shows 2' & 2'6". 6 yrs., 14.2 hds., to home w/TLC only. K. McCutchen, Marietta. Ph. 998-8850 aft. 6 pm.

AQHA 13 yr. QH sorrel gelding, 16 hds., 4 socks, blaze face, pleasure/trail, $1100, must sell. Cindy Northway, Fayetteville. Ph. 461-8055 aft. 6:30 wkdays.______

Arabian mare, El ramus dau., West. PI., Endurance/broodmare, 3Vt yrs., calm, willing temperament, make offer. D. Mesler, Canton. Ph. 479-8219.___________
AQHA reg. '83 bay stallion, 15 hds., by Red Sonny De X dau. of Sleep's Man, $3000. G. Phillips, Winder. Ph. 404-667-8786.__________________
AQHA mare, 5 yrs., 16 hds., shown local Hunter succ., current cogs., $3000.' B. Russell, Savannah. Ph. 912-925-0333.
Blk. TWH gelding, 3 times State Open Racking Champ, of Ga. Federation ot Saddle Clubs; also, GA. Mt. Assoc. allround Champ., $500 firm. Pat Adams, Dewy Rose. Ph. 283-1317.

AQHA mare, sorrel, 15 hds., child safe, gr'dau. of King Glo & Bars Choice, 13 yrs., exc. kid's horse or broodmare, $2300/best offer. M.K. O'Brien, Duluth. Ph. 404-476-4966.__________________
Reg. Arabian mare, 6 yrs., in foal, $1500; reg. Arabian stallion, 3 yrs., bay, $1000. K. Partain, Valdosta. Ph. 912-244-5939.______________________
Reg. miniature horse, br./wh. stallion, 4 yrs., $800. J. Peterson, Carrollton. Ph. 404-834-8634.________________
AQHA gelding, 4 yrs., 15 hds., coldstream Guard bloodlines, gentle, 1 yr. under saddle, 60 days prof, training. D. Polk, Rincon. Ph. 826-2122.

12 yr. Appaloosa, 16 hds., gentle but spirited, saddle & tack incl., to good home only, cogs, tested. C. Ashley, P.O. Box 52, Tyrone. Ph. 487-6408._______
3 Appaloosa geldings, bay racking mare, blk. AQHA gelding & blk. mare; also, sev. weanlings, reas. priced. David Barnett, Senoia. Ph. 599-3619 or 3303.
'85 APHC leopard filly, superb halter conf. gr'dau. of Goer, gorgeous mover, $7500; broodmares bred to World Champs, w/babies by side. N. Bishop, Douglasville. Ph. 404-949-7751.______
Reg. Appaloosa mare, 16 yrs., in foal due March '86, exc. broodmare, proven color producer, Race bred, $2500/nego. L. Brooks, Smyrna. Ph. 263-8690._______
3 filly colts, 1 stud colt, 6 to 9 mos., $135 to $175; 1 mule colt, 7 mos., $185; 3 riding horses, $350-$50. T. Burnette, Tallapoosa. Ph. 574-2163 or 432-4003.
'80 AQHA, PHBA mare, 15.3 hds., Bar money & Skipper W bloodlines, exc. Eng. or Running prospect. M. Carreker, Ellenwood. Ph. 404-996-5406 or 474-3165.
APHA Tobiano dun/wh. stud, own son of Tardy Too, finished Western PI. horse, 3 Western PI. pts., ready to show. J.C. Chalker, Sandersville. Ph. 912-552-2968.
Bay gelding w/srripe, 5 yr. old gentle, greenbroke under saddle, $550. L. Chandler, Monroe. Ph. 267-8686._____
Fine galled Paso Fino gelding, 3 yrs. old. Candi Denham, Columbus. Ph. 404-327-0399._______________
Reg. Tenn. Walker, very gentle. Burt Jeffords, Rt. 1, Box 411 C.Fairmount 30139. Ph. 404-625-0283._________
Yearling sorrel QH colt, to good home only, best offer, gentle QH mare, lease to ride or breed. C. Gilmer, Atlanta. Ph. 252-3510._____________________
One reg. Appaloosa mare, gentle disp.; 1 bay gelding, fast horse. L.P. Gometz, Draketown. Ph. 404-562-4507.______
Appaloosa mare, 16 hds., 12 yrs., exc. col/bloodlines, super jumper; 1/2 Arab-1/2 Appaloosa mare geld., 11 mo. size, conf./disp., prices nego. L. Gowdy, Cumming. Ph. 404-887-7853.__________
AQHA broodmares, brd & open, 2 yr. AQHA gelding, green, gentle, loving, exc. 4-H prospect; yrlg. filly, sorrel, sweet/willing. Alan Gray, Noontime Farm, Commerce. Ph. 404-335-3293.__________
Reg. Appaloosas, weanlings, yrlgs., older, Sugar Bars, Joker B, Plaudit bloodlines, geldings broke to ride. Hugh Hogan, Rt. 2, Box 182, Ocilla 31774. Ph. 912-831-5510.____________________
Arabian gelding, well-trained competitive trail horse, exc. conf. w/good endurance, $975, pretty Arab filly, $900. E. Honea, Carnasville. Ph. 404-384-7174.
AQHA gelding, 14.1 hds., 7 yrs., very succ. shown Hunter Pony and Huntseat, Equitation, very reliab. $1400. R. Keffer, Martin. Ph. 404-779-3653.__________
Champ, bred TWH/RHBA horses and ponies, yrlg. filly, yrlg. pony colt, $2500 ea.; 2 pony mares, $1000 ea., terms avail. S. Klem, Conyers. Ph. 404-922-5432.
Appaloosa stallion, foaled '85, chestnut / blanket w/spots, tiny head, halter conf., will mature 15.3 hds., - 16 hds., top pedigree. Earl Martin, Alpharetta. Ph. 475-6881._____________
Blk. Welsh gelding, 12.2 hds., very handsome, show prospect for exp. youth, worming/immun. current, $350. S. McClumphia, Woodstock. Ph. 926-0224.
'84 AQHA bay stallion by AA son of Leo, 14.3 hds., Joe Reed/Sugar Bar top, Concentrated King/bottom, exc. disp., riding well, quick. Johnny McDonough, Ellabell. Ph. 912-858-2837._________
11 mo. APHC colt Grulla w/wh. over hips, Prince Plaudit-Three Bars, QH build, $600. S. Meriwether, Newborn. Ph. 404-342-4813 aft. 6 pm.___________
Arabians, part Arabians, Arab-Pintos, mares, colts, stallions, show breeding, wide price range / terms. Edd Oates, Thomaston. Ph. 404-648-6245._____
Arabian fillies & mares, good bloodlines, proven producers, some shown-broke to ride, guar. sound, breedable, sell w/breeding rights to bay Straight Egyp. stallion, reas. priced/terms. T. Perkins, Gumming. Ph. 887-7743. __________________
APHA reg. '84 & '85 Paint horse, fillies and colts, must sell. Connie Phillips, Locust Grove. Ph. 228-7904.________
AQHA geld., 8 yrs., pleasure horse, gentle for child/beginner or lady, $1100; also, proven trophy winner in all running events, 9 yr. geld., ridden by teenage girl, $2000. L. Porterfield, Watkinsville. Ph. 769-8927. ______________
Reg. Appaloosas, liver-chestnuts w/chrome, greenbroke, Foundation bloodlines, fillies, reas. Larry Priest, Grayson. Ph. 4466-4101._________ .
Reg. Arabian gelding, 4 yrs., grey, sturdy, ground work started, handles well, very affectionate, $1500/best offer, consider trade. R. Proctor, Douglasville. Ph. 949-1439.____________________
Grey Welsh pony gelding, 2 yrs., greenbroke, 12.1 hds., $250. Linda Moss, Alpharetta. Ph. 475-4761._________
Paint mare, good natured easy keeper, cogs/wormed, 8 yrs., $750. L. O'Dell, Dahlonega. Ph. 404-864-5488.

3/4 Arab mare, 15 hds., chestnut, wide blaze, 12 yrs., great jumps, great horse, gentle, shown. Z.L Blalock, Rome. Ph 404-234-8069._____________
Reg. 3/4 Arab colt, 2 yrs., $1000; reg. 7/8 Pinto-Arab, $900, reg. purebred (pleasure) $600. J. Boswell, Hephzibah. Ph. 404-733-4318 mornings.____________
Barrel horse, 7 yr. old QH mare, Jaguar bred; broodmare & trail horse, 12 yr. reg. QH mare bred to Tary's Flight colt by side out of Tary's Flight, 3-in-1-pkg. deal. M. Buchanan, Grovetown. Ph. 404-863-3593
aft. 6 pm.________________________
Blk. gelding, 15 hds., sorrel/wh. paint, 15.3 hds., both child safe, have others, also. Wayne Calhoun, Stockbridge. Ph. 474-0043._____________________
AQHA mare/gelding beginner horses, gr'dau. of Impressive, big reg. Paint mare w/pleasure points. R. Cato, Alpharetta. Ph. 404-475-9311.______________
Jenny for sale, will plow. Buford Cosper, Rt. 5, Box 338,Franklin 30217. Ph.
854-4906._____________________________ 15.2 hds., Arab/QH mare, 7 yrs.,
white/gray, obedient, good natured, easy keeper, cogs./wormed and farried, $1125. Bob Creighton, Monroe. Ph. 267-8760.
Perfect beginners' pony, 14.2 hds., big enough to carry adult, gentle enough for small child, nice slow canter, jumps 3', a real packer, $T500/offer. B. Cruickshank, Alpharetta. Ph. 404-442-3046.______
Arabian, fantastic, '83, '84, '85 & '86 mares, also, blk. colt & bay colt, all mares sell w/breeding to 1 of our top stallions, $2000/up. C. Cummings, Macon. Ph. 912-477-3963.__________________
12 yr. bay mare, 15.3 hds., Barrels, Pole & Texas Barrels, gentle, exp. young rider can handle, $1000. C. Dixon, Warner Robins. Ph. 912-923-0347.________
Yearling fillies, Restun, Cool Cash, Coy's Bonanza, Easter King, Leo San Siemon & Poco Rip bloodlines, $600. Brenda Drozak, Stone Mtn. Ph. 404-934-4070 ext. 292._____________
'69 AQHA sorrel mare, Lightning Bar / Ed Echols breeding, ready to breed, ride or show, sell open or bred to own son of Bar Money Dial, $2000. Shelton Frier, Rt. 3, Hahira. Ph. 912-244-2070 or 242-3035.
Reg. Arab gelding, 9 yr., Polish lines, child safe, does it all, ready for Arab shows, $2000, to approved home. S. Glickman, Athens. Ph. 404-548-6917.
Reg. Belgians, mares, bred for '86 foals, young horses, some broke to pull or ride. Gall Gordon, Fairburn. Ph. 404-964-5427.___________________
12 AQHA's, Three Bar, Cody, Wimpy, Leo San, Two-Eyed Jack, Skipper W, Turp., $400/up. Tony Green, Canton. Ph. 479-9028._________________
'83 Haidas Little Pep & Doc Sugs Brudder stud, on cows, sorrel, well trained & gentle disp. H. Hester, Dacula. Ph. 404-267-3347._______________
Reg. Thoroughbred, 4 yr. filly, greenbroke, racing bloodlines, $2500; also, 11.3 hds.; 2 yr. filly pony, $250. K. Hirano, Bogart. Ph. 769-7833.___________
Reg. Quarter Horses, weanlings, yearlings, 2 yr. olds, Halter, pleasure & barrel prospects, broodmares in foal to AQHA Champ., Impressers Imp. Danny Hogan, Dexter. Ph. 912-875-3476._________
Reg. Appaloosa mares, 1 bay w/blanket, 1 red leopard, both 15 hds., great riding horses, $1250 ea. M. Hylton, Alpharetta. Ph. 475-5787.____________
AQHA 7 yr. gelding (top show qual) ROM, qualified 2 events for Youth World Show, does West. PL/H.S./trails, Horsemanship/Equitation. Mark Isaacs, Snellville. Ph. 404-979-1336.________
Sev. Hunter & Jumpers, 8 yr. gelding, safe and willing, does hunt jumps 4 ft. w/ease, TB 9 yr. gelding, exc. Dressage prospect. K. Josey, Douglasville. Ph. 404-489-1151._________________
Reg. 3/4 Arabian colt, dam-2-time Nat'l Champ., Nat'l pt. winner, definite show prospect, low payments/trade for broodmare. S. Kelley, Carrollton. Ph. 404-854-4271 (7-10 pm.)_____________
Sorrel, '81 son Go Dick Go, $1200; '81 AAA mare bred 2'-86 to Heis Mynative 98 SI winner of over $48,000. Geo. R. Kight, Rt. 1, Ambrose 31512. Ph. 912-384-4477.
'84 AQHA filly, bay, blaze, socks, placing well in Halter this year. $4000/nego., trade for used trailer plus cash. J. Lancaster, Smyrna. Ph. 432-8314._____
4 yr. old buckskin gelding, gentle to ride, $400. Jeff Lambert, Albany. Ph. 883-6352.__________________
Horses-own son of Top Moon our of astro Deck mare, gr'son of Doc Bars out of Cody mare, own dau. of Olympia Rey w/Moon colt by side, gr'dau. of Olympis Rey-gr'dau. of Jet Deck out of Leotam Adams. L.L. Lane, Rebecca. Ph. 912-643-7711.________________
QH gelding, sorrel, 15 hds., 8 yrs. old, used on cattle, good trail horse, $500. Billy Laster, Dublin. Ph. 912-275-3206.
Thoroughbreds and Quarter Horses, exc. prospects for Hunter-Jumper, eventing or Dressage, also, made fieldhunters avail. S. Levin, Suwanee. Ph. 476-8768.__________________________
No trucks, jeeps, or cars for sale may
be advertised.



Wednesday, March 26, 1986

2 yr. old AQHA colt, tall, doll-head, good boned, close Wimpy Leo, Iron Bars, Dodger bred, performance or pleasure, $1000/trade for mare or 2-horse trailer. R. Bobo, Albany. Ph. 912-439-9879._____
'85 AQHA fillies, dau. Nick's Tardy son, $1200; dau' Steps Big, $1000. Ralph Padovano, Fayetteville. Ph. 404-461-6851.
Horse mule, Irg. 1000 IDS., 8yrs., knows "Gee & Haw," to good home only, $725. G.T. Peppers, Rt. 1, Box 87-A, Buchanan
30113.___________________ 3 yr. blk. TWH gelding, palomino rack-
ing 6 yr. gelding, bay, gelding and sorrel, 8 yr. gelding, all exc. pleasure/trail horses, reas. priced. A.K. Queen, Dallas. Ph. 404-445-7932.______________
Arabian-reg. 10 yr. grey gelding, 14.2 hds., exc. pleasure horse, started over fences, $1200. N. Rizor, Marietta. Ph. 955-7460.__________________
AQHA '83 filly, chestnut, white socks, all shots/wormed, started under saddle, willing, honest, quiet, 15 hds. J. Lewis, Louisville. Ph. 912-625-3690._______
'78 drk. sorrel stud, Coy's Bonanza & Easter King bloodlines, gentle disp., babies proven winners, $2000/nego. Doug Marshall, Loganville. Ph. 404-466-4651.
Appaloosa gelding, 4 yrs., approx. 14.2 hds., gentle but need exp. horse person, greenbroke, $650. John McAlister, CovIngton. Ph. 404-787-3444._________
AQHA stud colt, 2 yrs., very athletic, $900; also, AQHA mare, 3 yrs., 90 days prof, pleasure training, $2000. Jackie McLain, Vidalia. Ph. 912-537-8209.
Reg. TWH's by The Medicine Man Mack K, weanlings to 4 yrs. old, for show/pleasure/breed ing/Plantation, some ready to show, $500/up. Joe McLedon, Monticello. Ph. 468-8620.
Reg. TWH mare, shown racking, blk., 176 hds., 12 yrs., $1200/best offer. Steve Miller, Carroll City. Ph. 404-854-8642.
30 mos. old Percheron gelding, good gentle horse, worked single and dbl., horse and harness, $700. Clarence L. Marona, P.O. Box 392, Trenton 30752. Ph. 404-657-6727._____________________
AQHA '82 bay mare, 15.2 hds. Otoe Poco Bueno lines, Western, Eng., started under saddle, quiet/shots $2500. C. Morken, Acworth. Ph. 926-5965.______
Arabians-'/! Arabians, weanlings and yrlgs., show quality, nominated for Breeders Sweepstakes, Region 12 & GA. Futurities, reas. terms. K. Mortimer, Canton. Ph. 404-475-2130.___________
37" blk. mare pony, no bad habits, possible miniature producer, $200. Patricia Parson, Maysville. Ph. 652-2001
or 2323._____________________
APHA Tobiano colt & filly yrlgs. out of Sir Quin Zee & Nifty Nugget, lots of color. Bob Paxton, Fairburn. Ph. 964-4407.
Good AQHA reg. horses of Otoe, Jackstraw Jr (TB) and Impressive bloodlines. Leif Eric Richmond, Smyrna. Ph. 404-436-3901._______________
'80 AQHA bay mare, Coffeemate King/Berty breeding, shown succ. in Western Pleasure, gentle, great disp. Sharon M. Ridling, Newnan. Ph. 404-253-8493 nights aft. 6 pm._______
Stallions, broodmares, AQHA blk. colt by Sonny's cowboy out of mare w/Halter Pts. and point producer, son of Impressive. S. Shirey, Warm Springs. Ph. 404-655-2400 night or 665-3377.______
Purebred Arabian colts, Bask bloodline. Dale Smith, Albany. Ph. 912-439-0645._____________
Two yr. reg. mare for youth or small adult, Mr. Bar None/Hanco*ck breeding, $500. Johnny Smith, Lizella. Ph. 912-935-8873._________________
'83 AQHA grey mare, exc. West PI. horse, '84 AQHA gelding, sorrel, flaxen mane/tail, 15.1 hds., weanling Futurity winner, big and beau. Don Stanley, Jr., Douglasville. Ph. 404-489-1151.______
'84 reg. golden Appaloosa filly, gentle but spirited. Erika Studstill, Americus. Ph. 912-924-2170.____________
Coy's Bonanza gelding, 3 yrs., Triple Fax 16 hds. gelding, 3 yrs., reg. TB broodmare, 6 yrs., all reas. Ginger Sweetalla, Temple. Ph. 404-562-4528.________
'84 APHA breeding stock, red dun fily, sire-Sandy Mount, $1000; APHA 10 yr. sorrel/wh. Tobiano broodmare, bred to APHA stallion for '87 foal, $1200. H. Wallers, Cisco., Ph. 404-695-2659.
Reg. TWH/Racking beau. blk. gelding, always in the ribbons, perfect show horse for lady or junior rider, $2500. P. Watts, Lawrenceville. Ph. 493-1970 day, 923-6714._____________________
Yrlg. stud by Impresaries Image out of Peppy mare, elegible AQHBG Futurity, $1200. D. Webb, Canton. Ph. 475-7520.
Saddlebreds,Arabians, Nat'l Show Horse, best bloodlines, Status Symbols, Win Commander, Bask, Serafix, $1800. Larry E. Welly, Bonaire. Ph. 912-987-5558.
TWH's (2) w yr. olds, bay, 15.1 hds., stallion started-blk. 15 hds. filly, both gentle and show, lots of potential, AQHA, Watch Joe Jack gr'son gelding, 2 yrs. C. Winkler, Chatsworth. Ph. 404-695-9061.
Child safe 3'6" jumper, showing, hunting, bay, 15.3 hds., 8 yrs., AQHA gelding, $3200/nego. K. Young, Athens. Ph. 354-0604.

TWH 3 yr. old gelding, $375. Mike Porter, Gumming. Ph. 404-887-1962.
AQHA broodmares (3-in-1) also, 2 yr. old mare and yrlg. colt, sell or trade for cattle. Teddy Ricks, Eatonton. Ph. 404-485-7274 or 6688.___________
Belgians, reg., mares w/weanlings, 2 yr. olds, etc., 20 in all, any reas. offer. Don Robinson, Cairo. Ph. 912-872-3699.
Reg. AQHA geldings, Jose and Jaguar bloodline, 7 yrs., 3 yrs., and 4 yrs. old. R.F. Smalley, LaFayette. Ph. 404-638-5951.
QH palomino gelding, 5 yrs., 15 hds., training level dressage, gentle, exp. rider only, $1200. D. Self, Watkinsville. Ph. 769-7341 aft. 5 pm. wkdays._________
Gentle trail horse, w/saddle and bridle, $500; also, pony w/tack, $300. J.R. Shaw, Buford. Ph. 404-945-18845 night or 945-1885 days.__________________
TB colt, 21 mos., big boned, bay , racebred (Windy Sands, TV lark) $2500, incl. gelding. Carol Smiley, Dawsonville. Ph. 265-6265.________________
Thoroughbred fillies, race horses, greenbroke, 2 yr. olds, $2800 to $3500; yrlgs., $1800 to $2500 for show, hunting/dressage. M. Soileau, Conyers. Ph. 404-922-0123.__________________
Beau. Arabian Bask bred colts and fillies, $1500/up, all shots, worming/farrier. C. Sokol, Kathleen. Ph. 912-987-0139.
'83 sorrel stallion, ROM perf. & Cutting Gr. Champ. Halter, all in pedigree & more, has potential & breeding to all, $1000. E. Spencer, Jackson. Ph. 775-4030.______
Iron grey jack, 45" high, 4 yrs. old, $100, red bay mare mule, approx. 700 Ibs., $350. L.B. Sprewell, Carrollton. Ph. 404-258-3988._________________
Mares in foal, $2000/up, weanling fillies, colts, $1000; yrlg. filly or colts, $1250, Halter Fut. winners, stallion mat., all by AQHA Champ. "Rounds Sir Fredric". H.A. Strickland, Hartwell. Ph. 404-376-2590(2313).____________
Bay, 5 yr. old gelding, 16 hds., 7/8 Tb, 1 owner, very quiet and gentle for timid rider. C. Stuart, Gumming. Ph. 889-0353.
Miniature horses, var. ages, colors, miniature donkeys, others to choose from. Billy Turner, Union Point. Ph. 404-486-2558.__________________
'83 AQHA dapple grey gelding, 15.1 hds., good conf./disp., Doc's Silver Bars / King So Big breeding, $1800 or trade. Tobie Tyler, Adairsville. Ph. 382-3351.
Three '85 AQHA fillies sired by AAA Stakes winners and out of AAA Stakes producing and winning mares, $3750-$7500. S. Usher, Covington. Ph. 787-9099.___________________
AQHA broodmares w/foals by Superior Halter stallion and bred back, also, yearling fillies. Connie Walker, Pearson. Ph. 912-422-3982.________________
One AQHA gelding, sorrel gelding, 9 yr. old Western Pleasure, great trail horse. Va. Warren, Temple. Ph. 562-3396.
Tall, well muscled AQHA '85 gelding, by Waggoner's Joker & Pepo San dau., AQHBG Futurity eligible, $650. Sheila Wagner, Preston. Ph. 912-887-2541.
Reg. American Saddlebred mare, proven broodmare, 16 yrs., exc. bloodlines, $800. W. Wells, Griilin. Ph. 404-227-1774.
15.3 hds., reg. Thoroughbred gelding w/papers, trained 3'6", shown GHJA succ., exp. rider only, not a horse for a beginner. Pat Welsh, Pch'Tree City. Ph. 487-9763._______________
7 yr. old reg. Arab hunter pony mare, 14.1 hds., beau., child safe, exc. cross country. K. Adams, Norcross. Ph. 448-6218.____________________
AQHA breeding farm offering halter, reining, pleasure, race youth prospects, broodmares, direct offspring AQHA Champs./ROM producers, partial dispersal. S. Aydlotte, Sharpsburg. Ph. 404-253-9328._____________________
Exc. Hunter-Jumper prospects, 1/2 TB colts, 8 & 9 mos., well-cared for, shots, cogs.-halter broke, used to handling, must sell, $500 ea. J. Ball, McDonough. Ph. 957-4320.____________________
Anglo-Arabians, reg., 4 yr. chestnut gelding, Flazon son, trained Huntseat, yearling bay colt, should mature 16 hds., terms. K. Bateman, Rentz. Ph. 912-984-4965.__________________
'85 reg. Appaloosa colt, chestnut/big blanket, very gentle and willing, exc. bloodlines, youth prospect, $750/best offer. A. Bolado, Villa Rica. Ph. 404-459-6719 before 2 pm. & wkends.
AQHA gray 5 yr. mare, 15.1 hds., shown comb, test and youth AQHA, has pts. jumping o/f 2'6", $3500. A. Baskin Brown, $3000/nego. D. Butler, McDonough. Ph. 957-7053._________________
AQHA and grade horses, nice variety, some pleasure, some show qual. R. Danes, Franklin. Ph. 675-6697 aft. 6 pm.
Ten 1 yr. old male donkeys, $75 ea. A.E. Duvall, Jr. Lawrenceville. Ph. 963-2281.
Hunter 15.3 hds., 9 yr. chestnut QH gelding, classy, jumping consistently 3' basic dressage. M. Godwin, Roswell. Ph. 992-1823.___________________
AQHA grey mare, 2 yrs., 14 hds., 6 yr. gelding, 14.2 hds., 4 yr. mare, 15 hds., all gentle, $500 ea. B. Akers, Carrollton. Ph. 834-6434.

AQHA gray 5 yr. mare, 15.1 Vi hds., shown comb, test and youth AQHA, has pts. jumping o/f 2'6", $3500. A. Baskin Brown, Buford. Ph. 945-7396.______

Good mule and horses for sale. Robert Baggett, Rt. 1, Box 265, Lyerly 30730. Ph. 895-4458._________________

Arabian colt, 4 yr. liver chestnut w/chrome, gret personality, broke West., Nizzam gr'son, sharp showing prospect, other mares, colts, fillies avail. Walton Benike, Evans. Ph. 860-1100.________

White Arabian mare, 9 yrs. old, reg. 1/2, obedient, good natured, trained Eng./West., shown succ., gr'dau. The Phoenician, $1500. S. Causey, Warner Robins. Ph. 912-922-3619._________

'85 AQHA gelding, sorrel/blaze, 2 stockings, Sam Clay/Cutter Bill breeding, gentle, $600. Lynn Greer, Hampton. Ph. 946-4616.___________________

Reg. Thoroughbred "Night Lark" mare, 16.1 hds., proven broodmare, World Class babies, exc. disp./conf. B&C Healey, Duluth. Ph. 476-4600.____________

AQHA broodmare in foal to Waggoner's Joker ROM for late April baby, 3 yr. gelding, riding well, 2 yr. filly, both by Wagoner's Joker. R. Hicks, Louisville. Ph. 912-252-5953.________

Reg. Arabian mare, 12 yr. dau. of Mr. Storm, bay w/3 socks and a stocking, good disp., see '85 chestnut filly, healthy, $3000. Sandy Holland, Alpharetta. Ph. 475-6833._______________

Appendix AQHA sorrel, 4 yr. mare, Top Deck, Rey Jay bred, gentle for anyone to ride, also, APHA horses for sale. Don Hood, Rome. Ph. 234-4995. _______

AQHA mare, 4 yrs. old, sorrel w/white markings, anyone can ride, $800/tack avail. Dick Key, Mineral Bluff. Ph. 404-374-5894.________________

AQHA mare, 10 yrs., bay, good conf., Timed Event exp., $1200. P. Loggins, Cumming. Ph. 404-887-9449.________

Reg. Morgans, 3 yr. Park prospects, stallion and filly, other pleasure greenbroke 3 yr. olds and yrlgs. Bill Meredith, Good Hope. Ph. 404-227-8874._____

Reg. Appaloosas horses (15) to sell or trade for cows. Mitt Morehead, Circle M Ranch , 419 Castleman Rd., Carrollton. Ph. 834-4844 aft. 7 pm._____________

AQHA broodmares w/babies, top bloodlines, show qual., discount to 4-Hr's, Skipa Star, Sonny Go Lucky, Win or Lose, Impressive. F. Montgomery, Junction City. Ph. 404-269-3928.______

AQHA yrlgs., 1 bay colt, Coffemate



Brooks/Cutter Bill filly, Jose Pal / King

colt. Larry E. Morris, Newnan. Ph.

404-361-8826 days or 253-8493.

Livestock Wanted

Want beginner rider geldings, will trade show & cutting horses 1-15 yrs. B. Bailey, Loganville. Ph. 404-466-1442.
Want unwanted cattle, cows, goats to prospective good home, will pick up w/in reas. dist. H. Mclntyre, Locust Grove. Ph. 957-9749.____________________
Want child-safe beginner pony free or cheap to good home. Vickie Elliott, Nashville. Ph. 912-686-5814.________
Want to buy up to 50 thin young sows or Irg. shoats, will buy whole herd if price right, N. Ga. area. Mahlon Turner, Dahlonega. Ph. 404-865-2311 nights.
Want unwanted horses, ponies, cattle, goats, sheep to country home, will pick up. J. Tyson, Dallas. Ph. 445-1206.
Want to buy any unwanted goats for reas. price w/in 25 mi. Jackson. W, Spencer, Locust Grove. Ph. 775-4030.
Want free goats w/in 50 mi. radius Newnan, any type. Bobby McCollum, 151 Walt Carmichael Rd., Newnan 30263. Ph. 404-251-0225.________________
Want unwanted free farm animals w/in 20 mi. radius Covington. R. Whisenhunt, Covington. Ph. 787-2596.___________
Want to buy gentle buggie horse. G.G. Griffin, Ocilla. Ph. 912-468-7737.
Want blk. mare mule, 54 in. high w/brn. or wht. nose, pref. brn., 2-6 yrs. J.J. Williamson, Athens. Ph. 404-548-2936.
Want free hogs, cows, mules, horses to good home. Mrs. Myrtle Moore, Forest Park. Ph. 404-548-2936._________
Want common or mixed doe goats, will barter Irg. polled reg. Alpine herd sire, Lone Elm bloodlines. Troy Stanfield, Lula. Ph. 404-677-3422._________
Want trail horse, 15 hds./up, pref. gelding, will trade western saddles worth $350 & $500. M. Clark, Rt. 1, Piney Grove Rd., Loganville 30249. Ph. 466-8906.__
All agricultural seed must be tested by
the State Seed Lab before they can be
Farmers, need financial, personal or family counseling? Dial 1-800-544-9797 for assistance. Calls received before 7 a.m. or after 7 p.m. or on weekends will be recorded by answering machine to be handled during regular hours.

Livestock Handling And Equipment

Please include a statement along
with your ad indicating that the equipment or tack advertised in this category has been used on your individual farming operation. In addi-
tion, while pastures for rent may be included in this column, board-
ing services and facilities may be advertised only in the special horse edition. Please include a statement
indicating that you are indeed
advertising pasture for rent and not boarding services or facilities.

16 1/2" close contact English saddle w/fittings $160; 18" Cortina w/fittings forward seat saddle $160. Patricia Parson, Maysvllle. Ph. 652-2001/2323._______

4-horse semi-open stock trailer w/tack comp. & escape door, 2 new tires & master cylinder, very good cond., $1800. P. Watts, Tucker. Ph. 493-1970 day/923-6714 eve._______________

Sev. western saddles, 1 roper, 2 pleasure, all mint cond., also bridles, lead ropes, halters. D. Dunahoo, Loganvllle. Ph. 466-8318._____________
40 A. pasture for rent, clear spring on property. M. Sincere, Cumming. Ph. 889-2979.___________________
2-horse bumper pull trailer, good floor, new paint, new tag. R. Danes, Franklin. Ph. 675-6697 aft. 6 pm._________
Pasture for rent, sectioned, $50 month, horses only. Ricky Stultz, Duluth. Ph. 448-39477396-5089.___________

Stubben Parzival jumping saddle, 19 in., like new, w/Stubben leathers & irons. Bill Healey, Duluth. Ph. 476-4600.
2-horse trailer w/dressing rm., new paint, new rims & tires, 2 escape doors, exc. cond., $1500 or trade. T. Perkins, Bloomlngdale. Ph. 912-748-5233._____

Like new western saddles, 1 dk. roping style, 1 light tan w/silver $250 ea., 1 light tan $200, other. B. Akers, Carrollton. Ph. 834-6434.___________________

Bona Alien show saddle w/silver, exc. cond., orig. owner, very comfortable, $350, trade for youth saddle. Pam Spencer, Cumming. Ph. 404-889-1536.
1984 WW 2-horse trailer, exc. cond., mats, tack comp., 6'6", bumper pull, brakes, $2200. Jan Harrell, Alpharetta. Ph. 404-889-3340 eve.__________

Borelli 17" huntseat saddle w/girth, leathers, stirrups, $150/best offer. Norma Inqui, Jefferson. Ph. 367-9925.______

Bona Alien roping saddle, 17" padded seat, fully tooled, good cond., $375. N. Aldridge, Alpharetta. Ph. 475-0453 eve.
30 A. pasture for gentle horses, no jumper horses. Mrs. C. 0. Blankenship, Canton. Ph. 479-8387.__________
16 ft. gooseneck comb. 6V4' high, 5' wide, new tires, good floor, $1800. C. Burns, Bremen. Ph. 404-537-5300.

Trail-et 4-horse gooseneck, no rust, just painted white, 5' dressing rm., fully carpeted walls & floor, exc. cond. Don Connell, Augusta. Ph. 404-860-1275.

'84 Haynes 2-horse deluxe, extra high & wide dressing rm., exc. cond., $4700. Bob Vanacek, Peachtree City. Ph. 487-4296.__________________

1982 Seminole 2-horse gooseneck, 8 ft., A/C, panelled dressing rm., lifetime floor, $4500. Tom Pate, Albany. Ph. 912-888-4682 day/439-1665 aft. 5.

Western show saddle only used once, lots of silver, med. adult size, $300. Mike Tustian, Ball Ground. Ph. 404-735-3555.

20 ft. 1978 horse/stock 6' wide gooseneck, metal roof, full covered nose, fully recond., $2700, trade for 2-horse. Harry Tyler, Adairsville. Ph. 382-3351.
1983 Trailmobile 7'x20' gooseneck horse trailer, exc., $3450. R. C. Weibel, 2250 Newport Landing, Alpharetta 30201.

Hale 2-horse trailer w/tack comp. & escape door, new floor, good tires, lights, $1250. C. L. Williams, Jackson. Ph. 404-775-5367.__________________

79-24 ft. DD gooseneck, elec. brakes,

encl. nose/top, exc. cond., $2900. Roy





Stidham 2-horse trailer, good tires, floor, paint, $1250. Hugh Willcox, Athens. Ph. 404-742-8032.______________

Stubben Siegfried delux saddle, bridle, leather, 16'/2 seat, Stubben fittings, exc. cond., $600. C. Adco*ck, Lithonia. Ph. 482-5742.______________.

Two 4 horse trailers, also, four 2 horse trailers, all in good cond. John Bagwell, Marietta. Ph. 428-6765._____________

Hale 4 horse gooseneck w/dressing

room, top shape, $4500, possible trade

for 2 horse gooseneck w/dressing room,

good cond. R. Bobo, Albany. Ph.


16Vz" Kent all-purpose saddle, $300. D.

Self, Watkinsville. Ph. 769-7341 aft. 5 p.m.





Crosby bridle w/dropped noseband, loose-ring hollow mouth bit, less reins, very good, $35. C. Burkholder, McDonough. Ph. 957-6797._______

2 horse trailer, extra tall, good cond., but needs paint, $850; 4 used western saddles, $100 to $170. A. Burnette, Smyrna. Ph. 432-4003.______________

Want to buy 18ft. to 24ft. gooseneck stock trailer, good tires, super repair, under $3000. Don Clark, Palmetto. Ph. 463-3295 or 9005.____________

Hand tooled blk. saddle, loaded w/German silver, has tapederos, all accessories, incl. stand, like new, $500. Bob Cone, Norman Park. Ph. 912-985-1210 aft.

3 p.m.______________________ Mats for livestock/horse trailers, stall,
etc., custom-made from recycled tires, $2.50 sq. ft. Gordon Crofut, Rt. 3, Box 82-H, Sanderville. Ph. 912-522-0999.

86 custom built 20' gooseneck stock trailer, steel top, full nose tack compartment, $3275. Jimmy Daniel, LaGrange. Ph. 404-882-1252 nights.__________

6 horse gooseneck trailer, in good cond., new tires/paint, $4000. J. R. Dekle, 145 Dekle Dr., Athens 30605. Ph. 404-543-2388.________________

Cattle trailer, 30 ft. gooseneck, 3 yrs. old, $2800/best offer. Bubba Fletcher, Clayton. Ph. 782-4198.____________

Pasture for rent, $50. P. Guthrie, Alpharetta. Ph. 404-442-8078.________

R R 15" drk. brn. w/silver lace trim, model No. 835, 1 yr. old, $450. Judy Heilman, Marietta. Ph. 955-4239.______

Crosby 16" Olympic Prix des Nations, good cond., soft leather, $325. C. Hester, Atlanta. Ph. 371-8812._________

16 ft. neckover gooseneck stock trailer w/removable side racks. Wayne Hudson, Cartersville. Ph. 386-2253._______

'85 Delta 4 horse gooseneck, 6 ft. dressing room, mats, 7ft., like new, $6500. Doug Jones, Carrollton. Ph. 404-836-0907 nights._____________

Western saddle, 16" seat, rawhide trim, for roping, show or all around use, $225/trade for barrel saddle. J. Lancaster, Smyrna. Ph. 404-432-8314._________

'83 D D 2 horse trailer, 2 escape doors, extra tall, completely enclosed, roll out windows, new paint, like new, $1800; used Plantation saddle, like new. Billy Laster, Dublin. Ph. 912-275-3206.______

Hale 2 horse trailer, very good cond., new tires, tack comp., good floor, $1100. D. Logan, Athens. Ph. 404-783-3564 eves.

Used Simco roper, good working cond., $75; 4 used Pleasure saddles, $100 ea.; 1 Eng. saddle w/fittings, $55. M. McAvoy, Washington. Ph. 404-678-4433 or 3198.

Gore 2 horse trailer w/extra hgt., good mats and tires, $900. Jackie McLain, Vidalia. Ph. 912-537-8209.__________

Want 4 horse bumper pull trailer, in good cond., will trade reg. TWH. Joe McLendon, Monticello. Ph. 468-8620.

8 horse Stoddard trailer, dressing rm., tack comp., loads both sides & rear, mats, feed boxes, good shape. John McGhee, Conyers. Ph. 929-0975 or 288-5433.___________________

Billy Cook roper, hand-made, tooled w/silver trim, needs slight work, $600. S. Meriwether, Newborn. Ph. 404-342-4813
aft. 6 p.m.________________________
Western show halter and matching lead w/silver, $175. other items. S. Middleton, LaGrange. Ph. 404-884-2536.

20" Blue Ribbon cutback saddle, Equitation seat, 1 yr. old, in exc. cond., $365. Linda Moak, Hull. Ph. 548-4879 aft.

5 p.m._______________________ 2 horse trailer, extra hgt./width, dress-
ing rm., 3 saddle racks, tandem wheels, elec. brakes, bumper pull, exc. cond., $2800. Billy Nappeir, Dallas. Ph. 404-445-3425._____________________

W W 4 horse gooseneck w/dressing rm., like new, 7' high, 7' wide, new paint/floor/tires, lights, wiring and brakes, $6500. Bill Nicholson, Canton. Ph. 404-479-9879._____________

Stubben Rex 16" saddle w/fittings, exc. cond., $350, other items, also. B. Nixon, Duluth. Ph. 476-1064.______________

2 yr.old Cherokee Thoroughbred Classic horse trailer, $3300; also, want, hot walker. Mr. Noblin, Columbus. Ph. 404-323-0574.________________

One full set of tack incl. hand made roping saddle by Blake, 16" seat, red nylon rein set w/blt, 2 blankets, 1 leather rein set, $20. Tony Omalacy Powder Springs. Ph. 941-9454 or 942-5661.______

Western pleasure and show saddle, $175 & $300; also, Arabian saddle, $200. Traci Overcash, Loganville. Ph. 466-1295.

'85 King 4 horse gooseneck w/4' D.R., show trailer deluxe, bargain price. L. Parker, Moreland. Ph. 927-9007._______

4 horse trailer, extra hgt., need some work, $1000; Hale 2 horse trailer, good shape. A. K. Queen, Dallas. Ph. 404-445-7935.____________________

All-purpose English saddle, 17", no fittings, good cond., needs minor repairs, $40. N. Seedorf, Atlanta. Ph. 373-9603.

Horse trailers, 17' dual axel, elec.

brakes, ramp, escape door, easy to pull,

alum., $1500. K. Shafer, Rome. Ph

232-3739. ,



Wednesday, March 26, 1986


Page 9

Want used 14" or 15" child's English/Huntseat saddle, good or exc. cond. only. Debbie Simpson, Alpharetta. Ph. 475-3781._________________
2 horse trailer, 7' high tack comp., good tires/new paint and floor, $1200. Sidney K. Smith, Villa Rica. Ph. 459-5287.
70 miley 4 horse gooseneck trailer, redone, like new, $4000. Larry Sokol, Kathleen. Ph. 912-987-0139._______
Pony harness, web blk. w/red trim, factory made, used once. J. Stovall, Buford. Ph. 404-945-3894.______________
24' gooseneck 6'6" high, 18' floor length, 6 horse, 80% rubber, $2700 firm/terms. V. Stewart, Conley. Ph. 363-0136.__________________
3-4" cutback saddles, 21" seats, all quality English made, w/fittings, mint cond., $500 ea. E. Strickland, Sharpsburg. Ph. 404-251-1707.______________
24' gooseneck Drover trailer, 4 horse, w/big dressing rm., elec. brakes, new tires, fully enclosed, 2 escape doors, $2800. J. Swearingen, Midland. Ph. 404-563-2928.__________________
14 ft. neckover gooseneck cattle trailer, inside gate, 6' wide, $2600; flatbed utility trailer, $900. Steve Thorne, Homer. Ph. 404-677-3579.____________
Western saddles(2) hardly used, 15" suede seat, American made, tooled leather, sacrifice, $195 ea. D. Tomlin, Madison. Ph. 557-2991.__________
14 ft. W W horse trailer, bumper pull, new floor, fair cond. Mahlon Turner, Dahlonega. Ph. 404-865-2311 nights.
Livestock feed, hay
and grain for sale
Coastal hay, Irg. rolls, exc. qual. rain free, no wees, $25, cheaper in quanitities, local del. Ron Hulett, Milan. Ph. 912-362-4352 aft. 6 pm._________
Lrg. round bales, '85 Bermuda Grass hay, $60/per ton, delivered. Jim Loomis, Davisboro. Ph. 912-348-6298._______
Taking orders for '86 cutting Alfalfa, round bales, sq. bales or silage. Charles Matthews, Rt. 1, Shady Dale 31085. Ph. 404-468-8433._________________
Bermuda hay, $1.50 bale. J. Sharpe, Griffin. Ph. 404-227-2948._______
Coastal Bermuda hay, sq. bales, rain and weed free, in barn, $1.75.bale, fert. w/Super Rainbow fert. Willard Thomas, Gibson. Ph. 404-598-2842._____________
Coastal hay, 65 Ib. sq. bales, $1.50, 1200 Ib. round, inside, $22, outside, $17. H.R. Williams, Ellaville. Ph. 912-862-5503.
Horse qual. Bermuda hay, 16.9% protein, weed / rain free sq. bales, $2.75 in barn. D. Willers, gainesville. Ph 404-536-1852.______________
Highly fert. Coastal hay, $2.50 at barn, Flying W Ranch, 10 mi. W. Pine Mtn. Hwy. 18. James R. Woods, Pine Mtn. Ph. 882-6580. ________________
Coastal Bermuda hay, horse qual., highly limed / fert., sq. bales, priced by quan. at barn. Joe Specht, Loganville. Ph. 912-452-5936.______________
Coastal Bermuda hay, fert., rain & weed free, $21. Edward Boyd, Augusta. Ph. 404-736-2137.________________
Good fert. Fescue, $1.25 - $1.50 sq. bales, $20 round bales. J.T. Williams, Tallapoosa. Ph. 404-574-5208.______
75 bales Coastal fert. hay, $1.25/bales, sell any/all. W. Hair, Augusta. Ph. 404-733-1762.______________
1985 Coastal Bermuda round bales, limed/fert U.GA. specs., stored inside. Darryl S. Morrow, Haddock. Ph. 912-932-5740.________________
Rain free well fert. Fescue hay, sq. bales $1.40, round bales $20. O. E. Deaver, Blairsville. Ph. 404-374-5789.__________
Top qual. Coastal Bermuda-Fescue mix, rain free, well limed / fert., round bales $25, sq. bales $2, 84 crop round sales $15. L. Winkler, Loganville. Ph 404-466-2176.
Good Coastal Bermuda hay, weed & ain free, 60 Ib. bales, $1.75 at barn. Lewis Dalhoun, Vidalia. Ph. 537-4792.______
Top qual. '85 rain free coastal hay, t2/bale in barn; mulch hay $1.25. Larry Williams, Lumber City. Ph. 912-363-4394.
Bermuda Fescue mixed hay, well fert., ain free, $1.75/bale. Dennis Chandler, Jouglasville. Ph. 942-8577._______
Coastal hay, round bales, $35 ea. C.L. Bagwell, Alpharetta. Ph. 475-5251.
'85 Coastal, Common & Hahia mixed 3rown-Top Millet, 60-70 Ib. bales, $1.25 to 51.75 bale or trade for cows or equip. Rusy Blackston, The Rock. Ph. 404-647-9876.
Quality rain free Fescue and Bermuda lay, well fert., over size sq. bale, in barn, >2. J. Bray, Dacula. Ph. 962-3456.
Fescue & Orchard Grass, Irg. sq. bales, ilghly fert./limed, rain free, no weeds, $2 jale; $25 rd. bales; also, mulch hay. Benly Brookshire, Suches. Ph. 404-747-2928.
Fert. Bermuda hay, Irg. sq. bales, $2 >ale at barn, mulch hay, $1.25 at barn. I.M. Brown, Fairburn. Ph. 404-964-7046.

'85 Coastal hay, fert. U.GA. specs, Irg. round bales, tight, rain free, can del. in quantity. Jackie Busby, Unadilla. Ph. 912-627-3013.______________
'85 Fescue hay, well fert./rain free Irg. rolls, $25, stored inside, will load, del. avail. Emory Casper, Bethlehem. Ph. 867-3239._________________
Fescue-Bermuda hay, fert. sq. bales, $2, round bales stored inside barn, $30. D.B. Dixon, Covington. Ph. 404-786-6218 /
6230.________________________ For lease approx. 50 A. pasture
Coastal Bermuda. Don Durrence, RFD-1, Box 90, Glennville. Ph. 654-2201.______
Coastal Bermuda & Tift 44 hay, round bales, $35, sq. bales, $2.50. Russ Elliott, Lizella. Ph. 935-8180.____________
Hay, well fert., rain free, Fescue w/some Coastal and other grasses. Ray E. Grubb, Llncolnton. Ph. 293-4290.
Alfalfa hay, $3 bale, Coastal Bermuda, top quality. B. Hall, Jr., Carnesville. Ph. 335-3606._____________________
Yellow corn shelled, '85 crop, $8 per 100 Ib. bag, you furnish bags. John M. Harrison, Jackson. Ph. 957-3486._____
High qual. Coastal hay, well fert., sq. bales, $2.25, round rolls, $25, del. avail. Gene Hart, Guyton. Ph. 912-728-3380.
Coastal Bermuda hay, horse qual., fert./limed, baled w/o rain, weed free, $1.50 bale. D.S. Haymore, Rutledge. Ph. 557-2874._____________________
Weed free / rain free Bermuda, sq. bales. Jerry Hayward, Warner Robins. Ph. 912-922-3004._____________________
Fescue & Bermuda hay, round bales, $20, del. avail. Ronnie Hill, Maysville. Ph. 335-6590 / 3077._______________
High qual. Coastal Bermuda hay, $2.25, Irg. round bales Bermuda - Fescue mix, $30. Bud Hodges, Mansfield. Ph. 786-6965.____________________
Coastal Bermuda hay, $2 bale, Common Bermuda hay, $2 bale, Coastal & Common Combined, big round bales, $25 and $30. Tim Hunter, Conyers. Ph. 483-8711.___________________
Fescue hay $1.50 bale, mulch hay, $1.25 bale. H.L Kastner, Clarkesville. Ph. 404-754-9153.____________________
Want hay, will trade Santa Gertrudis, reg. Arabian colt, sheep, some w/lambs, also, want sml. quantity of straw. S. Kelley, Carrollton. Ph. 404-854-4271 aft.
drk._____________________ Well fert. Coastal $2, Tift 44, $2.25 in
barn for 10 bales or more. L. Kinsley, Perry. Ph. 912-987-2837.____________
Lrg. round Fescue bales hay for sale. J. Dramer, Rt. 5, Box 359, Franklin 30217. Ph. 404-675-3649._______________
5 x 5 ft. tolls of Sudan and Brown Top Millet hay, approx. 900 Ibs., $18 per roll, del. avail. Gary D. Maxwell, Bowman. Ph. 245-5561.___________________
Lrg. rolls Coastal Bermuda, Fescue and Millet hay, will load, del. avail. John McLane, Hartwell. Ph. 404-376-3480.
Highly fert. Coastal, Ir.g sq.a nd round bales, exc. cow hay, can del. Bob McLemore, Waverly Hall. Ph. 404-582-2595.___________________
Clean-irrigated Coastal Bermuda hay, $2 bale, Alfalfa & grass mixed hay, $1.50 bale. Aaron McWhorter, Rt. 2, Franklin. Ph. 404-832-8606._____________
High qual. Tift 44 Coastal Bermuda hay, sq. bales, well fert., rain free, $2.25 at barn, you haul. Lewis Montgomery, Monroe. Ph. 267-3873.____________
Coastal Bermuda hay, sq. and round bales, well fert. / rain free. Roy Cheek, Monroe. Ph. 267-8566.____________
Fescue hay, limed / fert. by bale or discount for Irg. orders. Geo. Pace, Hampton. Ph. 946-4187._____________
2000 bales Coastal Bermuda hay, horse quality, $2 bale. Ed Parent, Lizella. Ph. 935-2313.____________________
Top qual. Bermuda Grass hay, Irg. round bales. W.F. Pate, Ashburn. Ph. 912-567-4606.________________
Yellow corn, shucked but not shelled at farm, good corn, 6<t/lb. Harold C. Reece, Rt. 8, Canton. Ph. 345-6798.
Caostal Bermuda hay, '85 crop, rain free, well fert., $2.25 at barn. Bo Rohrabaugh, Stockbridge. Ph. 922-6448.
'85 Fescue / Bemuda hay, fert., rain free, round bales, 1500 Ibs., $30 bale delivered. Ken Ross, Comer. Ph. 404-783-3564 eves._____________
Coastal, Alicia, Tift 44, Irg. rolls fert. to U.Ga. specs., del. avail., $28/roll. Henry Beckworth, Mltcnell. Ph. 404-598-2106.
Coastal Bermuda hay, well fert., weed free bales, $2 at barn, Irg. rolls, $30 ea. I.R. Chanin, Lizella. Ph. 912-935-2292 or 746-1810._____________________
200 med. sized round bale Bermuda and mixed grass hay, $25 bale, $20-10 or more. Calvin Cooper, Winder. Ph. 867-8447.____________________
High qual. high density Irg. bales '85 Alfalfa, Oats, Rye and Millet hay. Frank Eaton, Madison. Ph. 404-342-0727 nights.
1500 Ib. round bales Coastal hay, $25. I.M. Evans, Fischer Rd., Pch'Tree City. Ph. 288-4959._________________
Choice Coastal Bermuda hay at barn, $2.50 bale. Winton C. Harris, Rt.1,, ( Screven 31560. Ph. 912-586-6687.

'85 Fescue and Bermuda hay, fert./limed and rain free, Irg. sq. bales at $1.75. H. Holton, Alpharetta. Ph. 442-3133._____
Want to buy qual. Coastal Bermuda hay (4000 bales), del'vd and placed in mow. Charlie Hutton, Lilburn. Ph. 925-7147.____________________
25 Irg. round bales Costal Bermuda hay, $30 ea.; 50 Irg. round bales Bahia hay, $25 ea., well fert. baled w/o rain, can load. J.E. Jeanes, Gray. Ph. 912-986-3303.
Good qual. Coastal Bermuda sq. bales, $2.25, round bales Fescue/Bermuda, $320 bale. H.E. Kemp, 823 Kelleytown Rd., McDonough. Ph. 957-4997._______
'85 Coastal Bermuda hay, limed/fert., rain free sq. bales, $2; Irg. round bales, $30. Dr. James E. Lee, Milledgeville. Ph. 912-452-5531.___________________
100 Irg. round bales of Tift - Coastal hay, under shelter, $25-$30 per roll. Larry Lewis, Screven. Ph. 579-2214._______
Coastal - Tift 44, high quality, rain free, $1.80 sq. bale at barn. W.A. Osborn, Statham. Ph. 404-725-5313.________
1200 bales mixd grass hay, $1.50 bale, Avg. 30-35 Ibs. at barn, del. nego. J.P. Perry, Jesup. Ph. 427-6650.______________
Mixed hay, $1.50 bale. Ernest Powell, 13957 Woolsey Rd., Hampton. Ph. 946-9169.___________________
Alfalfa hay, good qual. Bill Segars, Winder. Ph. 404-867-2282.__________
Approx. 75-100 rain free sq. bales Clover hay, $1 bale. Bobby Smith, ManChester. Ph. 404-846-2708 or 3131.
Coastal Bermuda hay, Irg. sq. bales, well fert./rain free, $1.50 bale. George Smith, Helena. Ph. 912-868-2741.
Coastal hay, limed / fert., Irg. bales and rain free. Gerald E. Smith, Monroe. Ph. 267-2929.__________________
Coastal Bermuda hay, Irg. bales, exc. qual., fert. each cutting, no wees/rain. Russell F. Smith, Loganville. Ph. 404-787-1275.______________
Fescue sq. bales, high quality rain free, $2 at barn. W.H. Smith, Winder. Ph. 867-3314 or 8717._______________
Tift 44 horse qual. fert. to U.GA. specs., Irg. sq. bales, $2.50. John Sosebee, Rutledge. Ph. 404-557-2166._________
'85 Fescue & Fescue-Bermuda hay, well fert., Irg. round bales, $20 bale, Commerce-Ma area. Terry Stephenson, Rt. 4, Commerce 30529. Ph. 335-2654.
Well fert. Coastal Bermuda hay, $30 round baled, will load. Sonny Stewart, Shellman. Ph. 912-679-5800 or 5461.
Coastal Bermuda hay, sq. bales, weed/rain free, in barn, $1.75 per bale. W.P. Stone, Cobbtown. Ph. 912-684-4208 or 4201.____________________
Coastal Bermuda hay, limed/fert. to U.GA. specs., $2.25 bale, no delivery. Joe Thomason, Barnesville. Ph. 404-358-2668.
Soybean hay, Irg. round bales. H.B. Toney, E. Fairview Rd., Stockbridge. Ph. 483-4224._____________________
'85 Coastal Bermuda hay, sq. bales, in barn, highly fert. U.GA. specs., del. avail. Olin Trammell, Forsyth. Ph. 912-994-6463 or 6534.______________________
Fescue / Clover hay, $1.50 bale. C.C. Trltt, Suches. Ph. 404-747-3696.______
Coastal Bermuda hay, sq. bales, avg. 50 Ib. bales, $1.75 bale. Garvin Usry, Rt. 1, Box 284, Wrens 30833. Ph. 404-547-2144 aft. 7 pm._____________________
Crushed corn, shuck & cobb, '85 crop, yellow, $6.50/CWT., $125/ton, furnish own sacks. Arvril Westmorland, Dalton. Ph. 404-259-8464._________________
Lrg. round rolls of '85 Peanut hay, $10 roll or 12 rolls for $100. James W. Whittle, Rt. 1, Chester 31012. Ph. 912-358-4518.
Horse qual., highly fert., high protein, rain free, Irg. sq. Coastal Bermuda, $2.50. Roy Williams, Social Circle. Ph. 464-3698 or Covington 786-6310.
Agricultural seed and plants for sale
All agricultural seed must have a current germination report not more than 9 months old. First ad must be accompanied by report which will be returned if requested.
Certain varieties of seed are protected from propagation unless it is grown as a class of certified seed. For example, wheat seed such as McNair, Oasis, co*ker, and Arthur may not be propagated for sale unless the grower is certified. Propagation of such seed is a violation of the Plant Variety Protection act and the Federal Seed Act.
Giant fruitbearing blueberry pits., 4-6 ft., in 3 gal. pots, $4, 7 varieties, no shipping. Martha Wade, Alma. Ph. 912-632-5216 or 7779.___________
Scuppernong-Muscadine, 1 jumbo black female, 1 jumbo bronze female, 1 pollinator, $9.50 pp. Tammy Bryant, Eastman 31023.

Wild 2 yr. blackberry pits., blueberry, dewberry, 6/$10 ppd. Mrs. Louise Lee, Rt. 5, Box 209, Ellljay 30540._______
Lab No. S-61, 485 Tahitian squash seed, 20/$1 w/SASE. David Nickoles, Rt. 1, Box 15, Jesup 31545.___________
Rabbiteye blueberry pits., 7 best van, Brightwell, Cheyenne, Cherokee and Brazos blackberry pits, and root cuttings, other. Andrew Avery Jr., Rt. 1, Camilla 31730. Ph. 912-246-6406._________
Lemon bushes bears edible fruit outside 3/$6 ppd. C. Coleman, 3021 Teamon Rd., Griffin 30223.___________
Old fashion Red Cherry tomato seed $1 tsp. w/SASE. Mrs. Homer Alien, Dial Star Rt., Box 208, Blue Ridge 30513._____
Old fashioned Canney Roaster potato pumpkin, 20 seed $1 w/SASE. Ms. Wise, Rt. 4, Box 450, Dahlonega 30533.
Strawberry pits. $8/100 ppd. Glenda Crosby, Rt. 3, Box 490, Baxley 31513.
Blueberries in cans 4 var. 2 to 3 ft. $2 ea.; Southland raspberries 50$ ea., blk. raspberries 60c ea. at farm. Joseph Mikle, Loganville. Ph. 466-4516.__________
Blue Damson plum tree, red May cherry $1.50; muscadine, hazlenut, blk. raspberry, Himalayan blackberries 8/$10 ppd. Mrs. Robert Norrell, Rt. 6, Galnesvllle 30506. ___________
Old time running col. butter bean seed, some solid blue, blk., purple, maroon, diff. col. of speckled wh. $3, a big start, ppd. S. C. Suddeth, 946 Orris Rd., Mableton 30059. Ph. 941-9282.______
1985 velvet beans seed $40/bu. or $1/lb. plus shipping. Robert Gay, P.O. Box 92, Bonevllle 30806. Ph. 404-595-4265.
Old fashion sml. white crisp cucumbers 50/$1 w/SASE; sugar pumpkin 25/$1 w/SASE; vining pomegranate, tsp. $1 w/SASE. Mrs. J. S. Bryan, 400 Ash St., S.E., Dahlonega 30533.___________
Fruit trees, apples, peach, plum, grapes, figs, blueberries, nectarines, free list. B. D. Smith, Taylorsvllle 30178. Ph. 684-3242._______________
Wild fox grape, sassafras, wild crabapple, tame plum, wild blueberry, 6 pits. $12 ppd. Mrs. David Stover, Rt. 1, Box 1405, Blue Ridge 30513.______________
Soybean seed (Braxton var.,) germ. 78%, $10 per bu. William Barbour, Rt. 2, Box 256, Byron 31009. Ph. 912-956-5110.
Old time Leggs prolific white corn 97% germ., 5 Ibs. max. $8.50 ppd. Ferd Sanders, Rt. 2, Lula 30554. Ph. 404-869-3932._________________
Pinkeye seed peas, germ. 89%, purity 99.16%, 50 Ib. bags, $20, no shipping. Melvin Tanner, Rt. 4, Box 891, Sanderevllle 31082. Ph. 912-552-5064.
Wrens Abruzi rye 99% pure seed, 93% germ., combine run $5.50/bu., cleaned/bagged $7.50. Russell, Smith, Loganville. Ph. 787-1275.___________
Tame blackberries (Irg. fruit), well rooted pits. R. Shuman, Rt. 2, Box 223, Ellabell 31308.___________________
Rabbiteye blueberries, Tifblue and more, will ship $1.75 ea. plus post., larger pits. $2.50 to $3.50. Billy Tomlinson, Rt. 2, Lake Park 31636. Ph. 912-559-7271.
Elephant garlic sml. pits. 6-8 in. long, organically grown 25/$10 ppd. in Ga. Robert C. Poole, New Era, Americus 31709.__________________
Blueberry rooted cuttings $40/100 plus post., Irg. spec, size bare root blueberry pits, at residence $15 ea. Calera McHenry, 824 Poplar Spgs. Rd., Dallas
30132._____________________ Black walnut trees 2 & 3 yrs. old, $2 ea.,
no shipping. Leola Henson, 943 Cross St., Rossvllle 30741. Ph. 866-5593.______
Chuffa nuts for eating and planting, $10/gal. ppd. Anita Blankenship, 1793 Millard Farmer Rd., Newnan 30263. Ph. 404-251-2072.__________________
Strawberry pits. 50/$6.50 ppd. Mrs. Richard Maloney, 6130 Jones Rd., College Park 30349.____________
Brown top millet cleaned, bagged, $1.95/50 Ib. bags. Dennis Burroughs, Rt. 1, Hull. Ph. 548-4949 days, 4826 nights.
1985 crop Big Mama tomato seed 83% germ., 40/$2.50 w/SASE. Thelma Yawn, Rt. 2, McRae 31055. Ph. 912-362-4733.
Peach trees all sizes, all kinds, no shipping $1 up to $4. Elvira Kirby, 1190 Maries Lk. Rd., Douglasvllle 30134._______
3 Russian olive, 3 one yr. old chinquapin seedlings $10.50 ppd. W. J. McDougald, Suches 30572. Ph. 404-747-2918._________________
Old time col. butter beans, some solid blue, purple, blk., red, maroon and speckled $3/1/2 cup ppd. Shirley Ledbetter, 6321 Sweetbriar Rd., Mableton 30059.______
Bermuda grass sprigs, Alicia, Coastal and Tift 44. Floyd Knowles, Sr., Rt. 2, McRae 31055. Ph. 912-362-4778._____
Certi. Bermuda sprgs., Tifton 78 and Brazos $5/bu., Tifton 44 $2/bu., Alicia & Coastal $1 per bu. Gene Hart, Guyton 31312. Ph. 912-728-3380.___________
Veg. pits., tomato, Park's Whopper, Better Bush, Better Boy, Big Girl, Golden Boy, cannot ship. C. Parrish, Gumming. Ph. 889-9856.______________
Lrg. full blueberry bushes or younger, need to be dug. Steve Kennerly, Tucker. Ph. 972-8357.

Plants: broccoli, tomatoes, cabbage, F-1 onions $20/1000; $14/500; $7/200, other, out of state higher; at bed, $15/1000, pepper pits., also, Harry Wood, Rt. 1, Box 130, Uvalda 30473. Ph. 912-565-7326.________________________
Rabbiteye blueberry pits. Tifblue and Climax, 2 yrs. old, extra Irg. cont. grown, $1.10 ea., min. order 200 pits. FOB Homerville or Ringgold. Jerry Vanerwegen, Rlnggold. Ph. 404-937-4048.
Jerusalem artichokes $9/gal., $1.75 post; 1/2 gal. $5, $1.40 post.; rare Chinese artichokes $5/doz., 75 post. Mrs. Charlie Cantrell, 1982 Dawsonville Rd., Galnesvllle 30501.______________
Tifton 44, Alicia and certi. Tift 78 Bermuda sprigs, del. avail., custom planting avail. Sam Summers, Temple. Ph. 404-562-3679.________________
White running willow leaf butter beans, $9/lb. ppd. Dot Shepherd, 1869 9th. St., Chamblee. Ph. 457-2784._________
Rabbiteye blueberries 5 var. 2 yr. cont. grown $1.50 to $2.50. William Brown, 1055 Jones Rd., Roswell 30075. Ph. 404-993-6866.______________
Blueberry pits. 5 var. in pots 2 yr. $1.50, 3 yrs. $2.50. Wayne Phillips, Alma. Ph. 632-7273 days, 5388 nights._______
Blueberry, Tift blue and Woodard, 2 and 3 yrs. old in pots $2 and $3 ea., no shipping. Ernest Anderson, P.O. Box 147, Jefferson. Ph. 404-367-8783._______
Green glaze collard seed, 2 Tbsp. $1 plus SASE. Joe Lunsford, P.O. Box 6, Parrott31777._______________________
Sugarberry, hazelnut, wildblueberry 6/$10 plus post. Mrs. Donald Greer, Rt. 5, Ellljay 30540._________________
Crabapple, hazelnut, cherry, plum, sugarberry, 2 yrs. old blackberry pits., 6/$10. R. C. Chastain, Rt. 5, Box 209, Elli]ay 30540.__________________________
Pencil cob corn, 1 cup $3, 2 cups $5, ppd. D. S. Caudell, Rt. 2, Jefferson 30549.
Taking orders for April/May del. of Marglobe tomato pits., 25/$2, 50/$3, 100/$4 plus $1 per 100 for postage. Jim Anglin, Rt. 2, Box 186, Greenville 30222. Ph. 404-672-4360._______________
Heritage raspberries, 10/S9, June bearing strawberries, 100/$10, black raspberries, 6/$6.50, all ppd. Iris Brown, Rt. 5, Dahlonega 30533._________________
Tifton 44 Bermuda grass sprigs; also sprig planter for rent. L. L. Williams, Cordele. Ph. 912-273-3700 nights.______
Old time peach & apple trees, $5. E. G. Acree, 3124 S. US 23, Duluth 30136. Ph. 476-2249 or 233-3171.____________
Brown Top millet, cleaned, bagged in 50 Ib. bags, 94% germ., $8.50 ea. Chris Coulter, Rt. 2, Box 243, Carlton 30627. Ph. 404-797-3493.________________
Muscadine vines, Jumbo, Carlos, Hunt, Cowart, Dulce, Fry, Top Sale, other $1.50 ea. plus $2.50 post. Billy Routh, P.O. Box 518, Helena 31037. Ph. 912-868-6358.
Want old time prolific corn w/sharp grains. R. F. Jarrell, 4892 Lakeside Dr., Doravitle 30360. Ph. 457-7492.______
Want 200 stalks of seed cane. Jerald Baxter, Lumpkin. Ph. 912-838-6310 Mon.-Fri. 8:30-5 p.m._____________
Want old time musk melon seed, state how Irg. they grow and price. Louise Davis, 1229 Stoney Point Rd., Roopville
30170._______________________ Want 1200 Ibs. Brown Top Millet seed.
W. E. Evans, Clarkston. Ph. 294-1096 aft. 6
p.m.________________________ Want Velvet bean seed. Lannie D. Lee,
Rt. 1, Box 285, Statesboro 30458. Ph. 842-2776.____________________
Want qt. old fashioned white multiplying onions. Mrs. Bill McNeal, Rt. 7, Box 352, Gainesville 30506. Ph. 532-8945.
Want to buy a few banana squash seed. Mrs. Louise McGouink, P.O. Box 182, Grantville 30220.
Flower plants, bulbs and seed for sale
2 Irg. boxwoods, 4 smaller. M. R. Cartledge, Atlanta. Ph. 404-874-3168.
Mondo, pachysandra, euonymous coloradus, liriope, mahonia holly, vari. & green. James N. Henderson, Austell. Ph. 948-5336._____________________
Hosta lilies, wh. striped $2 ea. or 10/$18 ppd. Laura Pettit, Rt. 5, Box 39, Ellijay 30540. Ph. 273-3733.________
'85 marigold seed, choice of cols., except wh. and size, $1/Tbsp. w/SASE. Mary Young, Rt. 5, Box 348, Fitzgerald 31750.
Blackberry lily seeds (Belmancanda Chinensis) 75/$1 w/SASE, bought orig. seeds from Monticello, VA., '80 perennial. Gail Preast, 156 Mtn. View Rd., Acworth 30101.________________
Hemlock, mtn. laurel, holly, rhododendron, maple, wh. dogwood, 2-3 ft., 6/$12 ppd. Mrs. Donald Greer, Rt. 5, Ellijay 30540.


Wednesday, March 26, 1986

Native rhododendrons, laurel, fern, wh. hemlock, holly, wh. dogwood, sweet shrub 5/S10. R. C. Chastain, Rt. 5, Box 209, Ellijay 30540.______________
Wh. pines, wh. dogwood, maple, Siberian iris, wild ferns, trailing arbutus $7/doz., $1.50 post. Mrs. James Waters, Rt. 1, Box 439, Dahlonega 30533._____
Old fashioned Irg. wh. angel trumpet seed $1/100 plus seeds w/SASE. Bettye Dittmer, Rt. 2, Box 618, Lincolnton 30817.
Giant castor mole bean seeds 50/$1 w/long SASE. Karen Camp, 3001 Bunten Rd., Duluth 30136.__________
Coreopsis or crested iris 3 doz./$8, Siberian iris 10/S3.50, purple althaea 4/$3.50, all ppd. Iris Brown, Rt. 5, Dahlonega 30533.____________
Trumpet lilies $5/doz. ppd., sweet guava seed 100/$1 w/SASE, pits., $1-$5 sizes plus post. William B. Lynch Ln., Kingsland 31548.______________
Orchids, some in bloom, orchid cactus $10-$15 ea., jade bromelaids, cape primrose, others, cannot snip. J. Strickland, Riverdale. Ph. 404-997-0114.
Blue lilac for sale. E. G. Acree, 3124 So., US 3, Duluth 30136. Ph. 476-2249 or 233-3171._________________________
Bu. size gourd seed 12/S1 w/SASE, no checks please, have about 200 seeds for sale. T. V. Fincher, Rt. 5, Box 189, Franklin 30217._______________
Amaryllis, mix. col. 8/$1 w/2 stamps plus address. Ms. Mary L. Wilson, 303 N. Church St., Homerville 31634.______
Bachelor's button seed, lavender, wh. or purple, 1/2 cup/$1 w/SASE. Claudine Arnsdorff, Rt. 2, Box 287, Springfield 31329. Ph. 912-754-9484.__________
Running okra seed (luffa sponge) 50 seeds $1 w/SASE. Mrs. Ernest Crosby, Rt. 3, Box 395, Baxley 31513._________
Lrg. castor mole bean seed, red leaf 45/$1 w/SASE. R. W. Cason, Rt. 1, Box 380, Lincolnton 30817._______
Bu. gourd seed 10/S1.25. gladiola bulbs, nickel size 50/$5, tuberose, blooming size 12/$6, all ppd. Pauline Bagley, P.O. Box 2, Chatsworth 30705._____
Beau, hybrid daylilies, all cols, S40/C. (100), add post. Mrs. M. W. Mills, Rt. 2, Carlton 30627.________________
Colorado blue spruce, Norway spruce, wh. spruce, hemlock, wh. pine, Virginia pine, frazier fur, hand sheared, exc. qual., will del. Tom Scissom, Blairsville. Ph. 745-4119.__________________
Pretty Jerusalem cherry seed, has pretty orange & red balls, till late frost 50 seeds $1 w/SASE. Tom Wells, Belleview Ave.. Winder 30680.__________
Tall blue ageratum pits. 4/$1, wh. lilyof-valley 4/$1, iris, Irg. yellow blooms, tubers 50 ea. Opal Ledford, Marietta. Ph. 926-6377.______________
All cols, impatiens 1/2 tsp./$1, wh. marigold $1/tsp., mix. cols, touch-me-not, tall orange & yellow marigolds 3 pkgs./$1 w/SASE. A. Bellamy, Rt. 1, Homer 30547.
Pampas grass in gal. can $3 ea., purple leaf plums $2 ea., althaea, honeysuckle $2 ea., others, no shipping. Mrs. R. O'Neal, Warm Springs. Ph. 404-655-2126.
Red bud sprouts $1, Hettie W. Litaker, 2574 Brentford Rd., Decatur 30032. Ph. 241-0734._________________
Vari. & green liriope, English ivey, vinca, hollies, azaleas, asstd. shrubs, trees. Hugh Ferguson, Powder Springs. Ph. 943-5098.________________
Seeds: bachelor's button, marigold, love apple, penguin puffs, Jerusalem cherry, zinnias, hibiscus, 4 pkgs./$1 w/SASE. Jim Donaldson, Box 893, Swainsboro 30401.__________
Seeds: wild coreopsis, false drangonhead, sweet William, feverfew, gaillardia daisy, perilla $1/pkt. w/SASE. K. Doubrley, P.O. Box 384, Crawford 30630._______________
Reseeding impatiens, mix. cols. 100/S1, 500/$4, grancey greybeard, sweet shrub seed $1/doz., w/SASE. Margaret Mosley, 3254 Wesley Chapel Rd., Decatur 30034.________________
Lrg. palm ferns, grows to 4-5 ft., clumps 3/$10, native ferns $1 ea. ppd. S. Rampley, Rt. 1, Box 26, Waleska 30183.
Money pit. seeds 100/S1 w/SASE. Mrs. M. B. Davis, P.O. Box 176, Roswell 30077.
Mix. col. Colorado 4 o'clock pits. $2.25, 4 wisteria root cuttings $7, 4-5 yr. old willows, hollies, dogwood trees $9, all ppd. Charlie Wilkerson, P.O. Box 31, Naylor 31641.________________
Irish shamrock pit. $3.50, 2/$6.50, 3/$9.50, chicken foot cactus $2, all ppd. Amos King, 2633 Cheney St., East Point 30344.__________________
Reseeding petunia, red impatien $1/pkg. w/SASE, striped liriope $6/doz., perennial phlox yellow daisy $4/doz., red button mums $5/doz. Mrs. Cecil Turner, Rt. 2, Box 203, Carlton 30627.________
Liriope, helleri, aspidistra, aucuba, English, Wilson, needlepoint ivy, loblolly, Virginia & wh. pines, dogwood. W. L. Morris, Atlanta. Ph. 355-5249.________
Hemlock pines, birch mtn. laurel, holly, rhododendron, maple, wh. dogwood, 2-3 ft., 6/$10. Mrs. L. Lee, Rt. 5, Ellijay 30540.
Bu. size gourd seed 7/$1 w/SASE. Faye Nichols, Rt. 3, Box 3912, Blairsville 30512.

Dbl. orange daylilies $6/doz., Siberian iris $5/doz., lemon lime bushes $3 ea., Easter roses $3 ea., $1.25 post. Rosa Avery, Rt. 1, Ball Ground 30107._____
Angel's trumpet seeds, wh. bloom 100/$1 plus free Mexican sunflower seeds w/order w/SASE. Paul Snavely, P.O. Box 722, Winder 30680.________
Sunray coreopsis, blue stokesia, gloriosa daisies, $2.50/doz., shastas $2/doz., dwarf dahlia bulbs $5/doz., $1.50 post., also, 1 yr. old gerbera daisies, $6.50/doz., ppd. Mrs. Glynn James, Rt. 4, Lyons 30436._________________
Widow's tears bulbs, purple and red mix., 18 bulbs $3, add post. Mrs. Dewey Ellis, Rt. 5, Box 233, Ellijay 30540.
Martin gourd seeds 35/pkg. w/SASE. Edward Thurmond, 1311 McHenry Crossing, Madison 30650.____________________
Very dwarf dbl. canna lilies, The Pres. red $7/doz., $1.65 post, per doz., red daylilies $8/doz., $1.50 post, per doz. Mrs. Charlie Cantrell, 1982 Dawsonville Rd., Gainesville 30501._________________
Red leaf castor mole bean, 50 seeds $1 w/long SASE. Mrs. John Carroll, 1677 Buford Dam Rd., Buford 30518.______
Touch-me-not, zinnia, marigold, tithonia, thunbergia, 4 o'clock, red hibiscus, ea. kind in $1 pkgs. w/SASE. Robert Clark, 20 Mason Dr., Columbus
31903.________________________ Vitex (bee tree) seed, 200 seeds $3. Ed-
ward Hagar, 3456 Richmond Dr., Conyers 30208. ,__________________
Mtn. ferns, wh. & hemlock pines, trailing arbutus, sweet shrub, rhododendron, pink spirea 8/S10, 3/$5 ppd. Malachi Smith, Rt. 1, Sautee 30571. Ph. 404-8787-2992.__________________________
Pres. red dwarf canna bulbs $8/doz., mix. col. tall iris $7/doz. all ppd. Effie Duvall, Rt. 2, Box 410, Talking Rock 30175.__________________
Mix. daffodils $5/doz., orange daylilies $6/doz., Siberia iris $5/doz., plus $1.25 post. Mrs. Paul Tilley, Rt. 3, Box 301, Ellijay 30540.____________________
Red tip liners 80s ea. or $65/100, 1 gal. $1.45 ea. or $125/100, 2 gals./$4.75. C. E. Tarpley, Duluth. Ph. 476-1045 / 3337.
Bachelor's button seed, purple, pink or mix., 1/2 cup/$1 w/SASE. Ann Lawson, Rt. 2, Adrian 31002._________________
Sweet William, wh. daisy, daylilies, yd. mint, blue mink, foxglove $1/bunch, min. order $5, yd. cactus yellow bloom $2 ea. plus post. Estelle Reagan, McDonough. Ph. 957-3790._________________
Lrg. well shaped martin gourd seed w/thick, tough rind 100/$1, instr. incl. w/SASE. J. C. Riddle, 393 Prosser Rd., Milledgeville 31061._______________
Giant red velvet co*ckscomb seed or tall princes feather seed, 1000 seeds $1, old time purple bachelor's button seed 1/4 cup/$1 w/SASE. Mrs. L V. Itson, Rt. 1, Box 90, Pelham 31779.__________
Pink lady's slipper, trailing arbutus, wild Christmas fern, 12 plts./$10, mtn. laurel, sweet shrub, wh. dogwood, 6 plts./$10 ppd. Mrs. David Stover, Rt. 1, Box 1405, Blue Ridge 30513.__________
Qolorado blue spruce trees, ready to pit., Ga. grown, well acclimated, sale ends 3/29/86 until fall. Dick Berger, Blairsville. Ph. 404-745-5336.____________
4 o'clock dianthus seeds $1/pk. w/SASE, red mole bean 75/$1 w/SASE, pink hydrangea $2 ppd., 1 yr. cutting. David Nickoles, Rt. 1, Box 15, Jesup
31545.____________________ Martin gourd seed w/planting and
hanging instr. $1 w/SASE. Neal Smith, Rt. 4, Box 290C, EIHjay 30540._________
Seed: gerbera, gloriosa, blackeyed susan, gaillardia $1/pk., sultana/impatien 100/S1, gourd 1 ea. w/SASE. Glenda Crosby, Rt. 3, Box 490, Baxley 31513.
Dipper gourd seed 25/$1, luffa seeds 100/$1 w/SASE. L. Todd, 4473 Hwy. 20, SE, Conyers 30208.________________
Wh. hemlock pines, native azalea, wh. dogwood, sweet shrub, Rose-of-Sharon 8/$10 ppd. Mrs. Robert Norrell, Rt. 6, Gainesville 30506. Ph. 404-532-3945.
'85 seed: mix. cols., touch-me-nots, baby zinnia, marigold, petunia, also, Queen Ann's lace, Mex. sunflower $1/pkg. w/SASE. Rita Lewis, Rt. 3, Box 402, Moultrie31768._____________
Climbing gloriosa lily bulbs w/waxy blossoms crimson w/gold ban $1.50 ea., 3/$4, $1.50 post. Mrs. Curtis Agner, Rt. 5, Box 510, Fitzgerald 31750.__________
Tuberose bulbs, Irg. blooming size, smaller bulblets thrown in free $7/doz. ppd., sent by UPS. Pat Wise, 1780 Allgood Rd., Marietta 30062. Ph. 404-971-4340.
Azaleas, 12 vari., cold hardy grown, Marietta, 1 gal./$2 ea., 2 gals./$4 ea., hollies, compact A helleri 2 gals. $4 ea. R. A. Jean, Marietta. Ph. 422-6518.______
Long handly dipper gourd seed, also, martin gourd seed 50/$1 w/SASE. Barry Clark, 2196 Wayside Rd., Kingston 30145.
Yellow marigold seed 1/2 cup/$1.50 plus post, of 50. Willa Mae Mooney, Rt. 5, Box 292, Ellijay 30540.___________
Lemon grass $5, lemon balm $2, Australian violet $3, hoya 3/$5, huernia zebrina $1.50, $1.50 post. C. Burton, Rt. 1, Box 333-A-2, Monticello 31064.

Canna bulb, rose col., (rosever) dwarf $10/doz., $1.65/doz. post. R. Hester, Rt. 1, Box 131, Gainesville 30506._______
Tubers: butterfly lily $12/doz., canna, the nirvana, min. order 6/$15, pine cone pit. $15/doz., all ppd. S. J. Harrell, Quitman 31643.________________________
Easter rose (kern) sweet shrub, heartsa-bustin, native holly 3/$5 ppd. Ada Kinsey, Rt. 2, Box 6064-B, Auburn 30203. Ph. 963-1632 (no collect calls).______
Dwarf dbl. red cannas, The Pres., Irg. bulbs $8/doz., $1.50 post. Felix Mathews, Rt. 2, Rising Fawn 30738. Ph. 657-6737.
Pits: vinca minor, red monarda, pink phlox, mix. corn flower, yellow mums 8/$5.50 ppd. Darren Kinsey, Rt. 2, Box 6067, Auburn 30203.________________
Miniature iris, g. liriope pits., star of Bethlehem oxalis, narcissus, jonquils, butter-n-egg $2/doz., vari. canna $5/doz., daylilies $3/doz. plus post. J. Martin, Rt. 2, Box 254, Commerce 30529._________
Hybrid daylilies, named & labled $15/doz., hybrid daylilies, unlabled $12/doz. ppd. Mary Brown, Rt. 1, Box 194, Abbeville 31001. Ph. 912-365-7488.
Spicata, big blue, vari. liriope, dwarf mondo, red tip, boxwood, bar harbor juniper, $2.20/gal. W. M. Durden, 4194 Villa Ave., Macon 31204. Ph. 912-477-0366._____________________
Impatien seeds, mix., well over 25 cols., shades of pink, rose, orange, red, purple, wh., 8 variegated, 100/$1 or 500/$4 all w/SASE. Doly Presley, 2505 Panola Rd., Lithonia 30058.____________
Sgl. blooming tuberose bulbs, extra Irg. size $5/doz., $1.50 post. Mrs. D. W. Wilson, P.O. Box 164, Concord 30206. Ph. 495-5116._________________
'85 crop red leaf castor mole beans 100/$1 w/SASE. Rozell Holder. 123 Cavender Creek Rd., Carrollton 30117.
Impatien, begonias, salvia, marigold, ageratums, geraniums, petunias, alysaum, cannot ship. C. Parrish, Cumming. Ph. 889-9856 (eve. & wkends.).
Old fashioned batchelor's button seed, purple & wh., 1/2 cup/$1 w/SASE, free bronze and gold marigold seed w/order. Mrs. C. E. Hutto, Rt. 1, Box 378, Augusta 30906._________________
Red Pres. dwarf, canna lily bulbs $4/doz., you pick up $8/doz., ppd. K. K. Mitchell, 4501 Spout Springs Rd., Buford 30518. Ph. 945-9842._________
Wh. hybrid bearded iris $7/doz., mix. col. cannas $7/doz., yucca 2/$5 ppd. Myrtle Brendle, Rt. 3, Box 320, Ellljay 30540.
Willow leaf wh. running butter beans $9/lb. ppd. Dot Shepherd, 1869 9th St., Chamblee 30341. Ph. 457-2784._______
'85 old fashion cypress vine seed, wh. & red blooms, 75 seeds/$1 w/SASE. Corinne Gibson, 1048 Ferguson Ct., Forest Park 30050.________________
Mondo, vinca, shasta daisy, pinks, thrift, Siberian iris, ivy, other. Carlos Henderson, Alpharetta. Ph. 475-6503.
Azaleas, vari. kurume, pericat, glenn dale, satsuki, rutherford hybrids, indicas $2 ea. & up. Steve Kennerly, Tucker. Ph. 972-8357.____________________
Liriope, variegated, green (big blue) $2/gal., gr. containers $1 ea. Ernest J. Moore, Riverdale. Ph. 996-8563.____
Orchids, oncidium/odontoglossum hybrids, blooming or near blooming size, 5/$30, standard cymbidiums, wh., $25. Allison Baker, Marietta. Ph. 928-4015.
Epiphyllum cuttings $1, dahlias, sedum, vallota bulblets 50$, aechmea fasciata $4, achimens, violets, oxalis 10$. Linda Wish, Atlanta. Ph. 262-5518 day.
Statice seed, many beau, cols., 2 tsps./$1 w/SASE, no checks, marigold seed, yellow & gold mix., some Irg. as tennis balls, $1 w/SASE. L. H. Shanholtzer, Rt. 2, Box 371, Whlgham 31797._____
Seed: Siberian iris (dk. blue), touch-menot $1/Tbsp. w/SASE, old time daffodils $3.50/doz., $1.50/doz. post., other. G. F. Robertson, Rt. 5, Box 536, Gainesville
30501.________________________ Siberian iris, dk. blue $6/doz., old time
chrysanthemum pits, w/sml. yellow blooms $3/doz., mullein pink $8/doz., mock orange $3 ea., $1.50 ea. item. L. C. Bonds, Box 1203, Duluth 30136._____
Bulbs $1/doz., night blooming cereus, Irg. pots $5, extra Irg. $10, daylilies, peonies $5/clump. Ada Patch, Rt. 2, Austell 30001. Ph. 948-1468._____________
Martin gourd seeds 25 seeds for $1, w/SASE. Mildred Stephens, Rt. 7, Floral Dr., Cartersville 30120. Ph. 382-5876.
Bearded iris, blooms purple twice a yr., $8/doz., daffodils bulbs $5/doz., mix. cols., ppd. Mrs. Estelle Duvall, Rt. 3, Box 384, Ellijay 30540._____________
Purple achimene bulbs 5$ ea., 50 post. M. Whitaker, 7324 Watonga Way, Riverdale 30296. Ph. 404-996-2552.
'85 crop marigold seed, 1/2 cup/$1 w/SASE. Clara Duncan, 137 Allgood Rd., Newnan 30263._____________
Daylilies, red, yellow, pink, lemon, yellow, gold, orange $13.50/doz. ppd. Mrs. G. G. Carney, 15520 Thompson Rd., Alpharetta 30201. Ph. 475-4957.______
Grancey greybeard seeds, '85 crop, 25/$1 w/SASE. Virginia Reinhardt, P.O. Box 187, Ashburn 31714.

Lrg. type martin gourd seed 50/$1, 1/4 cup purple bachelor's button seed or snow-on-mtn. $1 ea. w/SASE, w/ea. type seed. Mary B. Tindall, Rt. 3, Box 268, Ashburn 31714.__________________
Stokesia for sale, 6/$5, add post. Dollie G. Moss, Rt. 2, Box 2678, Clermont 30527.
Fern leaf tansy, early shasta daisy, phlox, pink, wh.; yarrow, pink, wh.; shasta Alaska daisy 10/$7.50. Tony Green, Rt. 1, Armuchee 30105._________________
Martin gourd seed, long handle gourd seed 10/75 w/SASE. Elvira Kirby, 1190 Maries Lake Rd., Douglasville 30134.
'85 crop vari. col. dwarf marigold seed, 1/2 cup/$1 w/SASE, envelope or giant seed same price. Mrs. Sam Cathey, 4691 Belhany Rd., Madison 30650._______
Chicken foot cactus, aloe, Thanksgiving cactus $2.25, shamrock pits. $3.25, 1 of ea. $9.25 ppd. Donna Smith, 1342 Mercer Ave., East Point 30344._______
Celosia, dwarf feather border plumes, apricot brandy/fairy fountain, mix. cols. $1/pkt. w/SASE. Alma Vogel, 1801 Cedar Grove Rd., Conley 30027.___________
Free cleome ea. order, seeds 50/tsp. w/SASE, larkspur, min. yellow marigolds, co*ckscomb, columbine, touch-me-not, snow-on-mtn. Margaret P. Lane, 3914 Sue Ln., Decatur 30035.____________
Chippendale zinnias, dbl. giant zinnias, scarlet dbl. marigolds, Rose-ofSharon, wh., $1 ea. w/SASE. Mrs. M. P. Brannon, Rt. 3, Box 507A, Moultrle 31768.
Marigold, cosmos, sunflower seed, 1/2 cup/$1, needle & eye, 4 o'clock $1/Tbsp. Jan Burchill, Rt. 5, Box 303-1, Commerce
30529.________________________________ Seeds: balsam, impatiens, cypress
vine $1/tsp. w/SASE, yarrow, pink, yellow 6/$6.50, others. Mrs. G. D. Collins, Rt. 3, Danielsville 30633.______________
Chinese tallow tree, forsythia, spirea, bush honeysuckle, catalpa, euonymous, althaea, $1 ea., begonia, dbl. impatiens, other house pits. 50, no shipping. Mary Welsh, Macon. Ph. 474-2849._______
Reseeding impatien mix. cols. 1/2 tsp./$1 w/SASE, marigold semi-dwarf orange, red 1/2 cup/$1. Mrs. C. E. Taylor, 793 Wilson Rd., NW, Atlanta 30318. Ph. 355-4827._________________
Luffa (sponge gourd) seed $1/Tbsp. w/SASE. Don Jones, 209 Garvin Dr., Centerville 31028.______________
Cannas, dbl. red Pres., full size $7.50/doz. ppd. F. R. James, 1076 Morrow Rd., Morrow 30260. Ph. 404-968-8490.
Dwarf purple achimene bulbs, monkey face, widow's tears for handing baskets 20/$1 w/SASE. H. M. Lowe, 2806 Sherwood Dr., Brunswick 31520.________
Shasta daisies, tuberose 3/$1, other, no shipping. Trudy Kretchman, 924 Clifton Dr., Atlanta 30307. Ph. 378-1104.
Pregnant onion bulblets, long wh. blooms, 3/$5, $1.50 post., gourd seed grows 3 ft. long, runs up trees or ground, 10 seeds $1 w/SASE. Zola Hoffner, 604 N. Main, Eastman 31023._________________________
Azaleas, all kinds, all sizes, $1 & up. R. G. Thompson, 2848 Pete Shaw Rd., Marietta 30066. Ph. 404-926-8956.
Tall yellow marigold, others, blackeyed susan, touch-me-not, money pit., spider pit. 2 pkgs./$1, ornanmental gourds & Indian corn 1/4 cup/$1 w/SASE. Mrs. Smith, 14 Park St., Commerce 30529.________
Magenta col. mums, masses of blooms when pruned 8/$6, over 8, 70$ ea., all ppd. A. J. Ware, Rt. 3, Box 202, Ringgold 30736.________________
Mexican sunflower seeds (attracts hummingbirds & butterflies) $1/Tbsp. w/SASE. J. B. Stone, 4245 Webb Bridge Rd., Alpharetta 30201._________
Martin gourd seed, w/complete instr., 10-12 in. dia., thick shell 15/25 w/SASE. William Smallwood, Rt. 2, Box 336, Ringgold 30736.___________________
Purple achimene bulbs $2/doz. w/SASE. Florrie D. Johnston, 1618 Roberts Dr., Mableton 30059._______
3 gal. helleri, 1 & 2 gal. azaleas, 1 & 3 gal. red tips. Carlton Campbell, Smyrna. Ph. 436-2833._____________
'85 martin gourd seed, thick rind 60/$1 w/SASE. Clinton Duvall, Rt. 3, Box 3874, Blairsville. Ph. 404-745-5342._______
Martin gourd seed 100/$1 w/SASE. Carlton Rowe, 183 Clubhouse Rd., Eatonton 31024. Ph. 485-5149._________
Red trumpet honeysuckle, hosta (grandaflora), hosta (variegated) 5/$10, yarrow, yellow, pink, wh.; bee balm, pink, red 12/S10. Clara Green, 1284 Turner Rd., Rome 30161._________________
'85 sultana/impatien seed, 30 cols., many variegated, all mix., 1/2 tsp./$1 w/SASE. Mrs. John M. Green, Sr., Rt. 7, Box 9, Chatsworth 30705.__________
Mix. reseeding impatien seed $1 w/SASE, wh. purple or rose achimenes ea. 10/$4 w/SASE. Mrs. McMillan, 4955 Conover Dr., Dunwoody 30338.______
Rooted semi-trailing pink geraniums, crazy quilt impatiens, Boston ferns $1 ea., add post. Ruth Payne, 8253 Bow Trail, Woodstock 30188.___________
Martin or dipper gourd seed 1t ea. w/SASE. Walter Kitchens, P.O. Box 66, Stapleton 30823. Ph. 404-547-6878.

Red spider lily bulbs $5, orange dbl. daylilies $5/doz., all ppd. Mrs. Tommy Hart, Rt. 1, Box 84, Royston 30662.
Mix. jonquils, larger vari., $6.50/doz., bread & butter, jonquils $5 ppd. Mrs. J. Martin, Rt. 1, Box 647, Armuchee 30105.
Native mtn. laurel, holly, wh. dogwood, wh. pine, sweet shrub 6/$10, $2 post. Mrs. Elzie Cantrell, Ellijay. Ph. 273-3068.
Oxalis bulblets, pink or wh. $2/doz. or $4/30 w/SASE. Mrs. A. Mashburn, Rt. 4, Nichols Rd., Rome 30161.__________
All cols. 4 o'clocks $2/100, purple spider pit. $2/Tbsp. w/SASE. J. Brooks, Box 676, Ml. Berry 30149.__________
Lavender, pink or wh. oxalis bulblets 25/$4, lavender & wh. sunrise pit. $2fi"bsp. w/SASE. R. Brooks, Rt. 1, Armuchee
30105.____________________________ Miniature wh. & purple iris$10/doz., Irg.
yellow long blooming cannas $10/doz., both ppd. Mike Kare, 1793 Milland Farmer Rd., Newnan 30263. Ph. 404-251-2072.
Perennial purple coneflower, mix. tall per. phlox, larkspur, per. coreopsis, gloriosa daisy, mix. perennial columbine $1/pkg. w/SASE. Mrs. Richard Maroney, 6130 Jones Rd., College Park 30349.
Palma Christi seed $1/25. Marilyn Hampton, Rt. 1, Box 366, Nashville 31639.
Celosia fiery feather plumed seeds $1/200 plus free 4 o'clock seeds w/order w/SASE. N. Snavely, 1394 Old Virginia Ct., Marietta 30067._______________
'85 crop zinnia seeds 1/4 cup/$1 ea. w/SASE, mix. cols. Martha McLeod, Rt. 2, Box 345, Tennille 31089.____________
Old timey yellow primroses 2 doz./$7 ppd. Lillie Ellis, Rt. 5, Box 232, Ellijay
30S40._____________________ co*ckscomb seeds, giant red velvet
flowers, send $1 plus SASE for over 1000 seeds. Jimmy Martin, 1177 Glendale Dr., East Point 30344._________________
Hollyhock seed, pink & red, red mole bean seed w/SASE. Jim Herrington, Box 745, Cusseta 31805.___________
Seed: sultana, mostly cols. 100/S1, 300/$2, lemon drop dwarf marigold 100/$1, others. Mrs. J. G. Cook, 35 Valley Dr., Carrollton 30117.__________
Althaeas, purple w/deep purple, wh. w/deep purple, 1-3 ft., sweet shrub, same size, well rooted. R. Shuman, Rt. 2, Box 223, Ellabell 31308.
Want to buy some dbl. sultana/impatien cuttings. Mrs. Louise McGouink, P.O. Box 182, Grantville 30220.______
Want cuttings and/or bulbs outdoor flowers, 30 mi. radius of Austell. Jan O'Neal, 5692 Powder Springs Rd., Austell 30001. Ph. 404-941-0988._________
Want all vari. of hardy woodland flowering pits. (sev. hundred) trillium, hepatica, dutchman's breeches, etc. W. Frank Webb, 10777 Bell Rd., Duluth 30136. Ph. 476-7109.____________
Want to buy old English & American boxwood, must be free of leaf minor. Marty Fabiszewski, 4613 Hicks Rd., SW, Mableton 30059. Ph. 404-941-7557.
Want pink thrift, pink vine, English & shasta daisy pits., pink daisy chrysanthemum & fall cols, in garden mums, send price. Mrs. W. T. Laslie, Attapulgus. Ph. 912-465-3384.____________
Want variegated hosta pits., clumps peonies, astible (wh.) pits. M. Mansour, 669 Atlanta Co. Club Dr., Marietta 30067.
Want smilax roots for planting. G. Speights Ballard, Jr., 3092 Argonne Dr., Atlanta 30305. Ph. 404-237-6681.______
Want variegated liriope, will pay depending on quant., will replant. Larry Woody, Rt. 3, Box 357-A, Royston 30662.
Want dwarf mondo grass, can use bare rooted. D. W. Thornton, P.O. Box T, 686 Poplar St., Macon 31202. Ph. 912-745-1677 day or 912-746-8643 night.
Want sml. dried flowers, such as tiny rose buds, lavender, corn flower, etc. Sue Orr, 686 Factory Shoals Dr., Mableton 30059. Ph. 404-948-3734.
Poultry, game, fowl
and eggs for sale
Bantams, purebred Cochins Black, White & Yellow Buffs, pairs only. J.D. Jackson, 4761 Bloomfield Rd., Macon 31206. Ph. 912-788-8074 aft. 4 pm.
Pharoah quail eggs $15/100, mature birds $1 ea. Eric Warlick, 6055 River Trace, Macon 31210. Ph. 477-3034.
Games for sale, selling out, 11 breeds of pure games, some crosses, also, pens. L.D. Salterfield, Atlanta. Ph. 761-1271.
1 pr. Black Cochin bantams, $8/pr., 8 very, very sml. bantam hens, 1 rooster $25 for all, 9 half bantam hens, 1 rooster al $20, others. Mrs. Grace Dean, Stockbridge. Ph. 474-8665 aft. 8 pm.
Hatching eggs, Khaki Campbell, $2.40/doz. C.H. Haddon, Rt. 4, Box 163, Thomson 30824. Ph. 404-595-6979.

Wednesday, March 26, 1986


Page 11

Roosters for sale $3 ea., heavy breeders, many vari., (sign on house). D. Staib, Ivy Manor US Hwy. 27, Bluffton 31724. __________________
Silver pheasants, breeders $45/pr., extra co*cks $20 ea. W.L. Mays, Rt. 1, Box 316-E, Rayle 30660. Ph. 404-274-3281.
Game chickens, going out of business, sev. pure, strong co*cks, stags & hens. Clifford Henry Adams, Lawrenceville. Ph. 963-2966..__________________
Bantams hatching eggs, Barred Rock, Black Japs, White Cornish, Columbian Wyandotte, White Silkie $10/doz. B. Dobson, 1120 Mayfield, Alpharetta 30201. Ph. 475-1784._______________
Guineas for sale $3 ea. Earl L Banister, Rt. 1, Box 253, Morganton 30560.____
10 Sexlink hens, 10 mos. old, $4.50 ea., mix. bantams. Claud Jackson, Douglasville. Ph. 494-942-2844._____
Jumbo Wise. Bobwhite quail eggs $20/100, 300 avail, per week., also, taking orders for day old chicks at 40 ea. Matthew Gay, 2335 Tobacco Rd., Augusta 30906. Ph. 404-798-3731._______
Free 12 laying hens, 2 roosters, 1 turkey. Bobby Rhodes, Fayetteville. Ph. 404-461-6998.___________________
Muscovy ducks, guineas, $5 ea. one or all, cash only. Harry Wood, Rt. 1, Box 130, Uvalda 30473. Ph. 912-565-7326._____
Chukars, Calif. Valley co*cks, Wh. Bobwhites. Ronnie Beasley, 29 Myrtle St., New Holland 30501. Ph. 404-532-7832 aft.
6 pm.________________________ Call ducks, 2 prs., 1 trio Gray Calls, 1
trio snowy Calls, all laying, Columbian Wyandotte bantams, few mix. bantams. D. Langford, Dalton. Ph. 404-259-4135.
Racing Homers, good birds, selling out, approx. 80 birds, $2 ea. Ray Smith, 1600 Ebenezer Rd., SW, Conyers 30207. Ph. 922-7667.____________
Bantams, Silver Sebright, Gold Sebright, Belgium D'Anvers, Strawneck English, Mille Fleurs, Frizzles, sml. size, $6 to $10 ea. Lee Roy White, St. Simons. Ph. 912-638-2123.________________
Baby chickens, 1 wk. old to 4 wks. old, Rhode Island Red, Wh. giant, etc. Mr. West, Rt. 2 Box 112, Douglas 31142.
Homers, Rollers, Muff Tumblers, Russian Tumblers, Jacobins, Fantails, English Trumpeters, Norwich Croppers, Frill Backs, nuns, doves. Frank Williams, Augusta. Ph. 790-1901 aft. 6 pm._____
Jumbo Wise, quail $2 ea., Ringneck pheasants $7 ea., Silvers $25/pr. Hardy Waldrop, Rt. 1, Canton 30114._____
Red Gold, Yellow Gold, Silvers, others, all breeders. Gene Turpin, Rt. 1, Commerce 30529. Ph. 335-4459._________
Game eggs, best bloodlines, Kelso, ARH, Hatch, Shufflers, Greys, Blues & Brown Reds, $24/doz. Herschel Simmons, P.O. Box 97, Ha 30647. Ph. 404-780-2583 or 549-6157.____________________
Pharoah quail $1 dressed, 75$ live, eggs $15/100, Wise. Bobwhite avail, in June. Eddie Saxon, Perkins. Ph. 912-982-5685.______________
dual, show bantams, Wyandottes, Buff, Silver Lace, Gold Lace, White Partridge, Columbian, Buff Columbian, Barred, more. Ray Lundy, Eatonton. Ph. 404-485-8843._______________
Black Sexlinks, RIR, yellow Buff Orpington chicks or hatching eggs, Irg. 8 mo. old roosters. Paul Kelley, Conyers. Ph. 929-3280._______________
Purebred Irg. type Dark Cornish hatching eggs 15/$4.75, my cartons promptly returned at buyers expense. C.B. Patterson, Rt. 1, Box 261, Ty Ty 30195.
GA. giant quail, all ages, young Bobwhite eggs also. Charlie H. Collins, 6435 Bennetl Dr., Rex 30273. Ph. 404-474-3033.
Purebred Cochin bantams, 1 pr. blk. $10, 1 Birchen rooster $5, Araucanas, 11 hens, 1 rooster $41.50. Tommy Miller, 1374 Schley St., Macon. Ph. 912-788-1562.
Peaco*cks, 2 rooster & 5 hens $20 for all, Roland Jeffords, Rt. 1, Box 410, Falrmount. Ph. 404-629-6274.________
Homing pigeons, African vari. racing type, good qual. and pretty. Jim Harris, Stockbridge. Ph. 404-474-7252._____
Dominique, Irg. Black Cochins, breeders and baby chicks avail. Ron Almand, Stockbridge. Ph. 404-474-0962.
Chukars, Ringneck, pheasants, Blue Scale, Calif. Valley, Hungarian Partridge co*cks $25. O.E. Carroll, 3464 Mtn. View Rd., Gainesville 30501. Ph. 404-536-6888.
White Carneaux pigeons, Palmetto strain, fast producers of approx. 1 Ib. squabs. Alfred Roloff, Rt. 1, Box 204, Bremen 30110. Ph. 646-5268._______
Ga. Giant quail, hatching eggs $20/100 ppd., raise 6Vi to 7V4 live bird from egg in 10 wks. Bob Thoman, Rome. Ph. 404-235-1944.___________
Pheasants, Flight Pen Ringnecks $7 ea., Jumbo Ringnecks & Blacknecks $10 ea., 2 yr. old wh. peaco*ck $100. J.R. Pickerson, Gumming. Ph. 887-5723.
Easter chicks, young roosters, pr. Silkie / Polish mix., 1 guinea. M. Propper, Douglasville. Ph. 404-942-6896._____
50 nice, fat, young game hens, now laying, few co*ckerels, all suitable for brood fowls, $75 for all. E.E. Hice, Cherry Log. Ph. 404-635-2384.

Bobwhite quail eggs $15.50/100, can mail, also, quail chicks, priced on age, place order now. Eddie Waters, Alma. Ph. 912-632-5045 eve./weekends._________
Racing Homers $10 ea., all birds have flown 500 mi. or have been raised. Mike Graves, Atlanta. Ph. 404-366-2174.
Pheasant eggs, Silvers, Swinhoes, Elliots, others, trio of '85 Swinhoes. David Orgel, 2212 Austin Dr., Albany 31707. Ph. 435-3973.__________________
Pearl guineas & White Breasted guineas $5 ea., hatching egs $3/doz., no shipping. Bob Bing, Stockbridge. Ph. 474-7400._____________________
4 kinds of game, 8 kinds of bantams. H.C. Duffey, Smyrna. Ph. 436-2343.
Game chickens, 15 sgl. mated & toe punched breeds to choose from, stags, co*cks, trios. Michael Henderson, Rt. 2, Box 216, Young Harris 30582._______
25 RIR young roosters, 1 yr. old, $3 ea., if all taker} 25/$2. Janelle Mathews, Rt. 3, Box 329, Byron 31008. Ph. 912-956-5614.
Show qual. bantams, Rosecombs, BB Red, Cochins, Sebright roosters, Jap rooster, some mix. bantams, others. Karen Cline, Dalton. Ph. 259-4296.
India Blue peafowls, 1 pr./$75, '85 hatch, nice, healthy birds. Jane Dillard, Whitesburg. Ph. 834-8732._______
One trio porcelain D'Uccles, Mille Fleurs. Etta Durham, 1255 N. McDonough Rd., Griffin 30223._____________
Setting hens, 1 wh., 1 red, 1 Dominique, $1.50 ea. or all for $3. David Shelnutt, Greenville. Ph. 672-1393.________
Taking orders for fertile goose eggs at 75 ea. Eugenia H. Carcia, 5338 Redan Rd., Stone Mountain 30088. Ph. 469-3016.
Golden Buff Orpington hatching eggs $3/doz., makes Irg. chickens. Grady Brewer, P.O. Box 208, Toomsboro 31090. Ph. 912-933-5950.__________________
Hatching eggs & chicks from Blue A., Dark C., Black Aus., Buff O., etc., also, ducklings, goslings, no shipping. Doug Williams, BluHton. Ph. 912-641-3195.
Blue cochin bantam rooster, good qual., $7. Gary Webb, 12275 King Rd., Roswell 30075. Ph. 993-1709.______
4 old hens $2 ea., 1 Hatch '85 rooster $3,1 old rooster $2. V. Barren, Alpharetta. Ph. 404-475-3542._____________
Jumbo Wise. Bobwhite quail hatching eggs $180 per 1000 and $25/100 ppd. Raymond Meadows, Wadley. Ph. 912-252-5345.___________________
Game chicken for sale, battle co*cks and Roundhead $50, battle stags $25. Johnny Cooper, Rt. 2, Box 208A, Temple 30179. Ph. 449-4508.____________
Black & gray Yokahomas and hatching eggs, also, Yokahoma baby chicks. Jerry Vaughan, Stockbridge. Ph. 474-8030.
Northern Bobwhite & jumbo Wise, quail eggs, $15/100, quail chicks, priced on age, others. Cleveland Bellflower, Rt. 1, Box 259, Unadilla 31091. Ph. 912-627-3372._________________
4 hens, 1 co*ck, Buff Black Tailed Japs $25, 1 pr. Brassie Back $12.50. Joel Bond, Elberton. Ph. 283-2809.____________
OE, BB Red, White, Blacks, ginger Reds, Red Pyle, some show qual. Cecil White, Rt. 1, box 162, Poulan 31781. Ph. 912-776-2191._________________
Game chicken eggs, 15 breeds, blood tested fowl, $30 for 15, ppd., $25 if picked up. A.R. McBride, Rt. 1, Box 359, Sylvania 30467. Ph. 912-829-3288.________
Bantams, show qual., D'Uccles, Mille Fleur, Gold Neck & Blacks, also, Black D'Anvers. Herman Holden, Rt. 3, Jefferson 30549. Ph. 404-335-6376,
Want unwanted chicken, turkey, any other, will pick up w/in reas. dist. H. Mclntrye, Locust Grove. Ph. 957-9749._____
Want male & female Mallard ducks. M. Sincere, Gumming. Ph. 889-2979._____
Want young chickens, just started laying eggs. Mrs. Noah W. Yoder, Montezuma. Ph. 912-472-7944._____
Want blk. giant chicken eggs for setting, shipping needed. Bill Davis, 1506 Gibbs, Waycross 31501. Ph. 912-285-3056.______
Want guineas, any kind, will pick up w/in Meriwether Co. David Shelnutt, Greenville. Ph. 672-1393._________
Want Cochin Splash hens and or sml. laying hens. Toni Zavadil, Buford. Ph. 932-2893 aft. 6 p.m.______________
Want to buy guineas, peaco*cks, bantams, wh. pigeons, pheasants, Irg. roosters, any amount, reas. priced and dist. Danny Ledford, Gainesville. Ph. 983-3330.______________________
Want clean faced booted bantams w/in 50 mi. of Alto. Charles Painter, Rt. 1, Box 659, Alto 30501. Ph. 404-778-9489 aft. 6
p.m.__________________________ Want Wyandotte bantam chickens
(Rosecomb). Vivian Dunn, 201 Hamilton St., Dudlin. Ph. 275-1454.
All agricultural seed must be tested by
the State Seed Lab before they can be

Sold out of moon & star watermelon seed. George T. Arnsdorff, Rt. 2, Box 287, Springfield 31329.______________
Sold out of seed sweet pototoes. Rufus Merriman, Rt. 3, Lyons 30436._________
Sold out of miniature Indian corn. L.H. Shanholtzer, Rt. 2, Box 371, Whigham 31797.
Timber for Sale
The purpose of the new "Timber for Sale" category is to provide an option for forest farmers to market their standing timber. The category is limited to individually owned and produced timber only. No companies or businesses will be permitted. All notices submitted for this category must include a statement indicating that the timber is owned and produced by the individual farmer sending in the ad.
Approx. 20 acres of hardwood timber for sale. Mike Tustian, Ball Ground. Ph. 404-735-3555.
Firewood, oak and hickory, $130/cord, $65 for 1/2 cord & up, depending on length & dist. of del. J. M. Brown, Fairburn. Ph. 404-964-7046.____________
Free firewood, all hardwood, you cut. Henry Dickerson, 101 Woolsey Creek Trl., Fayetteville Ph. 461-4513._________
Firewood for sale. Alan Allison, Fairburn. Ph. 964-3342.________________
Split oak firewood $75/cord, you haul. Bill Cline, Newnan. Ph. 404-251-3518.
Seasoned split oak firewood $50 for 1/2 cord, will del. Georgine Boss, Loganville. Ph. 404-466-1350.______________
Firewood, cut, split and stacked, $75, will del. Don Hunter, 3200 Craven Ridge Dr., Powder Springs 30073. Ph. 943-1983.
Fat lighter for starting fires 50<t/lb. Bouchard Malain, Augusta. Ph. 404-796-8016 eve.______________
Firewood, cut and split $30. Abbie Hogsed, Buchanon. Ph. 646-3290 between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.
Out of State Wanted
Want all cols, of perennial phlox, send cols. & prices, want blooming size pits., also, gaillardia. E. Weekly, P.O. Box 35, Perdido, Ala. 36562._______________
Want 310 case crawler tracks, bottom rollers, also, transmission or reverse and cluster gears, all in good cond. Frank Hiett, Rt. 2, Box 193, Henager, Ala. 35978. Ph. 206-657-4616.___________
Want main wheel pulley that runs belly mower and idle wheel and parts that go w/it, all for Farmall cub tractor, seriel n. 62028. J. R. Brooks, Rt. 1, Box 284-L Sopchoppy, Fla. 32358. Ph. 904-962-2263.
Want to buy used dairy equip, milking mach., bulk tanks motors, feeding equip. Lela Rowley, 31934 Mike Ln., Springfield, LA 70462.
Miscellaneous for sale
The Micellaneous for Sale category includes the following subcategories: bees, honey and supplies, things to eat, herbs, fish and fish supplies, fertilizers and mulches, and oddities. Only one ad per household is permitted in the Miscellaneous for Sale category.
Bees, Honey & Supplies
Yellow Italian queens $5 ea. pkg., bees $5/lb. plus $5 per pkg. for post, and pkg. Jerrold Colston, Rt. 1, Box 25, Kite 31049. Ph.912-469-5118.__________-
Honey, pure, raw, $11/gal., strong colonies, new equip, w/1 super $55 ea. P.R. Demore, Rt. 1, Aragon 30104. Ph. 684-8703.

-Bulletin Calendar!

March 26 Smith Brothers L/S Yard feeder pig sale, 7 pm, Bartow, Ga. Info. Ernest or Ken Smith 912/364-3920 day/night.
March 27 All breed horse-tack sale, every 2nd & 4th Thurs., 6:30 pm, also 3/29, 8 pm, reg. horse-tack sale, Breezy Hill Sales, 5 mi. N. Forsyth on Hwy. 41. Info. C. N. Mason 912/994-0660.
March 28 Pony Express sml. livestock sale, goats/fowl, etc., every 2nd & 4th Fri., 6:30 pm, Intersection Hwy.
142 & 11, Covington. Info. 404/787-7070. March 28 7 pm, Breeder cattle dispersal sale, cow-calf prs., springers / breeding age bulls, held every other Fri. thru April, Turner Co. Stkyds., Ashburn. Info. H. R. Wiggins 912/567-3371. March 28 - All Breed horse-tack sale, Every Fri., 7:30 pm, new-used taek, Sunny Farm Stables, Hwy. 369, Cumming. Info. Charles Gabriel 887-9273 or 532-7923. March 28 All Breed bull sale, 12:30 pm, at Wheeler Bros. Auction Barn, Eastanolle. Info. Keith Nichols
404/886-1734 or Ferman Gregory or David Williams 404/779-2218. March 29 Ga. Santa Gertrudis Assn. spring sale, NE Ga. L/S Auction, Athens, Ga., 11 am, selling 100 lots of breeding age bulls / cow w/calves / bred cows / open heifers. Info. W. Scott Wilson 912/477-5845, Macon, Ga.
April 2 - No-till pasture management field day and equipment demo, Old Tower Rd., Toecoa, 10 am. Info. Stephens Co. Soil and Water Conservation 404/886-2237.
April 2 Horse-tack sale, 1st Wed. of ea. mo., tack 6:30 pm. Info. Don Noll, Griffin 227-4788.

April 5 21st Annual Atlanta Steeplechase, Seven Branches Farm, Cumming, open to public, tickets $10, seven races - six thoroughbred races run over fences, one over hunt turf. Info. Atlanta Steeplechase 237-7436 or Jack Smith 261-0612.
April 5 Metier pony-goat sale, Metier, Ga., 12:30 pm, horse/goats/fowl. Info. Edward Mosley 912/685-2950 / 5548.
April 5 Jesup goat sale, 1 pm, Wayne Co. Stkyds., sale of goats / chickens / misc. Info. Glynn Wynn 912/586-6117.
April 5 - Ga. Cattle Exchange cow-calf and bulls sale, Hollonville, Ga., 10 am. Info. Tony Brown 229-1133 or 228-9079.
April 5-6 First Annual Circle Y team roping, open and 80 yr. old, trophy saddles, added money. Info. Bob Chastain 404/546-9103, Ken Ross 783-3564 or Hugh Wilcox 742-8032.
April 7 7:30 pm, Freddie Deal Purebred hog sale, selling 20 service age Duroc boars / 20 service age York boars/20 open Duroc gilts/20 open York gilts and 15 F1 gilts, sales at farm 1 mi. E. of Register on Hwy. 46. Info. Freddie Deal, Register, 912/488-2211.
March 31 Horse seminar, 8 pm, Cashin's High Horse Seafood House, topic: tack and clothing, spon. by Purina and Ga. Horse Foundation. Info. 404/998-1152.
April 4-6 Ron McLoughlin horsemanship clinic, Southeastern Arena, Unadilla, spon. by Berry College, $90 riders, $25 auditors. Info. Suzanne Brown, Mt. Berry, 404/232-5374 ext. 2359.

Honey, pure, raw unheated $11/gal., 5 gals./$50, plus shipping & containers. Alfred J. Harper, Rt. 2, Box 117, Ocilla 31774. Ph. 912-468-7851.__________
Like new extractor for sale. Pat Lewis, Rt. 1, Box 81, Newington 30446. Ph. 912-754-3983.___________
'85 raw, local honey, qts. or gals. Franke Masilonati, Rt. 5, Box 431, Rome 30161. Ph. 232-7136.__________
New bee hives & parts and foundation for sale, also, will buy melted bees wax. Ernest Quinn, Decatur. Ph. 491-8726.
'85 pure local honey w/wo comb $4/qt. Ray Glasco, 4041 Weelaunee Rd., Ellenwood. Ph. 241-1181.__________
26 strong 10 frame colonies w/supers, take all $35 ea. Grove Lewis, Rt. 1, Box 303, Dublin 31021. Ph. 912-272-6834.
Pure, raw local honey w/wo comb $4/qt. H.M. Mitchell, 50 Bethesda Church Rd., Lawrenceville. Ph. 921-3741._______
Will remove honeybees in Douglas Co./Atlanta area, pure, raw, local honey $12/gal., $4/qt. W.O. Canady, Douglasville. Ph. 404-942-3887.
Things To Eat
Water ground meal & whole wheat flour, grits 10 lb./$2.50, 5 lbs./$1.50 plus post. Mike Buckner, Junction City. Ph. 404-269-3630.____________________
Shelled pecans, mostly halves $3.50/lb. plus post. Edwards S. Thurmond, 1311 McHenry Crossing, Madison 30650.
Blueberries, frozen in 5 Ib. poly bags, $5/bag, pick up in Albany, cannot ship. G.E. Shillcutt, Sasser. Ph. 912-436-2800.
Blk. walnut meats $8/qt., $4/pt., $2 post. Mrs. J.H. Maltsberger, P.O. Box 98B, Trenton 30752.____________
Grain finished beef sides, cut, wrapped, ready for freezer. Ken McMichael, Monticello. Ph. 404-468-2422 or 981-4130.
Lrg. brown & wh. eggs 70<t/doz. Mrs. Robert Norrell, Rt. 6, Gainesville 30506. Ph. 532-3945.__________________
Kennebec and White Star Irish potatoes $5/bu. M.P. Tritt, Rt. 1, Box 108, Suches 30572.______________________
Fresh stone ground wheat, rye, buckwheat flours, wh./yellow cornmeals & grits. G. Rogers, Rt. 2, Box 2761, Blairsville 30512. Ph. 745-5735._____
Collards, ready now, $10/doz. at farm or $1.25/bundle, cash please, 5 doz. or
it. 1, Box 130,
Blk. walnut meats $8/qt., $4/pt. Pauline Donaldson, P.O. Box 1123, Trenton 30752.
Pecan halves, new crop $3/lb. plus post. R. F. Whitener, 176 Old Mill Way, Conyers. Ph. 404-922-7008. _ __'__
Have a problem? Call our toll free "ag
consumer line" ... 1-800-282-5852.

Pecans for sale, '85 fair crop, 70/lb., approx. 400 IDS., all for $250., Roy Ethridge, 7131 Lady Dana Ct., Jonesboro 30236. Ph. 471-1834.___________
Shelled pecans, mostly halves $3/lb. plus post. M.B. Alien, 2010 Antioch Rd., Albany 31705. Ph. 912-436-0260._____
Shelled red jumbo peanuts, 5 lbs./$7.50, 10 lbs./$13.50, shipped UPS ppd. W.R. Owenby, 2431 Kennedy Ln., Marietta 30060. Ph. 404-435-1779.
Beef tender young sides, hanging wt. avg. 200 IDS., $1.27/lb. plus processing. M.B. Welsh, Macon. Ph. 912-474-2894.
Old time cowhorn pepper seeds, if dried makes good seasoning for sausage $1/pkg. w/SASE. Lois Suddeth, 946 Orris Rd., Mableton 30059. Ph. 941-9282.
Slim Jim pepper seed $1.25/tsp. ppd. Mrs. Pauline Bagley, P.O. Box 2, Chatsworth 30705._____________
Parsley pits. $1, you pick up, $2 if shipped. R. Harbuck, 6460 Swift Creek Rd., Lithonia 30058. Ph. 482-8079.______
Sassafras, yellowroot, queen of meadow, princess pine, blackberry root, 4 Ib. lardbox $6, 3/S15. R. Chastain, Rt. 5, Box 209, Ellijay 30540.____________
Comfrey or rue pits. 10/S6.50, sassafras pits. 5/$6.50, all ppd., dill seeds 1/4 cup/$1 w/SASE. Iris Brown, Rt. 5, Dahlonega 30533._________________
Yellowroot, yellow dock, wild cherry, birch bark, 4 Ib. lardbox $5.50, tansy pits. Mrs. Donald Greer, Rt. 5, Ellijay 30540.
Hot peter pepper, 150 per pkg. $1 w/SASE. H. B. Senn, 3510 Hamilton Dr., Albany 31707._________________
Pepper, cowhorn, cayenne, thai, banana, bell, sweet pickle, cannot ship. C. Parrish, Gumming. Ph. 889-9856 eve. &
wkends.___________________________ Squash pepper and peter pepper seed,
$1/pkg. w/SASE. Dot Shepherd, 1869 9th St., Chamblee. Ph. 457-2784._________
Hot cherry bouquet seed 50 seeds $1, hot banana, jalapeno, long red cayenne pepper seed 100 seeds $1 w/SASE. L.V. Itson, Rt. 1, Box 90, Pelham 31779.
Elephant garlic 4/$1.50 ppd., Haitian peppers 40/$1 w/SASE. David Nickoles, Rt. 1, Box 15, Jesup 31545. Ph. 912-427-7100._________________
Wild ginger, rattlesnake plantain, 25 plts./$12, pipsissewa, yellowroot, 36 plts./$12 ppd., your choice, Mrs. David Stover, Rt. 1, Box 1405, Blue Ridge 30513.
Exotic Japanese pepper seed, unusual pit. formed like 4 pt. star, very sweet 25/$1 w/SASE, cash please. William Roberts, 1607 Celia Dr., Columbus 31907._____
Old time cowhorn pepper seed, 10 to 11" size, $1/pkg. w/SASE. Shirley Ledbetter, 6321 Sweetbriar Rd., Mableton 30059.

Page 12


Wednesday, March 26, 1986

Berry College Water Buffalo
Berry College has a breeding pair of water buffalo known by the names "Martha" and "Henry." Martha recently gave birth to a bull calf, named "Model T." The animals are being used in a research program to determine if water buffalo have a functional place in Georgia's beef cattle economy. Water buffalo can utilize the roughage of such marginal grazing areas as marshes, swamps and lake borders where conventional cattle cannot survive.

Embroiderers Guild Schedules Exhibit The opening of "Southern Stitchery," a comprehensive exhibit of needle art, is scheduled for March 29 at the Atlanta Neiman-Marcus in Lenox Square. The two week exhibit, created by members of the Dogwood Chapter of the Embroiderers Guild of America, will be the kickoff event for the 1986 Dogwood Festival. "Southern Stitchery" will
be open to the public March 29 - April 12. Exhibit hours are: Monday - Friday, 10 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. and Saturday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. For more information, contact Sally White at 266-8200.

State Park Hosts Easter Egg Hunt
Vogel State Park will have its fifth annual Easter Egg hunt March 30 at 8:30 a.m. Children of all ages are invited to participate and should meet at the park office. In case of rain, the event will be cancelled. The park, located 11 miles south of Blairsville on U. S. highway 19/129, is operated by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources. For more information, contact David Foot at 404-745-2628.
Horse Edition April 2

Red hot pepper for sale 5/$5. Dollie G. Moss, Rt. 2, Box 2678, Clermonl 30527.
Pepper seed, first comes yellow, turns purple, orange and then red $1/tsp., tiny pods, 5 pods $1 w/SASE. Josie Odum, Rt. 4. Box 63, Monroe. Ph. 404-267-5612.
Clean yellowroot, 4 Ib. lardbox full $5.50 or 3/$15 ppd. Willa Mae Mooney, Rt. 5. Box 292, Ellijay 30540._______
Hardy perennials, sage, oregano Russian comfrey, chives, mix/match, 12 pits. $7.50 ppd. Evelyn Turner, Rt. 2, Box 2092, Blairsville 30512.__________
Cowhorn pepper, '85 crop, old style, 10", very hot, pkt. approx. 250 seeds $1 w/SASE, spec, bulk prices on req. M.C. Presley, 2505 Panola Rd., Lithonla 30058.
Lamb's ears, comfrey, pineapple sage, fernleaf tansy, pennyroyal 75 ea., no shipping. T. Kretchman, Atlanta. Ph. 378-1104.________________
Peter pepper, red squash pepper seeds 50/$1 w/SASE. LH. Norton, 55Cornus Dr., Savannah 31406._______________
Yellowroot, catnip, yellow dock, queen of meadow, ratsbane, $6.50 lardbox, $1.50 post. Mrs. Elzie Cantrell, Rt. 5, Box 248, Ellijay 30540. Ph. 273-3068._____
Parsley, sorrel, tarragon, rosemary, oregano, other container herbs 6/S13 ppd., bay laurel $7.50 ppd. Calera McHenry, 824 Poplar Spgs. Rd., Dallas 30132. Ph. 428-3616._________
Hot serrano pepper 50/$2 w/SASE. J. Brooks, Box 676, Mt. Berry 30149.
Hot purple Holland pepper 50/$2 w/SASE. F. Brooks, Rt. 1, Armuchee
30105.____________________ Hot jalapeno, rooster spur or
Jerusalem pepper 60/$2 w/SASE. A Mashburn, Rt. 4, Nichols Rd., Rome 30161.__________________
Lamb's ears, pennyroyal, catnip, horehound, catmint, pineapplemint 8/$10. Clara Geen, 1284 Turner Rd., NE Rome 30161.___________________
Sweet cowhorn pepper seed 2000/S1 w/SASE, no checks please. Mrs. Carl Connell, Rt. 2, Box 144, Felton 30140.
Peter pepper, cayenne, rooster spur, mild banana, sweet banana ea. 80/S1 w/SASE. Mrs. McMillan, 4955 Conover Dr., Dunwoody 30228.__________
Hot bouquet pepper seed 100/$1 w/SASE. Katie Weaver, P.O. Box 406, Monroe 30655.______________
Jumbo catnip seed 250/$1 w/SASE. R.T. Chatham, 103 Circle Dr., Calhoun 30701. Ph. 629-5189.
Fish & Fish Supplies
Red Wigglers, bedrun, 5000/$18, 10,000/$30, shipped ppd. w/instr. R. Stapleton, Rt. 1, Lumber City 31549. Ph. 912-363-4451. _________
Wh. amur grass eating carp, Channel Catfish fingerlings, graded & treated, del. avail. File Casey, B&C Fish Farms, Adairsville. Ph. 404-773-7834._______
Qual. Hybrid Bream or Sunfish Bluegill Bream, Shellcrackers, Channel Catfish fingerlings, bass soon, treated, disease free. Anthony B. Chew, Woodbury. Ph. 404-846-3005/3913.______________
Ga. giant Hybrid Bream genetically improved Channel Catfish, graded & treated, pick up or del. Ken Holyoak, Rt. 1, Alapaha 31622. Ph. 912-532-6135.
Sterile grass carp, Channel Catfish fingerlings, Bluegill, treated for disease & parasites, del. avail. Paul B. Williams, Rt. 1, Box 249, Hawkinsville. Ph. 912-892-3144._______________
Red Wigglers, 1000/S7 ppd., w/instr., satisfaction guar., worm castings $40/pickup load. Steve Gilreath, Rt. 3, Box 126, Byron. Ph. 912-956-5211.
Channel Catfish, 2-4, 4-6 in., disease free, pick up by appt. or can del. Preston Harbin, Helena. Ph. 912-868-6095.

Channel Catfish fingerlings, 2-4 in., 8$ to 12<t ea. Ed Hitt, Grovetown. Ph.

Red Wigglers, 1000/7.95,6000/$46 ppd., also, wholesale by the cup. Lillian Q. !
Bloodworth, 2750 Hwy. 441 So., Mllledgevllle 31061. Ph. 912-452-1523.

Channel Catfish fingerlings, graded & treated, del. avail. Charles Burnes, Calhoun. Ph. 404-629-0456._______

Red Wigglers, many prices, worm

casting miracle dirt. Mrs. John Atterholt,

Sr., 1801 Villa Rica Rd., Powder Springs

30073. Ph. 943-6628.


Fish cages, fish traps, turtle traps, made of plastic mesh, 1/4, 1/2 or 3/4 in. mesh. Hugh Holyoak, Rt. 1, Alapaha
31622. Ph. 912-532-5395._________

Channel Catfish fingerlings, graded for size & treated for parasites and disease, del. avail. Barry Brown, Meansville. Ph.

Giant mealworms 1000/$13, 2000/$24, 3000/$34.50, 4000/$44, larger order $10 per 1000, all ppd. W.M. Mahaffey, P.O. Box 571, Mableton 30059.________

Horse manure w/shavings, free, you load, we will load pickup w/loader on wkends. for $5. S. McClumpha, Woodstock. Ph. 926-0224.________
Horse manure mix. w/shavings, $10/pickup load, you load. Bill McArthur, Marietta. Ph. 973-8161 or 971-4238.
100 bales mulch hay, $1.25/bale, if all taken, $1.50 / bale in smaller quan. Paul Rowan, 83 Brannan Rd., McDonough 30253. Ph. 957-4696.___________
Chicken/sawdust mix., 50 Ib. bags, $2.50/bag., also, cow compost. Etta Durham, 1255 N. McDonough Rd., Griffin 30223._________________
Mulch hay $1.25/bale at barn, can del. David Lingefelt, Rt. 2, Hwy. 140, Canton 30114. Ph. 479-1680.___________
Chicken litter $10/pickup load, you load. Danny Stephens, Hillsboro. Ph. 468-2589.______________
Rabbit manure $20/pickup load, you load or $1.25/bag. Charles Gilreath, Rt. 1, Box 468, Monroe. Ph. 404-267-6483.
Mulch hay, wheat straw, other. Alan A. Alllson, Fairburn. Ph. 964-3342._____

Sev. 1000 Ib. Channel Catfish, avg. 1 1/4 Ib., also, Channel Catfish fingerlings. Orville Carver, Douglas. Ph. 912-384-5090.
Red Wigglers breeders 1000/$10.95,
5000/$45, bedrun 5000/$22.50, 10,000/$40, I shipped ppd., instr. J. F. Smith, 415 Fletcher, Thomasville 31792. Ph. 912-226-

Horse manure mix. w/shavings, you haul and load, $5/pickup load. Mr. Butler, McDonough. Ph. 957-7053.________________________
Chicken litter for sale $20/pickup load, $2.50/bag, horse manure $10/pickup load, will load by appt. Jimmy Alford, Lawrenceville. Ph. 564-1937 / 3161.

6455._____________________ Fish & turtle baskets & traps, extra
heavy duty, top qual. workmanship guar.
Bill Sewell, Tucker. Ph. 404-921-3492.

Channel Catfish fingerlings, graded &

treated for parasites & disease, farm pick

up or del. Bobby Ray Casper, Rt. 1,

Winder 30680. Ph. 404-867-9557 day or



Qual. Channel fingerlings, graded by
size & price, treated, parasite & disease free, guar. live, healthy, immediate del. J. Foy Gilbert, Thomaston. Ph. 404-648-2062.

Fertilizers & Mulches
Free manure & shavings mix., easy access, you load. Melinda Giachelli, Southern Comfort Farm, Alpharetta. Ph. 475-4459._______________
'85 wheat straw, 4000 Irg. bales at barn, Roy Phillips, Dublin. Ph. 912-272-8516.
Aged horse compost w/shavings $10/pickup load, will load. D. Logan, Athens. Ph. 783-3564.__________
Horse compost w/shavings, Irg. pickup load, del. $40. Scott Preston, Morrow. Ph. 961-6639.__________________
Coastal Bermuda mulch hay $1/bale, you load. Doug Exley, Springfield. Ph. 912-754-6144._____________
Wheat straw $2/bale, hay for mulch $1.50/bale, can del. Aaron McWhorten, Franklin. Ph. 404-832-8608.________
Mulch hay 50/bale. Mrs. John Wilson, Stapleton. Ph. 404-547-6827.______
Mulch hay $1/bale. Ralph Rucker, Alpharetla. Ph. 475-5979 / 6250._____
Horse compost $5/truck load, you load. R. Campbell, Chestnut Mtn. Ph. 967-2153 / 3946._________________
Wheat straw $2/bale, Irg. bales. Gerald Miller, Statham. Ph. 404-725-7449.
Horse manure mix. w/shavings, you haul, aged up to 3 yrs., $5/load, you load. F. Powell, Doraville. Ph. 476-3691 / 0284.
Litter, lime and fert. for sale, also, will spread. W. Hackney, Roopville. Ph. 404-854-4996._________________
Farmers, need financial, personal or family counseling? Dial 1-800-544-9797 for assistance. Calls received before 7 a.m. or after 7 p.m. or on weekends will be recorded by answering machine to be handled during regular hours.

Manure/horse $40/load del., $5/load, you load, $1/bag. K. Maine, Lithonia. Ph. 482-1819/8758.____________
Free horse manure mix. w/shavings, you load and haul. Dee Thompson, Lincolnton. Ph. 404-359-7613.________
Free horse manure mix. w/sawdust, you load, and haul. L. Gowdy, Cumming. Ph. 887-7853.______________
Rich topsoil, del. or you pick up. Brent Scarbrough, Fayetteville. Ph. 955-5118 or 599-6590._________________
Free compost, horse w/shavings, you pick up or we del. or $1/bag. F. Vanhorn, 4457 Covington Hwy., Decatur. Ph. 289-5798._____________________
Mulch hay $1.25 at barn. L Winkler, Loganville. Ph. 404-466-2176.________
Cricket manure 4N, 2P, 2K, 20 lbs./$10, granite hybrid 50 lbs./$2.25, bark manure compost. Bill Bricker, Augusta. Ph. 722-0661.____________________
Bermuda hay, exc. mulch or could be cattle feed, $1.25/bale, located 5 mi. SE Canton. R. D. Potter, Atlanta. Ph. 404-394-2013.______________
Lrg. round bales mulch hay, loaded on your truck $15. Clay McDaniel, Bethlehem. Ph. 404-867-9841.______
Aged horse manure, you load $5/pickup load, easy access. Linda Campbell, Marietta. Ph. 404-427-0841.
Horse manure mix. w/shavings, you haul, $5/load, del. avail. D. Manning, Duluth. Ph. 476-2633.___________
Free compost horse manure w/shavings, easy access, you load. James Olivier, Lawrenceville. Ph. 404-962-2339 aft. 6 p.m.____________________
Chicken manure $15/load, will load, make some del. L. S. Smith, Duluth. Ph. 476-5805.__________________
Compost horse manure mix. w/shavings, $5/pickup load. Joe Vogt, Atlanta. Ph. 321-9506._________________
Horse manure mix. w/shavings $5/load, you load and haul, easy access. Sandy Holland, Alpharetta. Ph. 475-6833.
Pure cow manure, green or aged $30/pickup load, we load. Billy Greer, Hampton. Ph. 946-4616.___________
Aged sawdust, will load on your truck, $15/standard pickup load, Bill .Cline. Newnan. Ph. 404-251-3518._________
Lrg. quant, qual. wheat or pine straw, pine bark, aged sawdust, 25 yrs. old, aged compost, we del. you pick up. Bill Isaacs, Snellville. Ph. 979-1336.

Wheat straw $2/bale at barn. Bud Hodges, Mansfield. Ph. 786-6965.
Rich top soil, pine bark, mulch, sawdust, other. Bruce West, Fairburn. Ph. 964-2045.__________________
Aged compost horse manure w/shavings, Irg. pickup load, del. w/in 20 mi. $45. W. Martin, Decatur. Ph. 288-0297.
Mulch hay $1.25/bale. H.L Kastner, Clarkesville. Ph. 404-754-9153._____
Mulch hay, can del. any amount. J.R. Wimpey, Jonesboro. Ph. 471-4221._____
Aged horse manure $5/pickup load. L. Collier, Snellville. Ph. 972-9401.
Homemade bath soap w/oatmeal & herbs, 3 bars/$5 ppd. K. Doubrley, P.O. Box 384, Crawford 30630._________
Homemade lye soap, 10 bars $5, 24 bars $10 ppd., out of state add $1. M. B. Harvey, 3448 Peach Orchard Rd., Augusta 30906. Ph. 404-798-1395.
Martin gourds $1 ea., cut, ready to hang $2, bluebird type $1, no shipping. Hoyt Howard, Cumming. Ph. 887-2039.
Martin gourds, ready to hang $2 ea. or $25/doz. ppd., other. Jeff Eley, White Plains. Ph. 404-467-2184.___________
Gourds $1 ea., w/holes $1.50 ea., varnished $2 ea., gourds b/birds $2 ea., mail orders add $3/doz. post. & handlings. R. Delano Butler, Dudley. Ph. 912-676-3170.
Martin gourds 50<c ea. uncut, $1 ea. cut, no shipping. D. A. Harp, Inman. Ph. 461-8543.______________________
Tanned rare 76-90 in. long diamond back & timber back rattlesnake skins, w/rattlers attached $1.50/in. ppd. Charlie Wilkerson, P.O. Box 31, Naylor 31641.
Martin gourds, priced according to size & quan., other vari., will ship. Mrs. Lena Bras well, Rt. 1, Box 73, Wrens 30833. Ph. 404-547-6784.___________________
Luffa sponges, 8 in. size $1, 10 in. $1.50,12 in. $2,14 in. $2.50, plusSOt post. N. Halley, Rt. 2, Box 30B, Matter 30439.
Gourds $1 ea., w/holes $1.50 ea., varnished $2 ea., gourds for bluebirds $2 ea., mail orders add $3/doz. for post. & handling. Mrs. T. W. Butler, Dexter. Ph. 912-875-3353.___________________
Martin gourds, Irg. 75 ea., sml. 35$ ea., will cut price for Irg. quant. Mickey Harp, Fayetteville. Ph. 461-1821. _______
Martin gourd, thick rind $1 ea., ready to hang $2 ea., dipper gourd $1 ea., no shipping. K. K. Mitchell, 4501 Spout Springs Rd., Buford 30518. Ph. 945-9842._____
Gourds, all sizes, martin and larger 50, ready to hang 75<t, sml. 25$, no shipping. Gary McLocklin, Statham. Ph. 404-725-7232.______________
Martin gourds, blue bird type $1 ea., cut $1.25. LaRue Hitt, Rt. 13, Box 896, Cumming 30130. Ph. 887-5406.
Miscellaneous Wanted
Want burlap or burlap tobacco sheets, need Irg. quant. Bill Isaacs, Snellville. Ph. 979-1336.__________________
Want good used hog wire, also, 5 ft. 2x4 or 1x2 welded wire, no rust please. C. Massey, Rockmart. Ph. 684-7156.
Want night crawlers, prefer Jumping jacks or pinks, also, golden grubs. Harry Wood, Rt. 1, Box 130, Uvalda 30473. Ph. 912-565-7326. ______________
Want 5 heavy duty cloth feed or grain sacks, 100 IDS., wh., also, 3 sacks fine manure for garden, will pick up. Mr. Smith, P.O. Box 503, Augusta 30903.
Want calf table, reas., must be in good shape, also, set of Paul portable scales. Roger Wilson, Macon. Ph. 912-477-5013.

Want water wheel, 6-8 ft. in dia Bill Keys. Blue Ridge. Ph. 404-632-2322.
Want 600-1000 gal. mueller milk, tank'. Jeffrey Knowles, Eatonton. Ph. 404-485-6748._____________
Want 6 hay rings. W.E. Evans, 889 Milan Cir., Clarkston 30021. Ph. 294-1096 aft. 6 pm.____________________
Want to buy 2000 gal. water or oil tank for hauling liquid manure, must be reas. priced. Mahlon Turner, Rt. 1, Dahlonega 30533.____________________
Want herb pits., and seeds. Vann Roberts, 910 Sunset Circle, Dalton 30720.
Want apple grinder and press for apples. T.E. Lovett, P.O. Box 110, Warm Springs 31830. Ph. 404-655-2573._______
Want saw timing chain for Homelite chain or timebelt model 26 LCS, 28" blade. David Nicholes, Rt. 1, Box 15, Jesup 31545.__________________
Want to buy goat dairy supplies. L. P. Howell, Rt. 3, Box 367A, Jackson 30233. Ph. 228-1296.___________________
Want old hand hewn logs in good cond., any length or quan., will remove. Patricia Jarrard, 3041 Old US 78, Snellville 30"278. Ph. 404-979-2681.
Want to buy 50-75 ft. of 2" or 4" plastic pipe. Jim Anglin, Rt. 2, Box 186, Greenville 30222. Ph. 404-834-8710.________
Want reas. priced goat milking stand & stainless steel milking pail, prefer w/hood. K. A. Rooke, Dallas. Ph. 404-445-8517.________________
Want 2 hp. Sears submersible well pump w/bad motor for parts. Lloyd Southern, P.O. Box 1792, Carrollton 31117. Ph. 404-834-8710.
Farmland Corrections
Harris Co.: 55 A., 1100 ft. paved rd. frntg. on Oak Mountain Rd., 3 mi. W. Shiloh, cross fenced pasture, some orig. hardwood, stream, tax evaluation, $47,370/make offer. Richard Johnson, Atlanta. Ph. 404-872-1210.________
Upson Co.: 21 A. pasture, 2 houses, both 3 bdrms. & 2 ba's, frpls., wells, garages, $179,000. Hazel Kautenberg, 3144 Willis Rd., Yatesville. Ph 404-472-3261._____________'
N. Coweta Co.: 21 A., paved rd., spring water, $1750/A. J. Jones, Atlanta. Ph. 758-4770.
Rockdale Co.: 8.26 A., 3 bdrm., 1 ba. frame house, 1 A. in woods, rest cleared for pasture, sm. pond, equipped for trailer, 2 barns, $55,000. A. W. Alien, Union Ch. Rd., McDonough 30253. Ph. 404-483-2856.
Polk Co.: 9.34 A., 1113.81 ft. paved rd. frntg., located 7 mi. of Cedartown, 1 1/2 mi. S. of Hwy. 278, $950/A. James King, 1368 Stephenson Rd., Lithonia. Ph. 404-482-2754.
Emanuel Co.: 26 A., very good land on high bluff near Ohoopee River, circled by Continental Can, hvy. w/deer, quail. E. Patterson, Metier. Ph. 912-685-2807.
Stewart Co.: 60 A. horse farm, chain link & farm fences, pastures, barns, stables, multi-storage, antebellum home, mod. conv. pvd. rd., will sell 20 A. separate at $1000/A. Julia York, Rt. 1, Box 149, Lumpkin. Ph. 912-838-6379.
Banks Co.: 5 A. wooded, quiet, good location near I-85 and U. S. 441, $6,995, owner fin. w/$495 dn. pay. & $98 per mo. M. D. Eades, 2511 Cherry Hill Lane, Doraville 30360. Ph. 404-457-3167.

Farmers and consumers market bulletin, vol. 72, no. 13 (1986 March 26) (2024)
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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.