Skrivetest · The Handmaiden, Park Chan-Wook (2025)

My Tamako, My Sookee - The Handmaiden, Park Chan-Wook

This quote ble lagt til av coolby

The daughter of a legendary thief, who sewed winter coats out of stolen purses. Herself a thief, pickpocket, swindler. The saviour who came to tear my life apart. My Tamako. My Sookee.

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mathcomputer 5år, 3måneder siden

Coolby, I do think you created the other coolby accounts, but not the collin one. I didn't check your IP addresses, I just checked the day those accounts where created. It seems like they where created the same day your debate with weesin started. But the collin one was created a few years ago. For this, I am on their side, but I agree with you they are not supposed to behave like that.

coolby 5år, 4måneder siden

I think there have been some recent mis-characterizations of the number of egos that a human is capable of possessing (it maxes out at 1); they may suffer from conditions such as borderline personality disorder, or dissociative personality disorder (previously known as multiple personality disorder). I, however, do not suffer from those or similar conditions.

I will say that I am sad to see the two of you, new friends based on a similar disdain for me, leaving this thread. Usually people routing/leaving a discussion like this is indicative of an acknolwedgement that your arguments didn't quite hold water, which happens to everyone. Thank you for stopping by!

weesin 5år, 4måneder siden

Sounds like a solid plan. Take care and enjoy your weekend @gersgoony85

gersgoony85 5år, 4måneder siden

Same, let's let him have his conversation with himself in peace

gersgoony85 5år, 4måneder siden

Only a true creep would suggest tracking IP addresses, no one else would even think of that, that's so WEIRD

weesin 5år, 4måneder siden

This person is really starting to creep me out. I'm bowing out of this conversation so that coolby and his/her alter egos can discuss terrible quotes from this terrible movie amongst themselves

gersgoony85 5år, 4måneder siden

Dude... again... you're so bad at this. No one is buying this at all and apparently more than 3 people dislike this quote so you're in the minority, sorry pal

gersgoony85 5år, 4måneder siden

I don't see YOU on the best scores either hahahahahaha!

coolby 5år, 4måneder siden

Gerald Goodman- check our IP addresses- that is a totally different person from me. I think people just like having "cool" in their name for some reason. I guess it is a trend. And I will check out that quote, coollin!

coolby 5år, 4måneder siden

Coolby14 is a great name as well! Do you also like the moniker "coolby"? I am sorry I got to it first haha :)

Have you read the quote? I like the last 3 sentences, in particular.

gersgoony85 5år, 4måneder siden

Oh dude, he's seriously having a conversation with himself! hahahaa

coollin 5år, 4måneder siden

Hi everyone--love the "discussion" on this debate. Actually a pretyy interesting read!

Also, feel free to check out the quote!!

coolby 5år, 4måneder siden

Gersgoony85- can I call you Gerald? Gerald, I apologize for the time I have taken to respond, I have been busy haha. I do not track IP addresses, but just wanted it to be clear that coolby2 and I both independently really like this quote (it is great for typing practice, after all). Have you practiced typing the quote? I don't see your name in the "best scores" list.

coolby14 5år, 4måneder siden

Hahahaha I'm dying laughing rn because what you just posted is such a mess that it supports all the negative feedback this quote is getting.

Plus it's also pretty funny how this guy who apparently has multiple personalities and goes by coolby, coolby2, and coollin tries so hard to sound smart but just sounds completely ridiculous. He's talking to himself on a typing website XD I can't do it, it's too funny. Don't worry, I know I don't sound the smartest but my arguments sure are much better.

coolby 5år, 4måneder siden

Welcome Coollin, to the interesting discussion about quotes we are having. I want to start by saying you've contributed a special quote to the site. All of us here appreciate that (at least those of us that have been a part of the community for years, so it looks like the other contributors to the discussion might not have the experience to understand how positive a new quote like yours can impact the site).

It seems like a great movie to watch- definitely on my list. 95% sure is high! How is the scene for that particular quote? The one for my quote really adds to its meaning, I hear.

coollin 5år, 4måneder siden

Here's the quote referenced below:

(Kim Min-hee) "What does, a man really want!1?" (Kim Tae-ri) "What?" (Kim Min-hee) "What I mean is - the weeding knight. How would I know? I grew up; with-out a mother to teach me-I haven't no idea about any of tihs." (Kim Min-hee) "Probably kising first?"

coollin 5år, 4måneder siden

Hi coolby, weesin, coolby2, coolby_3, and most recently gersgoony85. Long time lurker here but I felt compelled to testify.

In accordance with recommendations below, I went ahead and watched "Handmaiden".
My first reaction was that I was surprised that it got 95% on Rotten Tomatoes. If you're unfamiliar, it's a website which reviews film. 95% is considered "Certified Fresh". This is a term on the website equivalent to "great movie".

Second, I'm surprised at your most recent comments gersgoony85. Are you 34 years old by the way? I've always wondered if the last numbers indicates someone's birthday. If so happy birthday!

Anyway, I'm currently waiting for my new quote entitled "Handmaiden 2" will be reviewed and accepted. Once it has been, feel free to practice typing on it. Open feedback and comments are more than welcome. In the interim, feel free to "preview" it above. Thanks!

gersgoony85 5år, 4måneder siden

Any day now slowpoke

gersgoony85 5år, 4måneder siden

No response?

gersgoony85 5år, 4måneder siden

I thought you were SUCH a fast typist?

gersgoony85 5år, 4måneder siden


gersgoony85 5år, 4måneder siden

I guess I should apologize for having a life outside of this typing website, unlike you. Gosh you're just so great at typing, it must be the greatest thing to be you. The only bad thing must be that terrible attention span and lack of patience you just admitted to having. I didn't know I was dealing with the bestest most fastest typer in the world.

gersgoony85 5år, 4måneder siden

You're so bad at this...

gersgoony85 5år, 4måneder siden

Also, there's a HUGE error in your logic, how can you say the CONTEXT "drives it home" when you HAVEN'T EVEN SEEN THE WHOLE MOVIE?!

gersgoony85 5år, 4måneder siden

Wtf ?!? You're an obssessed psychopath, what kind of person tracks people's IP addresses?! I can't believe you'd even suggest that. Dude, you're a pretty big weirdo if you are tracking people's IP addresses, that's disgusting. You're probably even going to track mine now! which proves my point!

coolby 5år, 4måneder siden

It looks like your typing speed is only 102 wpm, so the part about being a better typist is technically not the case, but 102 is a great pace for most people. I figured since this is a typing website, that would be the best thing to comment on first.

Have you had the chance to see the movie? The context of the quote really drives it home as a great quote.

coolby_3 5år, 4måneder siden

This is not an exceptional quote. I am pointing it out so that others will know that this quote is not exceptional. Some people may like to contribute quotes that they find exceptional, when they really are not. To think they are is a bit on the infantile side. I am a better typist, so I give good advice.

coolby 5år, 4måneder siden

That is a lot of name calling for KeyHero, and normally we are a nice community of typists. But what comes around is all around as they say, and I think you are not giving yourself the best karma.

weesin 5år, 4måneder siden

There's no need to apologize. This person is clearly a troll with a superiority complex

coolby2 5år, 4måneder siden

Yeah, I think coolby is a cool name but it was taken already. Check the IP address, we're different people. Have you seen the movie? It's okay but the quote is exceptional.

coolby 5år, 4måneder siden

Gersgoon85- thank you for the apology. Did you Up Vote the quote? Have you seen the movie?

It is sad to see that your typing speed is slower than mine. That makes it difficult to have a discussion on here because I have to wait so much longer for your responses.

coolby 5år, 4måneder siden

Hey Weesin it is nice to see you back and I am happy to hear your perspective. I would disagree with your evaluation of me. Again, KeyHero is not a name-calling place. I don't mean to bring politics into this but when people chant things like "Shillary", etc., it doesn't contribute to the discourse and is not actually productive. I don't mean to insult you but I think most people (even gersgoony85, I am sure) would agree that it was a bit immature to call me a moron.

Back to the main point- the above quote is really quite exceptional and I am excited for people to get the chance to practice typing it, and I hear the movie and scene that it is from are excellent (see coolby2's comment!). Check the IP addresses- that is not my account. Just someone else who likes the name coolby and was next in line.

gersgoony85 5år, 4måneder siden

Sorry, I didn't mean for that to be internet bullying, I know it pretty much blatantly was, but I apologize. I make no excuse, it was wrong. I could have said things a lot better, I do believe my points were pretty spot on though.

weesin 5år, 4måneder siden

coolby you really need to stop yourself - every single word you type makes you come across as an idiot. You have this air of superiority about you but that is totally unfounded - you are a moron and really need to just stop bothering people on this site

gersgoony85 5år, 4måneder siden

So you would ask about something TOTALLY unrelated in the middle of getting roasted? Ya, ok, suuuuuuure (I hope you're smart enough to figure it out but your arguments don't prove as much so I'll just say it outright: that's sarcasm ;) Dude, c'mon, you've GOT to be a troll... because this is just too good to be true. You're acting hilariously dumb. You obviously made a second account to back up your own arguments, it doesn't get anymore cringe than that. Are you seriously that new to the internet? Obviously no since you joined more than 4 years ago... so you're just THAT oblivious? Ignorant? I took a few tests for you by the way. No, I'm not as fast as you BUT AT LEAST I'M NOT AS FOOLISH! Hahahahaha

coolby 5år, 4måneder siden

I think Weesin would disagree with you- we just had a disagreement about the quote, nothing personal at all. He just isn't at the point yet where he understands criteria for a good quote and that is TOTALLY okay- it takes time.

I was just curious about your typing speed because it is not on your profile- nothing about superiority. You know what they say about asumptions...

gersgoony85 5år, 4måneder siden

You've got me rolling, are you 12? Seriously though, because if you are.... you need to at least start acting 12...

gersgoony85 5år, 4måneder siden

hahahahahahahaha like that even matter! Dude, you need to stop. You're seriously going to try to claim superiority over another human being for being a FASTER TYPIST??!?! You've got to be kidding me

coolby 5år, 4måneder siden

How fast can you type?

gersgoony85 5år, 4måneder siden

either that or you're a huge troll

gersgoony85 5år, 4måneder siden

dude, coolby, I'm a lurker on this site but you are seriously embarrassing yourself...
Your argument is one of the worst I've ever seen. You're making yourself look so stupid which makes this quote look REALLY bad if you think it's a good one.

coolby 5år, 4måneder siden

Oh I think we have a slight misunderstanding- I said it was a little on the infantile side- definitely not infantile though.

I definitely don't want to tell you which quotes to type but if you have good taste or are a good typist this would be a quote to spend a lot of time with.

coolby 5år, 4måneder siden

Oh, wow! I didn't know it won that prestigious award. That's awesome. I will bet the reviewers really enjoyed the scene that this quote is from.

weesin 5år, 4måneder siden

you called my argument infantile. You've tried to force your opinion on other people. You're telling me which quotes I should type. You're an obnoxious human being. Reply if you like, I will not. People like you are exhausting

coolby 5år, 4måneder siden

I hope you have a great day weesin, and for anyone in the future viewing this thread, I guess this means I won the argument and it is a great quote, so I am excited for people to get to practice on it!

coolby2 5år, 4måneder siden

coolby and I are different people because I have a 2 in my name. And I'm honestly offended that you would accuse us of being promoters of critically acclaimed movie, The Handmaiden. Winner of the 71st British Academy Film Awards for Best Film Not in the English Language.

coolby 5år, 4måneder siden

I didn't make the account coolby2- check the IP addresses. It must have been someone else who liked the account "coolby" but saw that the original one was taken. Name-calling isn't really something you're supposed to do on KeyHero- more evidence that you might want to re-evaluate your beliefs because they are a little bit (really not much though!) on the infantile side.

weesin 5år, 4måneder siden

You're such a moron. I'm done with dealing with you

coolby 5år, 4måneder siden

How can typed words of an argument make "sounds"?
For the record I have never seen the movie, a friend told me about it. And to each his own for preferring bad quotes vs exceptional quotes, just be sure to practice on quotes that are difficult so your fingers get used to typing different letters. I am a better typist than you so I have good advice.

weesin 5år, 4måneder siden

Sorry - but one more thing. It's absolutely pathetic that you just created a second profile (coolby2) just so that you could agree with yourself that this quote is exceptional? Why don't you stop trying to force your opinions on other people. Are you a freaking promoter for this stupid movie or something? Get a life coolby and coolby2

weesin 5år, 4måneder siden

My argument is sound, not infantile. I will not practice typing your quote as you suggest as I don't like it - it's not a terrible quote, it's just not interesting. You seem to be absolutely obsessed with this movie so I'll bid you a good day and let you get back to watching it

coolby2 5år, 4måneder siden

I also think this is an exceptional quote.

coolby 5år, 4måneder siden

You should re-evaluate your beliefs, as they are just a little bit on the infantile side- context is important for quotes. Like when you hear "Make America Great Again" (I don't mean to bring politics into this) it seems like a great quote but in the context of who says it and the other things he has said it is a nonsensical quote. Does that make sense?
Practice typing the quote to get to know it and better at typing.

weesin 5år, 4måneder siden

A quote is good if it can stand alone as a quality quote without readers having to have first either read the book or watch the film that it's taken from. If you have to explain or provide context for a quote, I don't believe that it can qualify as a good quote, let alone an exceptional one. And you're not making sense - "practice" what?

coolby 5år, 4måneder siden

Did you Up Vote the quote?

coolby 5år, 4måneder siden

Actually it might be difficult to know that this is an exceptional quote without having seen the movie. What with not having things in context and all, I can see how it is easy to not see that it is a really awesome quote. Some people might post quotes they like but don't think are exceptional, but this one is so I made sure to point it out so people know to practice it.

weesin 5år, 4måneder siden

Dude, you're seriously not getting the point. We don't need you to tell us that you thought the quote was exceptional - your having decided to post it tells us you thought it was exceptional. Also, your sharing your opinion of something with people DOES NOT mean that they will "realize" or come to the same conclusion. I, personally, disagree - I don't think that this is an exceptional quote. No I haven't seen the movie, although that is entirely beside the point

coolby 5år, 4måneder siden

It is a really good quote, so I added it to the site and pointed out that it was really exceptional so that other people would realize the same thing. Have either of you seen the movie? It is from The Handmaiden.

weesin 5år, 4måneder siden

yes, that was exactly my point. Comment on quotes submitted by other people - not quotes that you've posted yourself

winchester1 5år, 4måneder siden

I think his point is that you didn't have to say its a good one. We get it that you think its good otherwise why would people post quotes they think are bad?

coolby 5år, 4måneder siden

I wouldn't have submitted it if it wasn't an exceptional quote. Have you seen the movie?

weesin 5år, 4måneder siden

Well that's kind of awkward - you've praised a quote you submitted yourself. Usually people comment on quotes submitted by other users - not quotes they've submitted themselves

coolby 5år, 4måneder siden

This is an exceptional quote.

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Skrivetest · The Handmaiden, Park Chan-Wook (2025)
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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

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