The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)

1 ALL 1 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 7 I RECORDS--EVENTS BUFFALO EVENING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 1929 RECORDS--EVENTS U.S. Gets Payne's Amended Script of 'Home, Sweet Home' Briton Gives Congressional Library Copy in Author's Hand With Two New Verses. From the Washington Bureau of the BUFFALO EVENING NEWS. WASHINGTON, July library of Congress just has been given by Leander McCormick-Goodhart, commercial secretary of the British embassy, a manuscript of "Home, Sweet Home," by John Howard Payne In the author's own handwriting. While this alone would invest the paper with great interest, its value is heightened because it contains two additional verses never printed by the author nor intended for publication.

These verses were added by him as a personal touch when presenting an autograph of the song to one of his his friends. a Mrs. Joshua Bates, in London. The added verses read: To us, in despite absence of years, How sweet the remembrance of home still appears. From allurements abroad which but flatter The unsatisfied heart turns and says with the eye sigh, ChorusHome, home.

sweet. sweet home! There's no place like home There's no place like home Your exile is blest with all fate can bestow And mine has been chequer'd with many a woe Yet though diff'rent our fortunes, our thoughts are the same, And both as we dream of Columbia exclaim, ChorusHome, home: sweet. sweet home. There's no place like home There's no place like home!" Mrs. Bates was the wife of a London banker but was a native of Massachusetts.

The manuscript is dated Sept 18, 1929. Payne left America in 1813 and after years of wandering without a home, died in Tunis. His body was brought back to America for burial in Oak Hill cemetery. Aviation News "FLYING TOO SAFE," LAMENTS OLD- TIMER C. H.

Lee, Air Mail Dean, Completes Million Miles. CHICAGO, July 24 (U.P.).-Flying "ain't what she used to be." E. Hamilton Lee, dean of air mail pilots, lamented as he rounded out his lionth mile at the controls. "They've made it too safe." soliloquized the man who in 16 years in aviation never has figured in a serious "crackup." On more than 000 of those miles he has carried the mails. Now he flies over the ChicagoOmaha division of the Boeing system.

"It must make an old cowman mad." said Lee. "to see a fellow in shiny boots and polo pants riding a slick horse. Well, it hurts some of us oldtimers to see these present-day mail plane pilots climbing into heated cabins, and talking to someone on the ground over the radio-phone. "We're rapidly approaching the das when there will be no more excitement about flying than there is about railroading now." he asserted. CHAPMAN PLANS AIR LINES Shipper to Study European System for Links With Ocean Liners.

From the New York Bureau of the BUFFALO EVENING NEWS. NEW YORK. July W. Chapman, president of the United States Lines. Inc.

will sail on his first European voyage Saturday aboard the Leviathan. one of the 11 steamers recently acquired by the United States lines from the United States shipping board. for all extended tour of Great Britain. Germany, France, Belgium and Holland. One of the purposes of Mr.

Chapman's trip is to obtain first hand knowledge of the operations of the great network of European air lines systems. It is understood that he plans to establish his own air lines in the United States and operate them in connection with the United States lines and American Merchant lines, so that passengers living 1n the interior of the United States. may be carried to New York to connect with the ships, or vice versa. AIR RACE PLANS PROGRESS Cleveland Program to Be Completed Within Week. Preparations for Cleveland's spectacular reception to hundreds of thousands of visitors from all parts of the country and from Canada and Europe for the 1929 National Air races and exposition have taken concrete form with the marked progress being made in the race construction program at the municipal airport.

Aug. 24 to Sept. 2. More than $50.000 will be expended in decorating downtown Cleveland with banners: seven terminal railroad lines will run excusions to the city: three gates at the airport will pass 5000 cars an hour with heavy details of police and national guardsmen on hand: and more than a mile of cable for electric light has been laid. The race program, announced tentauvely three weeks ago.

will be given final consideration this week and will be announced and broadcast within a few days. COMPANY FORMED TO BUILD AIRWAYS For the purpose of planning. designing. constructing and maintaining air terminals, the Airways Construction Service. has been organized in Buffalo by William A.

Wean. of the Wean Contracting company, and Earl M. DeNoon, former Buffalo manager of Sky View Lines, and a graduate engineer. Mr. Wean has had wide experience In landscaping work and latterly in the construction of small airports in this vicinity.

Mr. DeNoon a.S manager for the Sky View company supervised the construction of that company's two ports at Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Offices of the new company have been established in 60 West Delavan avenue WINNIPEG HAILS PLANS FOR AIR LINK WITH U. S. WINNIPEG.

July of Minneapolis with Winnipeg by an air route, which will in turn connect Winnipeg with all great air routes in the United States, is held to be one of the most notable advances in aviation to date by prominent Winnipeg businessmen. Plans for establishment of an international air route are underway by the Western Canada airways and Northwest airways. "It not only will accelerate and facilitate important business transactions between Winnipeg and American ager of the Bank of Montreal. Winnicenters." a declared R. J.

Williams, peg. "but it will mean an actual saving on the transportation of financial documents. CONDITION OF SCHLEE, HIT BY PROPELLER, IS SERIOUS DETROIT, July 24 A. -Edward Schlee. president of the Schlee-Brock Aircraft corporation, who was injured yesterday at the city airport when struck by an airplane propeller, WAS reported today at Harper hospital to be recovering but still is in a serious condition.

He suffered concussion of the brain and lacerations of the left elbow, left. and scalp. PEEKSKILL, N. Y. -Putnam county authorities are opposed to bare legs for girls and threaten arrests.

They have ordered police to tell stockingJess summer visitors to dress properly. Excavations at Ur of the Chaldees have shown that the construction of the arch, vault and dome were understood As early as 3500 B. C. IN MEMORIAM Everybody's Column A feature of the Buffalo Evening News since it was founded October 11, 1880. Letters for publication are invited.

Contributions should not exceed 200 words signed with your name and address. Your name will be published unless otherwise requested. Answers to questions of general interest will be published in Everybody's Column. Others will be answered by letter. so give your name and address in submitting queries.

The News also maintains the Buffalo Evening News Washington Information Bureau. For a personal answer to any question of fact. address: Buffalo Evening News Washington Information Bureau. Washington. D.

C. Enclose two-cent stamp for reply. Two Lovers ot Dogs Reply to Letter of Protest. I read in the Column what "Citizen" had to say about dogs and posal to shut all dogs out of the city What business had the little girl in some other yard than her own? Why wasn she in her own back yard? Perhaps she tried to pet the dog or maybe she pulled the strange dog's hair the wrong war -who knows As for the City council passing an ordinance prohibiting dogs within the citt limits I think that our councilmen should have plenty to do tut attending 10 city business Instead taking away from us 0118 of man's best friends, the dog. MARIE I wish to answer "Citizen' who prothat dogs be barred in this city poses Has he ever owned a dog? Does he know anything about dogs Have dogs not the right LO live and to enjoy human companionship 111 the city 115 well A.5 In the country? And.

A6 fo: the baby girl whteh a dog attacked. did she bot wander into the dog's back Yard, where the dog was chained? Was that the dog's fault? No. the baby's mother should have watched her little girl to see that she did not near any dog chained in its own vard." "Citizen" wrote that a dog is not worth one hair of a human Well my reply to that is that I would rather have my than some humans whom I have met. When I meet a man 01 a woman who does not like a dog feel sorry for him or her-for such persons cannot possess a heart or soul TEDDY. offering Snappy Suggestions About Repaving or Fixing up Lower Delaand Other Main Arteries.

Why bother about repaving and otherwise fixing up lower Delaware averue and other main traffic arteries in Buffalo? In the first place. there's the expense and the time to think of; and. judging from past paving expertences. there'd be only a brief. fleeting period in which the streets would be passable for anything but a goat.

So. why not let nature take course for a few weeks or months more and transform lower Delaware avenue for Instance, IntO A delightful TO 1: garden with deep crystal pools, tinkling waterfalls and Imposing stony peak-? It wouldn't require much work. just a little deepening of declivities here. a little more elevation there--and a praver for rain Auto- who now bump bumps down Delaware aventic could then park their cars at the edge of the rock garden--or push 'em diet and proceed to the office 111 muleback. And think how that would the dispositions of RIDE 'EM.

This Veteran'; Suggestion for sending "Political Exigencies" to Rear. be relegated to the background Representative Prall. Democrat. New York cit wants Director of the Census William Stewart to apport American Legion mothers. widows al.

unemployed and disabled veterans to make the 1930 enumeratien The Lesion "would the and appreciate of proVInE 11.8 well "Political background Let the nun the An 01 the World the Veterans of Forcian Ware of he United States and tire can nish far more need and di-abled set. flans Chan be neerien to take census for 1930 and then of Read the German Nor ember 1918 JUSTICIA A F- Cities Soted for Wide Streets, Please name 110 or three 11 having wide difference 10. am friends hate been aprond TOW TE Such arc D. and Berlin Dusseldort And German: Mans rope have some also some extremelr UnES The above mentioned it ed fo the uniformis streets. Origin of the Same Duluth.

What VAS 1he nf the Buth" Was CheEr per -ON 01 WAS the name inade up 10 I Daniel Gressolon dit Lhitt Duluth Was distinguished explorer. a of Tonty. On Jult 2 1679. est he called. the French arms and took formal pos.

session of territory .1. North Amonca 111 the name of France The Earliest Written Music, When WAS 111 written The earliest attempt at notation 1: music was probably made bs the Hindus and Chinese at a very early date Notation was also known 1r the Greeks. The modern system WAS derised br the Italian Guido of Arezzo Answers in Brief. CURIOUS TOURIST -Althouel: 11.6 Colorado and Rio Grande rivers practically A are the same in length, the Colorado carries down four times the quantity of water that flows in the Grande, according to geological survey statistics. ALBERT C.

-A loan may be obtained on your War certificate after the expiration of two years from Its date of issue. Consult the Veterans' bureau, which. will advise and assist you in procuring a loan. FRANK P. -The United States leads the world in production of coal fo: fuel purposes, producing more that.

51 per cent. of all the coal in the world. MISS L. S. -In Ancient Athens there were probably 10,000 houses; the city area was limited by a city wall five miles In circumference.

STUDENT -British sovereigns who reigned more than 50 rears Include Henry 111, George III and Queen Victoria. GRODZINSKY -In sad and loving memory of our dear husband and father, Isadore, who passed away five years ago today. Gone, but not forgotten. WIFE AND CHILDREN. SCHMITT- -In loving memory of my dear husband, Rudolph, who passed away five years ago.

July 24. 1924. Days of sorrow still come o'er me, Tears of sadness often flow When I think of my dear husband, Whom I lost five years ago. WIFE. SCHMITT -In loving memory of our dear Rudolph, who passed away five years ago today.

Days of sorrow still come o'er us, Tears of sadness often flow When we think of our dear Rudolph, Whom we lost five years ago. PARENTS. SISTERS AND BROTHERS. ALMETER -I Sheldon. N.

July 23, 1929. Frank husband of Margaret mnee Tarnish, father ut George, Mrs. Balser Winch. Mrs. A.

Miller, Mrs. E. Solly. Mrs. Clarence Ash, Mrs.

Adolph Metzger and the lute Mrs. Edward Donahue. Funeral from the family home Fridir. 216 9:30 o'clock from St. Cecilia church at 10 o'clock.

standard time. BRAUN- Suddenly, in this city. July 23, 1929 John Braun. husband of the late Emma L. Braun (nee Weaver father of Harvey G.

Mildred Braun. hon of Thresa and the late Anthony Braun: brother of Anthony P. Edward J. Andrew H. Braun.

Mrs. Charles J. Nazel, Mrs. Elizabeth WeaVer. Mrs William Winegar.

Mrs. Arthur L. Ring and the late Mrs. Bertha Klent. Fuheral from the family home, 879 WoodLaWr avenue, Friday at 2:30 P.

M. Friends are mvited Deceased was 2 member of Concordia Lode No. 143. F. A.

M. OineLodge No 259, 0 0 Burial under the auspices of Concordia Lodge No. 143. A Members will please assemble at the Masonte temple. 43 Niagara street.

Friday at 24123 BECHTOLD 1.1 this July 24. 1929. Nulle Maud nee Brien beloved wile 0. Cha Eles B. mother of Arthur F.

dauchtor of the MIA. Bacon and sister of Mr. A. Charter. Thomas E.

Brien and Mrs. I Marnott. Notice later DEIBEL In thus July 23. 1929. Louise.

beloved wite ot Charles and mother at MIs W. Eudel, Charles. Mrs. L. MacQueen.

Mrs Edward and the late Fred Deibel. Deceased menber DI Woman Benefit Association 01 Macen bees 31.11 2.0.1 Reformed Funeral from the fall30 Berti.el street Friday Afternoon at 2 cluck and from EvanL Zohr chureti. Genesce and Rohr street: at 30 clock. Friends invited 10. attend, 14135 DEAN -In Kenmore, Juts 22.

1929. Hannah. widow of he late Danas Deal: mother ot Ada Esco. Burton. Mrs Peter Phernanand Mr.

A I Fort sister of MIS. George Phillips ot Battle Creek. Mich. Funeral services private from her Inte restdence. 48 Columbaa bird.

Kenmore, Thursday afternoon H1 1 o'clock. Interment at Jordan Station. C.n da. At 3 30 clock. daylight saving time 23124 ELY -At Lutheran Church Louie.

July 23. Fannie widow of the late Ralph. mother of Ralph Ely Jr. 220 91 vears. Funeral from Lutheran Churn home, 217 East Delavan Thursday after1.001 nt 3 30 clock to attend.

FEATHERSTONE- TA city. July Nelson, dearly beloved husband of labella Gustr. dear father of Edna May Funeral from his late dence. 68 Feinhill a Thur day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Deceased member of Crescent lodge No.

I 0 and Butfalo lodge No 846. A. M. Friends are invited to GORDON July 27 1429. Buffalo.

Charies S. beloved husband ut A The funeral will be L. Vale trot send flowers. MASSARD Buffalo. July 117 Auburn At Er of Jack Hassard, mother of ArThur.

s.ster M14 Al Fut ral from 30-1 West at 11 411 D. pers please copy JENNISON In Julv 1920, Anna Gannon. te the late beloem: mother nt M.ltord and the fate James Jennison contenter of El.en Il-unett and P. Gather: of Gannon and Ale Mary Predmore, The funeril will place front the family residence. 90 Milford street.

Thursday at 8 30 co*ck and from the Church of Our Lady of Perpetua! Help 81 4 are Invited to tend. 43131 KLAWON Sudden to In July 1920. 83. of the Joseph, of Prank Karnath of 436 MITs John of Var shore. tid Clemente DIS Funeral King's chapel Guider Wednesder.

and St. James cObre and Kensington 9 A. In NE Calvary KOCH It Jul: 13 Lil of A the late Catherine I Koch Beets sister of and Powera Korl. Fineral from residence street be announced fat LiPreared Oscen Charter 386. Star I.ri Home Departure LICIT BatE July 43 el of Mary tr! Jot.n.

Cather. It TIA funeral poo Friday 9 MEAN Jane bi A HA and Arthur Keun 01 11 Best: AlbanY. The from late residence. 00 Friends LET 0: MIs. Muller Alter 04 Tonawanda.

ol Salt Lake Gas Mr. ot No Inn day atternoon 4304 ACDOUGALL July UR. Jimes tp father GL Jolt. Jussie 11 from the Thurs- MAIR- Geor DIED Edward Gent So Git My 1 11- Trout MIS METER Shot. BIOL Helen J.

(1 0. to MORRIS In Caftalo. Y. Tuts Da11t En- band of Mollie father of MelvI and IP Funeral famus 1.33 Bathes Thur day DOOR Doreased wax a member of Part Lodge 290. A M.

IndependFAIL Order of Fire Sons of Queen CIty Social and B. and Fraternal Order No 46. Inder of Parish Lode A Member please as at temple Pt 1:30 P. to 0GILVIE July In her both Arar. 1.1 Buffalo.

Addu. site 01 the tote George from her late residence, 232 Bryans street. Inferment at Ningara-on-the-Labr. PHILLIPS Francis Ruse. axed 14.

01 Michael and Maude Russ Phillips, died suddenly Tuesday at his home. Dean street. Schenectady, N. Funeral Friday morning front St. Tielen Church.

Union street. Schenectads. N. Y. Interment al Worcester.

N. Y. PECK- -In Buffalo. July 22. 1929.

Elizabeth wife of the late Wilham Peck. mother of Mrs. Lewis King. Cleveland. O.

Mrs. Thomas Booker. this city. Wallace Peck and the inte Mabel Robinson and Rosie Colville Funeral from the home of her daughter. MIs.

Booker, 263 Forest avenue. Thursday afternoon. July 25. 1 2:30 Friends Invited Interment at Ellawa cemeters SCHENCK -In this city, July 22. 1929.

Hulda T. Kramer, wife of Louis daughter of the late Gustave and Emlic, sister Mrs. Michael Fickelsher. Mrs. Frank Meyer and Mrs.

George Gruber. Funeral from the family residence, 152 Goethe Thursday afternoon at 2:30 clock Friends are invited to attend 23:24 Order Flowers Al Ander-an Port 411 Main St. Seneca 2987 Flowers Delivered Anywhere. Anytime. -Adv.

CONDITION CRITICAL CARL. TULLOCH. The condition of Carl Tulloch, 17, of 59 Potter's road. was described by physicians in Mercy hospital Wednesday morning as critical with an even chance for recovery. He suffered severe injuries to the neck and spine when he dived.

Sunday afternoon, into shallow water at West Falls. He 15 the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Tulloch and a student of South Park high school. AQUARIUM CLUB WET, SAYS LANDLORD'S SUIT NEW YORK.

July 24 Aquar11101 club is accused by the Humane society of New York of being wet. As landlord the society has begun dispossess proceedings on the ground that the club has violated the prohibuion law's. Tanks of trout and goldfish are laid in the club's bar. ROAD CONDITIONS Touring Routes. ROUTE 3-- Falls to Lockport and cast.

This toile in rood condition. ROUTE Athol Springs 011 Lake Shore road through Buffalo via Main street to Batavia. In condition. ROUTE 10- Puttado 10 Olean Pavement is bema resurtaced between South Wales and Holland from Franklinville to a poInt one mile north ot Mapleburst Scott's CorTrattic will be shuhtly delaved and should proceed with caution between these points. ROUTE 17-1-A-Westfeld to Olean and east.

Work 15 under Way between East Randolph and Red House and this portion of the r'Ond 15 dosed 10 traffic. Detour posted and good condition Throuch traffic Route 17-4 Via Little Valley Balance so ndcondition ROUTE 18- Battalo south to Pennsylvanta sate line vi.t Gowandu and Salamanca tr condition Coustruction 15 under A troth Gowanda to Dayton is being maintained but will be shiehtly delayed An unproved conniy rond known 25 Broadway 18 at Gowanda tor throuch south bound ROUTE 20 state to Athol Sp' 011 the Lake Shore road thence Aurora. Warsaw and east Pateresurfaced between Brocton and and Sheridan Trattle will be delayed and should pro ted W. Caution Pavement 15 being Lo 40 tret between Wanakah and Athni Springs Dit two Wiry traffic 15 There short detour over rund st a srade crossing chiminaprotect 11:1 of Orchard Park an good condition. ROUTE 31 Nia- la Falls east.

This FOUL ood condition. ROUTE 31-A Niseura Pails east via Sanborli to Route 31 This route 15 111 L00d There a short posted detour unproved roads near Sanborn which no delay to 20 North from Main street 11A It. to Lockport and In ROUTE 14 to Niagara Falls tia Fats boulevard thence north to Yo Wo: IS under way between Buffalo tine and Elliott creek 111 Erie a distance of four miles and this OL road is closed to traffie Detours over Improved roads ATP posted Throuch trattie between Buffalo And Niagara shonid Delaware avenue to TondWirnda thence Rarer road to Niagara Fells, OP 01.0 of the other posted roads The route 14 open mol 1: Rood condition north Creek ROUTE 35- east over Broadway nod condition ROUTE 60 Fredonia south through DA to Pounssicatia state line. In nod costaltion Erie Counts. Under 11 0:11 miles north of SpringVille to Patchin Traffic 15 beIGE maintained but will be BOSTON-COLDEN Closed tor construction Detour posted.

ORCHARD PARK Under construction from Jewettsille 10 Orchard Park is being maintamed but will be shah ly delayed Chautauqua Counts. SHERMAN-MAYVILLE Closed at Penncros. where construe. WaS Detour prated and 111 SINCLAIRVILLE Work 111 britte 112 miles south of Use FORESTVILLE-GOWANDA Closed for con trurtion Detour posted 00710 111 fair condition JAMESTOWN ASIIVILLE Pavement Is beins widened and resurfaced betwen Jamestown and Ashville Corners Traffic will be shishtly delayed and should picceed with caution. Cattaraugus County.

QUAKER BRIDGE-COLD SPRINGS Closed for construction. Detour posted and :11 good condition DEATHS Certificates filed In the Burean of Vital Statistics, Bureau of Health. up to 2 A 63. 112 Demp-te1 80. 35 Edwin, Jut 21.

Lt. 001- 43. 219 Penora. July Henry G. 40.

73 St Mats July A. Witan Congress 21 Knoc Fu, July 20 11. mbutv. July 21 Mare 10. to 19 the.

Juli I Enton. MI Jair 1 la 21 A 23. Winchester. July 30 July Norwal. July 13 18 July July 22.

Bedford. P. July 1411 Mucin. July July 20 FIRE RECORD Ala! 4 1.1 110 BlAme du 4.24 M. Peace bridge, no 0 0013 00 0 30 P.

M. 557 Michigan ET fence in by bontite. da 10 M. 80 Jewett avenue, trace buildowned by Bahn Nacle and occupied the Irt Engineering company fire by spontaneous combustion. machiners $60 000.

10 04 Delavan and Fillmore ave. rubbish the. no damage. 11 56 P. 30 Ro-eville street.

frame duetting orned by William 1. 320 Par 1 by on: $500 damage. SCHMITT -In Ebenezer, N. July 22, Anna, beloved wife of Gottlieh Schmitt. Funeral from the family residence.

Main street. Ebenezer. Thursday afternoon Al 1:30 o'clock Friends invited to attend Deceased was a member of First Prussian National society. 23124 SMITH Lockport. N.

Y. July 22. 1929. Robert Smith, brother of Frederick and Christian Smith, Mrs. John Morris.

Mrs. James O'Donnell and the late Louisa Gisman and Albert Smith. Funeral from the residence of his sister. Mrs. John Morris.

237 Emslie street. Thursday afternoon at 30 o'clock. Friends Invited to attend. Deceased WA.S 3 member of Butfalo lodge No. 37, 1.

0. 0. F. 23124 Frank WILLIAMS- July Rowlands. 22.

1929. in Kenmore. N. Y. husband of Gertrude Edge Williams: father of Arja Richard and Frank Rowlands Williams son of Catherine and the late Aria Williams.

The funeral will take place from the family residence. No. 53 Courier bivd. Thursday al 30 o'clock, Friends are invited to attend. Burial at convenience of the family.

23t24 Railroad and Marine News RAIL VETERANS AT OUTING Lackawanna Employes Have Sports Program at Crystal Beach. Holders of records of long service for the Lackawanna railroad gathered here Wednesday from all over the system to attend the annual outing of the Veterans' association at Crystal Beach. The veterans and members their families comprised a party of about 2500. Dinner in the Midway restaurant at noon, sport events in the stadium in the afternoon and dancing in the pavilion later were the principal features planned for the entertainment of the party at the resort. The Veterans' association consists of employes of the Lackawanna railroad who have been in service or more years.

John Graney of Jersey City, engineer of the Lackawanna Limited, which operates between Scranton. and Hoboken, N. is president of the association. Other officers are James T. O'Neill of South Orange, N.

secretary, and A. Stackhouse of Newark, N. treasurer VESSEL PASSAGES Sault Ste. Marie. 1'P TUESDAY.

Murphy Manitoba am E. 1 poor 191 Gallagher am West Catator 11 stod Sweden 1100 Are aid 1-1 E. Block Hurlbot South 1f1 Juntata Schwah Surinn 19 20 water Capt 1. La nan Salth Edmonton IP WEDNESDAY. Saw Soteilbet 3101 Ch It DOWN TUESDAY B.ok Cot lbs Eithert Weltin Late and Har VA 1: Leonard pt Linda I'm liner pol 1 am Maple 1.1 rutt Laughlin 1 Viril pit opohl 1:741 Not BaN PES Him 10 Tia Lates Millet midi.

gh; DOWN WEDNESDAY. AL Entry cm Jo Young- to am I thin Jinan Aha I Julies lane Hotter IN Tine tat WITH WA Bat how Mackinaw City. Lott I'm 1. 1: Got Dot Tot WEDNESDAY DOWN TUESDAY. KotT DOES than 1: QUA Tre 4 01 P'ort of Duluth.

Armal: W. L. King. Yosemite, Leonard. Coalby.

Harvester, Walters Donaldson, Wal G. G. Barnum. Donnaconna, Wallace. Ferbert.

Morrell. Harvard. Rand. Hovt. Stifel J.

A. Farrell Curler Adams, light: P. Minch. Mathiott. Verona, 1.

W. Hill. Berwind. Hemlock. W.

J. Olcott. Marquette, coal: King. E. Gorman, freight: Noronic, passengers Cleared Barium.

Youngstown. F. W. Hart J. W.

Gates. A B. Uhrig. L. King.

WIlham Nelson. Yosemite. Leonard. Coulby. Tomlinson.

Walters. Harvester. McNaughton. Donaldson. Barrollton.

Freelani. J. Walsh. Thompson. Harvard.

G. Barnum. Ferbert. Wallace. 0: 0: Tic1PSIA.

Huronie. S. Mather, light, Scandrett, freight MARINE BRIEFS Decision has been reserved by Capt James M. Todd and William local United States steamboat inspectors, in an investigation of the collison. in the Buttalo river April 29.

between the steamer Lake George of the Davidson Steamship company the steamer G. J. Grammer of Boland Cornelius line and the tug. John Truby, of the Great Lakes Towing company. The steamers met at a bend in the river where there was not sufficient space for safe navigation.

They struck and the tug was caught In the jam. Violation of navigation rules by officers of the steamers is the question involved. Lake Eric, weat end Ohio Scott Point shoal gas buoy 1. previously TOported extinguished, has been relighted The steamer Brandon of the Sullivan Co's fleet, which Is being converted into a self-unloader in the yard 01 the Toledo Shiubuilding company will be placed 111 serv.ce next week. Grain stocks at Ft William and Pt Arthur lust Friday totaled 60.162.016 bushels, according to the latest report from those ports.

The -tor. represented 8 large increase over totals for the Salle time last veal The cripts preceding Hast Friday minounted 10 0 293.232 bushels. Vessels loaded 2 664.009 bushels and mail shipments CISpo-ed of 40.000 bu-hels. The elevators Duluth and Superior Ins: Saturday held 215,510.000 bushels which 111- creased the stocks at the Lake Superior ports to more than 80.000.000 bushels. Repairs have been completed at the plant to the stern bearing and wheel of the gasoline yacht Marces IT.

owned by Charles Walter Buffalo. Capt. Benjamin L. Cowles has placed in drydock. to undergo examination and repalis.

his steam yacht. the Caroline, which was formerly a gOVernment boat, known as the General. J. The Caroline was damwhen sue broke from her moorings at the Cowles-Lenahan plant during a mi last win ARRIVALS AND Port of Buffalo Arrived Wednesday J. Frater Tavlor.

Donner. A. E. R. Schneider.

Jaffray, merchandise: Inland. light: South Ame: passengers: City of Buffalo. Greater Buffalo, passengers, merchandise. Cleared Wednesday A Cornucopla, T. Reid.

H. Black. light Arrived Tuesday Midland King. grain, Davidson. ore: C.

F. Moll. coal: Home Smith. stone: J. T.

Reid, autos: M. S. Tremaine, light. Cleared Tuesday -Briton. coal; Queen.

Milwaukee, merchandise: H. T. Ewig. S. Robbing, G.

Wilson. E. Cornellus. Pioneer. A.

W. Osborne. E. Y. Townsend.

light: Seeandbee. Greater Detroit. passengers, merchandise. Buffalo Barge Canal Terminus. Cleared Wednesday Tug S.

C. Hart, two barges. rye wheat; lug Claremont, four barges, barley. Port Dalhousie. Arrived: Keystate, Scottmisener.

Coniscliffe Hall. Oakbay. Beachbay. Teakbay, Imari. Trenora.

Boland Yacht Parthenia, John Irwin. Cleared: Algonquin, Coteaudoc, Collier, Yacht Norma Lee, Ill 102. Arrived -Matiland Pt. Maitland, merchandise: Ashtabula. Pt.

Burwell. merchandise; J. W. Simpson. Pt.

Colborne. light: Corvis. ore: Jupiter. ore: Calumet. ore: Collins, ore: Sheadle.

ore: Sellwood. ore. Cleared Mailand. Pt. Maitiand.

merchandice: Ashtabula, Pt. Burwell. merchandise: J. W. Simpson.

Velland. coal: Corvis, light: Jupiter. light Calumet. light: Collins, light: Sheadle, light; Sell wood, light. The Daily Calendar The Weather -Events of the Day--Ship News THE WEATHER.

U. S. Department of Agriculture. Weather Bureau Office, Buffalo, July 24. till 9 P.

Thursday. Forecoter, daylight time used.) Buffalo and vicinity: Partly cloudy, With local thundershowers Wednesday afternoon or Wednesday night and possibly Thursday. Slightly warmer Wednesday night. Moderate shifting winds, mostly southwest. Western New York: Increasing cloudiness followed by showers Thursday and possibly near Lake Erie Wednesday night.

Warmer northwest portion Wednesday night and in extreme east portion Thursday. Lower lakes: Gentle to moderate shifting winds. Unsettled with local thundershowers on Erie Wednesday afternoon or Wednesday night, and on Ontario Thursday. Weather Conditions. Local showers and thunderstorms are reported from the southern part of the Lake region to Iowa.

The heaviest-24-hour rainfail was 2.28 inches at Toledo. Rains also are reported near the Gulf Coast. Except in the districts mentioned, the weather is generally fair in the United States, although turning unsettled in the North Atlantic states. The temperature is generally above normal in central and northern districts. except along the Canadian border.

Boston. Chicago and Detroit are among the places to report 8 miximum of 92, while Albany. Ithaca and Indianapolis recorded 90 and Cleveland and Columbus 88. The warmest place east of the Rocky mountains was Dodge City. with 98.

Duluth, by the way of contrast, reports 62. Excessive Sunshine at Buffalo. The maximum temperature at Buffalo on Tuesday was only 76, as compared to 88 at Cleveland and Toronto and 86 at Erie. Wednesday is the first day at Buffalo with cloudy weather since July 18. Sunshine during the past five days has been almost an unusual record for Buffalo.

Further rains have fallen in southern Michigan and over western Lake Erie. Under normal conditions this would be almost a sure indication of rain in the Buffalo district on Wednesday afternoon or night. A year ago Wednesday the highest temperature at Buffalo was 72 and the lowest 63. Local Data. Highest temperature yesterday, 76; lowest last night 62, During the past 24 hours the temperature has been 1 below normal.

Precipitation past 24 hours, none. The sun sets today at 8:46 and rises tomorrow at 6:00. Wednesday's temperatures on page one. Tuesday. 1 P.M.

9 P.M. 9 4 M. Barometer 30.03 29.98 30.12 Humidity 67, 7856 Wind direction SW NW Wind velocity 20 8 Weather Pt. Cl'y Pt.Cly Pt.Cly Precipitation 0 0 In Other Cities. Temperature.

Tues. High past Night Wed, 24 hrs. Low. Prec 9AM. Buffalo 75 62 Pt.Cl'y Albany 90 70 Clear Atlanta 82 70 Rain Atlantic City 78 72 Pt.

Cl'y Bismarck 92 62 Clear Boston 92 72 .01 Clear Chicago 92 66 Pt.Cly Cleveland 88 72 .38 Cloudy Denver 82 64 Clear Des Moines 92 74 Cloudy Detroit 92 66 .06 Cloudy Duluth 62 52 0 Cloudy Galveston 86 76 .10 Rain Grand laven 76 66 .01 Cloudy Jacksonville 82 74 .10 Clear Kansas City 92 78 Pt Cl'y Los Angeles 90 66 Clear Marquette 62 52 Clear Memphis 88 70 Clear Miami 86 80 .04 Clear Moorhead 86 72 0 Clear New Orleans 84 74 .30 Rain New York 82 70 Cloudy North Platte 81 70 Cloudy 94 Cloudy Philadelphia 86 Cloudy Pittsburgh 84 Pt. Cl'y Raleigh 88 68 Clear San Francisco 66 54 Cloudy St. Louis 92 Pt. Cl'y St. Paul 8:2 64 Clear Sault Ste.

74 52 Clear Seattle 76 58 Cloudy Washington 88 70 Cloudy Montreal 84 60 Pt. Cl Toronto 88 62 .03 Clear Edininton 48 0 Clear Winnipeg 84 62 Clear Medicine Hat 54 0 Clear "T'' means trace. J. H. SPENCER, Metcorologist.

Crop Summary. Temperatures for the week in New York state continued to average below the normol. but the daytime temperatures were fairly high, with exceptionally cool nights. Two reporters stated that light frosts 00- curred in the early morning of the 20th. There was no rain, except moderate to heavy local showers on the 18th.

Hail on the 18th caused some damage to fruits 1n1 parts of Niagara and Oswego counties, and LO crons in Tompkins county. Rain 1S much needed over scattered sections of the State. Pastures are holding up satisfactorily In most sections. Wheat cutting is well under way. Corn is making good growth.

some being too high to cultivate. Cabbages and potatoes are doing well, except in the drier sections where they have made little growth. On Long Island. the aphis and leafhoppers have seriously injured the Green Mountain potato crop. Early apples are being marketed in the lower Hudson valley.

The cherry harvest is about over. except in some sections in the western half of the state. Cucumbers and melons are looking good, but garden peas in the drier sections are a failure. Tomatoes are making good growth. 12 MORE PLANES ORDERED Consolidated Plant Busy in Production of Flying Boats.

Receipt of an order by the Consolidated Aircraft corporation for an additional 12 flying boats for service on the York- Buenos Aires air lines has necessitated leasing of due additional floor space for the Elmwood avenue plant. The additional room comprises 55.000 feet of floor space and forms part of plant 2, which is engaged solely in the work of manufacturing these 20-passenger flying boats. More than 200 men are engaged in the work and a night shift is being put into service to turn out first liner by Sept. 1. Thereafter the boats will be produced at the rate of one a month.

The flying boats are built compartment fashion to accommodate 20 to 24 passengers. There are three baggage compartments and facilities for the serving of light meals on board. of the giant ships are in production Tina now. DENIES WAR STATEMENT German Aviator Declares Story Not Told by Him. Baron Karl Von Hirschfeld-Hagelberg.

German aviator. who is in the city for a few days on a pleasure tour, declared Wednesday that a statement to the effect that Germany was prepared for war at any moment was not made by him in an interview Tuesday Baron Hagelberg 1s a blood relation of Baron Von Richtofen. the Red Knight of Germany, and was a flier in the famous war pilot's aerial circus during the World war. FLIER DROPS MAIL ABOARD LEVIATHAN IN NEW TEST ABOARD S. S.

LEVIATHAN. July 24 By radio to United mail sacks were dropped aboard the Leviathan about 50 miles off Boston vesterday from an amphibian plane piloted by Lieut. R. A. Ashtie.

U. S. N. A new air mail device was employed in the experiment which was witnessed by several hundred passengers who were guests of the United States lines. Dr.

L. S. Adams, inventor of the device. was aboard the plane with Ashtie and H. Busky, radio operator.

The Leviathan was en route to New York at the time after having been in dry dock for six days. The ship's hull was scraped and repainted. 3 MORE AIRFIELDS MADE OFFICIAL PORTS OF ENTRY From the Washington Bureau of the BUFFALO EVENING News. WASHINGTON. July of transportation has been going forward at such a rapid pace that the government's committee on ports of entry has designated three additional airports for use of international services between the United States and Canada.

The new ports are Newport. Vt. Grosse island. Detroit, and the Ford Motor company's field. Detroit.

The latter field was designated as an official entry port for temporary purposes, or until the new municipal port lat Detroit is available. FLYING BOAT CARRIES 45 TONS FOR HALF HOUR Special Cable Copyright to the BUFFALO EVENING News and Chicago Daily News. ALTENRHEIN. Switzerland. July 24.

-The giant all -metal la Dornier flying boat Dox flew for half hour early today, carrying A load of 45 tons. Dornier said the plane responded easily to the controls. It is the largest plane ever built that has successfully flown. It has 12 engines arranged in tandem above the wings and is designed to carry 80 passengers, besides a large crew. CZECH FLIGHT PIONEER VISITS BUFFALO PLANT Willis of the Walker Airplane company.

of Prague, o- vakia, one of the first men to fly in a machine. was a he visitor at Consolidated Aircraft corporation plant in Elmwood avenue Tuesday afternoon. The Walker engine, which holds many light engine records in Europe, will be tried out on the Fleet training plane of the Consolidated company. AIRPORT RECORD Traffic at Buffalo airport Tuesday, July 23, included the following: ARRIVALS 6:10 A. Colonial Western Airways, Pitcairn, front Cleveland: pilot.

Brokmeer 11:20 A. M. Radio Frequency Laboratory corporation, Foker, from Boonton; pilot. Meredith. 11:50 A.

M. Colonial Flying Service, Fleet. from Utica: pilot, Botsford. 12:00 M. Colonial Western Airways, Sikorsky, from Toronto: pilot, Proctor.

12:40 P. M. Ford Motor company, Ford Tri-motor. from Detroit: pilot, Mounts. TEL 1:00 P.

M. P. Fisher. Foker, from Detroit: pilot. Salzman.

4:40 P. M. Colontal Western Airways, Pitcairn, from Cleveland; pilot. Basham. 6:00 P.

M. H. A. Sutton, Fairchild, from Farmingdale, pilot, Sutton. 6:30 P.

M. General Airplane corporation, Aristocrat, from New York; pilot, Katzman. 7:15 P. M. Colonial Western Airways, Sikorsky, from Toronto: pilot, Maris.

8:50 P. M. Colonial Western Airways, Pitcairn, from Albany; pilot, Dryer. DEPARTURES 6:40 A M. Colonial Western Airways, Pitcairn, to Albany: pilot, Dryer.

9:50 A. M. Colonial Western Airways, Sikorsky, to Toronto: pilot, Proctor. 11:20 A. Radio Frequency Laboratorles corporation, Foker, to Detroit; pilot, Meredith.

1:45 P. M. L. P. Fisher, Fokker, to Montreal: pilot, Salzman.

2:00 P. M. Ford Motor company, Ford Trimotor, to Detroit: pilot, Mounts. 2:45 P. M.

Colonial Western Airways, Pitcairn. to Cleveland: pilot, Brokmeyer. 2:50 P. M. Colonial Flying Service, Robin.

to Jamestown; pilot. Steffan. 4:00 P. M. Curtiss Flying Service, Ireland.

to Chicago: pilot. Moss. 5:00 P. M. Colonial Western Airways, Sikorsky, to Toronto: pilot, Maris.

11:30 P. M. Colonial Western Airways, Pitcairn, to Cleveland; pilot, Basham. SHIP NEWS. NEW YORK, July 24.

SHIP ARRIVED TUESDAY FROM President Harding Bremen Ile De France Havre Lituania Copenhagen President Polk' Naples Lempira Porto Cortes Swift Eagle Curacao London Corporation. London Mayari Kingston Sac City Rotterdam SHIP DUE WEDNESDAY FROM Homeric Southampton Vandyck Buenos Aires Tachira La Guaria SHIP DUE THURSDAY FROM Santa Marta Santa Marta Maraval Trinidad SHIP SAIL WEDNESDAY FOR George Washington. Bremen Korean Prince. Capetown Mauretania Southampton Carabobo Maicabo Lempira Porto Cortes Silvia Trinidad Zacadaca Santa Marta SHIP SAIL THURSDAY FOR American Banker London Argosy Copenhagen Exmoor Alexandria Lituania Danzig Westphalia Hamburg West Eldara Antwerp Haiti St. Thomas Santarem Santos Teno Valparaiso SHIP ARRIVED ABROAD AT Hamburg Hamburg, July 23 London Merchant London, July 23 Vauban Rio de Janeiro, 22.

Volendam Rotterdam, July 22 Vulcania Naples, July 22 Cleveland Hamburg, July Calgaric Stockholm, 22 Minnesota London, July 22 Lapland Antwerp, July 22 Adriatic Liverpool, July 22 EVENTS WEDNESDAY. Cards Lady Rose Anna circle 1264, North Butfalo hall, Hamilton and Niagara streets8 P. M. Concerts. Band concert.

Parks department orchestra, the Front-8 P. M. Demonstration. Ice cream demonstration, Buffalo Home bureau, 220 Franklin street-2 P. M.

Entertainments. Lawn fete. Mt. Mercy hospital, Abbott road and Choate street--afternoon and evening Lawn fete. St.

Bartholomew's church, 335 Grider street -afternoon and evening. Lectures. State Teachers' college, Dr. Philip W. P.

M. Luncheons. Kiwanis club, Hotel P. M. American Business club, Hotel P.

M. Royal Order of Tomatoes, Hotel P. M. Outings. Genesee-Walden Businessmen's and Texpayers' association, Heller's grove, Genesee road-1 P.

M. Miniature Lamp Works, Crystal Beachall day, Fraternal outing, Grover Cleveland park M. Second division. Grand Island -all day. West Side Buiness Men's association.

Erie Beach -all day. Twenty- four Karat club, Automobile club, Clarence- day. Church of Christ the King. Grover Cleveland M. St.

Cristopher's Shrine, Ellicott Creek estates--afternoon and evening. St. Matthew's church. Port Dalhousie, Ont. all day.

Lackawanna Railroad Veterans association. Crystal Beach -all day. Buffalo League of Advertising Women, Pinehurst Country club -afternoon and evening. St. Mary's Catholic church, Sacred Heart church grove, Bowmansville- afternoon and evening.

Erie County Board of Supervisors, burg fairgrounds -all day, Dinners. Allied Printing Trades Council of Now York state. Crystal Beach-5 P. M. In asTu1 1 EVENTS THURSDAY.

Concerts. Buffalo Symphony orchestra, Delaware park-8 P. M. Band cencert. Park's department, band, Hennepin-8 P.

M. Dinners Democratic Club of 1000 Women, 875 Main street- 8 P. M. Tau Sigma Tau sorority, Pirotta's8 P. M.

Entertainments. Tea dance and play. "The Florist University of Buffalo- afternoon and evening. Luncheons. Rotary club.

Hotel P. M. Knights of the Round Table. Hotel Stater P. M.

Mercator club. Hotel Buffalo- 12:30 P. M. Exchange club, Hotel P. M.

Meetings. Exposition comm'ttee. Buffalo Real Estate board. Hotel a P. M.

Conference club of Business and Pro! fessional Women, 32 Crescent P. M. Outings. Lafayette Republican Women's club, Erle Beach -all day. University District Republican club.

Grover Cleveland park--all day. River party, Scalpers of Buffalo, leave foot of Amherst A. M. to BIRTHS Certificates tiled in the Bureau of Vital Statistics, Bureau of Health. up to 2 P.

24. Girls were born to Mr. and Arthur E. Woelffel, 37 Federal. July 17.

Chester White. 78 Marimont, July 17. Philip Ward, 729 Perry. July 17. Archibald Walski, 19 Alamo.

July 17. R. Tschampel, 132 W. Tupper. July 18.

Karmierz Szrynlawski, 79 Sunset, July 17. Stempowski, 444 South Ogden, July 18. Ray S. Stedman. 455 Colvin.

July 16. Fred G. Smith, 21 Lakewood, July 18. Simon Sernoffsky, 48 Butler. July 17.

Frank Roehner, 138 Lemon, July 18. Mathew Powalski. 236 Townsend. July 16. Peter J.

Pellegrine, 949 Northampton, July 16 Phillip E. Opp, 298 Lexington, July 17. Walter Odebralski, 83 Ivy. July 16. Robert B.

Nicoll, 174 Sheffield. July 15. K. Newkirk, 505 Rhode Island, July 20. Raymond Musty, Wales Center, 16.

Louis Mossmord, 445 Wohlers. July 18. Peter Miachin, 1005 Tonawanda, July 19. Nelson H. Keenen, 678 Elk.

July 17. Gregorio Iovannucci, 514 N. Division, July 15 John Hurley, Lancaster, July 17. Earl J. Heusinger.

Gardenville, July 15. Herbert Hawley, 19 Elsie. July 12. Fred Guenther, 71 Longnecker, July 17. Joseph Finucane, 710 Elk.

July 18. Joseph DiTondo, 433 North Division July 18. Emilio, Davoll, 1478 E. Delavan, July 21. Harold J.

Daley, 1310 Bailey, July 18. George Atta, 188 north Division, July 16. Boys Were Born to Mr. and John A. Zogda, 49 Pontiac.

July 19. Louis Week. 230 Lewis, July 16. Leo Walesczak, 123 Ashley, July 18. Mario B.

Torchia, 230 Normal, July 21. Thomas R. Taylor 86 19th July 17. Morris Swagier 39 Lovering July 15. George A.

Stout 21 Courtland. July 18. Chester Stasklewicz, 76 Oberlin, July 18. Frank Smukall, 282 Bisseil, July 18. Karl Smither, 2337 Main, July 18.

Walter Simbritz, 103 Spruce, July 19. Earl H. Seeger, 102 Johnson. July 16. Anthony Priebeh, 354 Tonawanda, July 17.

Charles A. Pettit, 593 Grant, July 13. Ray W. Parks, Detroit, July 17. Deodoro Palladino, 182 Goethe, July 12.

Joseph Niciforo, 392 Fargo, July 16. Salvatore LaMastra, 362 14th. July 19. Francis Kreuz, 584 Clinton, July 18. Jacob Koztowski, 24 Jones, July 16.

Walter Kaminski, 58 Reed, July 11. Lester G. Hoffman, 78 Ernst, July 19. Herman L. Harris, 91 Stanley, July 17.

Edwin R. Harris, Gasport, July 17. Samuel D. Hall, 331 North Park, July 19. Joseph Goodman, 368 Baynes, July 18.

Henry Farrell, 205 Smith, July 17. Joseph Dudka. 928 Clinton, July 16. Owen Drake, 216 Dearborn, July 17. Edward Brady, 64 Seymour, July 17.

Nelson F. Bowe, 92 Victoria, July 17. Anthony Billitier, 506 Swan, July 16. OBITUARY Joseph V. Connolly.

WASHINGTON, July 24 V. Connolly, 36, assistant United States attorney, is dead, a victim of appendiwas born Fall River, Mass, where his mother and brother, Father Connolly, still reside. Another brother, a professor at St. Thomas college, lives at St. Paul, Minn.

Lealle J. Steele. WASHINGTON, July Leslie J. Steele, Georgia, died early today in Garfield Memorial hospital, where he underwent an operation Monday. MARRIAGE LICENSES Carl Selemo, Forestrille- Angeline Patti, 51 Hudson.

Georre H. Butler. 602 Fargo--Evelyn A. C. Schwedler.

123 Grace. John Buszla. 99 Grimes- Stephania Rejetamka, 62 Person. Desiderious Stanicy. 416 N.

Oak- Frances La Berta, 416 N. Oak. Stanley Wysek. 217 Dingens-Helen Marchlewska. 265 Weiss.

Andy Moxley, 486 Spring Mrs. Mary Gloucester. 486 Spring. Leo Gwiardowski. 30 Stanislaus Helen Karnvska, 171 Lovejoy.

Wilfred S. Pitman. 290 Lafayette--Catherine A. Foran, 68 Mildred. Almar Myreng.

1172 Michigan -Magnhild Edwardsen. 410 Cambrid-c. Harry Gairey, 602 S. Division--Elma King, 553 S. Divinion Rowland Fisher, 1419 Main Christiana Finlay, 39 Balcom.

Leon A. Chojaucki. 555 Fillmore- -Axilca M. Milligan, 35 Putnam. Oscar S.

Witte. 1294 Fillmore--Mary E. Carey, 135 Whitfield. Albert Essex--Ethel McMurray, 219 Riverside. Alphonse Moscati, Niagara Falls -Concetta Russo, 58 Roma, Herbert M.

Heller. 215 Norton Goldie Greenfield. 825 Humboldt. DIED When "Looks" Do Mean So Much! In the deepest bereavement there is a subtle sense of comfort in feeling that appearances are perfect. Uniformity and dignity of funeral limousines add the final refining touch to a ceremony from which the slightest jarring note should be absent.

-Funeral Directors Obtain This Service VO A Buffalo Funeral Vehicle Owners' Association.

The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)
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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

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Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.